Dude..Today was a relativly good day...i was a little tired on the bus ride home..Jordi was ticking me off a tid bit but i got over it..how?..i moved up 2 seats..(So Smart)..I left my stuff in my other seat and jordi was like.."Im Gonna read your notebook of notes"..(Yes i have on of those..and the notes were about him but i didnt remember what i put so i let him read them thinking it was gonna be just like anyother day i let him read my notes so anyways i was jnst sitting there and all the sudden he was like.."Oh!" in a funny voice and i was like.."Oh what?" and he shrugged then i said.."No you no..tell me" and he showed me where i wrote.."I was gonna Write Jordi a note askin him what i have to do to get him to like me"..I was SOOOO Embarrased!..i hide my face and he just laughed at me and stuff..He's a really nice guy..-sighs-..
Hello..Im New to writting in the "Diary"...Most Diarys are private are they not?..I guess people are just nosey...Anyway
Beyond the Tree's
Past The Bay
Lie a Patch of Golden Shade
And in that Shade
You will find
Something that is only Mine
A World of peace,life and joy
Some may think is just a toy
But i dont think so
come on lets go
Down the road
to my humble home