[Cloudwatcher]'s diary

522430  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-15
Written:2005-03-15 02:57:29 (7321 days ago)

 Well...today..there was this freaky llama who aproched me when i was walking home
he asked me if i wanted to buy a watch i politly declined and went on my way
he stared following me repeating the same thing over and over
"follow the clock, and though shall find the number 12"
i have no idea what it means
 then i told him to bugger off
and he said he was a llama and he coulnt bugger anything
but he finaly left me alone
and i went home
only to find his brother
asking me if i wanted to buy a hair brush
llamas are so common around here i am wondering why you havent seen them before
after the llamas brother asked me if i wanted a hair brush
i told him how i had a similar experience with his brother
he laughed at me and told me he was more perswasive
i kinnda backed away and told him i had a hair brush and i didnt need one
he looked me over and told me i needed to look again
i gave him a puzzled look and said he was a llama and didnt know anything
he laughed and said beacuse he was a llama, he was the perfect person to tell me about my messy hair

 The logged in version 

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