[Deus Ex Taco]'s diary

1140928  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-08-24
Written:2011-08-24 09:15:40 (4968 days ago)

My friend Ian showed me this Korean comic today. I'm going to warn you all that I still cannot fully handle the emotional flux going through me right now. It's terrifying. I'm terrified. This is not pleasant. Don't look at it. It will ruin your day, like it has ruined mine.

2011 미스테리 단편 :: 네이버 만화

1054134  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-11-08
Written:2008-11-08 16:44:39 (5987 days ago)

I'm slowly growing bored of this life.

A life where the place you can have the most fun is the computer.

A life where all of the "popular" kids think that they're better than you.

A life where all that I ask is that people could just realize that they aren't the only ones with feelings.

A life where I must defend those who cannot defend themselves from the verbal abuse of others.

A life where I wake up and realize I was once that way. A heartless piece of refuse who's greatest pleasure was the pain of others hearts. 

A life where I hate myself for what I have done and cannot undo.

A life where all that I want is to be able to have fun like I did in second grade. I didn't need a monitor or a controller to enjoy myself. I didn't have to decimate the self esteem of those less intelligent than I was. I sure as hell didn't need to worry about the way I looked to avoid being attacked for it. 

A life where some of my best friends are ruining their lives with drugs and alcohol and I know that I can't do anything to convince them otherwise. A life where my best friend since I was 7 wants to move away from here and never come back. A life where my other best friend since that time has so much inner turmoil and refuses to tell me about it so I can help him.

This is the life that I want to erase and start over. Get rid of all the smudge marks and replace them with fine lines. 

If someone knows how I can mend some of these things, please help me. Please tell me where to start. Please tell me where to end.


919924  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written:2007-03-15 00:49:45 (6591 days ago)
Next in thread: 931260

K, i'm finally back for good, i got some new pics up of me, it's been about a year since i took a new one XD

 The logged in version 

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