[Dark Mage of Sea]'s diary

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Written about Monday 2005-11-07
Written: (6899 days ago)
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From [mew Aeris]
what would you do if:
[1) I committed suicide:] I'll cry
[2) I said I liked you:] I like you as a friend
[3) I kissed you:] Agh! What are you thinking?!
[4) I lived next door to you:]Yay! Cool!
[5) I started smoking:]WTF! Don't!
[6) I stole something:]You baka!
[7) I was hospitalized:]I'll come and vist you
[8) I ran away from home:]I'm going to find you weather you like it or not!
[9) I got into a fight and you weren't there]Kiko! How many times did I told you not to get into a fight?!

what do you think of my:
[1) Personality:]Awsome!
[2) Eyes:]Cool!
[3) Face:]Kawaii^_^
[4) Hair:]Sprong!
[5) Clothes:]Just like Joey ^_^
[6) Mannerisms:].... What are you talking about? <_< >_>

general stuff:
[1) Who are you?]Merina
[2) Are we friends?]Yes
[3) When and how did we meet?] In 6th grade by Tlyer and Kyle
[4) How have I affected you?]A lot!
[5) What do you think of me?]As an awsome person!
[6) What's the fondest memory you have of me?]When we found out that I like Yugi/Yami and you like Joey
[7) How long do you think we will be friends or enemies?]*sings from chocobo robo* Till Doomsade!
[8) Do you love me?]As a friend
[9) Have I ever hurt you?]Yes but I came over it
[10) Would you hug me?]*hugs her* I just did
[11) Would you kiss me?]........... Oh-kay
[12) Would you make love to me?]Huh?! Are you sick?!
[13) Would you marry me?]I'm don't bend that way
[14) Emotionally, what stands out?]You're hypperness
[15) Do you wish I was cooler?]No, you're prefect being yourself
[16) On a scale of 1-10, how nice am I?]10!
[17) Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.]Kiko cause it's cute like you
[18) Am I loveable?]Duh! Why does Joey love you?
[19) How long have you known me?]Since 6th grade!
[20) Describe me in one word.]HYPER!
[21) What was your first impression?]You are a nice girl
[22) Do you still think that way about me now?]No, I think of you as my best and loyal pal, just like Yugi thinks of Joey
[23) What do you think my weakness is?]Being hurt deeply
[24) Do you think I'll get married?]Yes! By Joey!
[25) What about me makes you happy?]Your spirit is never broken
[26) What about me makes you sad?]That you have been hurt
[27) What reminds you of me?]A kawaii monkey demon
[28) What's something you would change about me?]Nothing
[29) How well do you know me?]I know everything about you....... I think
[30) Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?]I don't remember
[31) Do you think I would kill someone?]No!
[32) Are we close?]Yes as friends
[33) Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?] Yes

684568  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-19
Written: (6917 days ago)

How long has it been? *looks at the days* Oh! Ten days. Just ten days and I have my first wiki! ^_^ It's called Calling Fire and Aqua Phoenix Holders. It's really awesome and when will Kiko ([mew aeris]) update her own randomess talk? *shurgs* I really do need help uploading another wiki. Serouisly, I need help

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