It is a day, of cold wet air, and I am standing there laughing with my friends and having a time. I do not see nor hear no hint of trouble or one sadistic inside my head, but I worry of those whose impact on me was small and insufficent for my recoginition. Kian - the girl whom twisted my brian and seeming haunting way she presents herself embedds itself into my mind. As if I do not think enough as it is, I try to forget amongst the laugher and insanity along with my loud laughs and stupid nonsensical comments.
Yes - I guess we're all a little insane, our heads twisted not so tightly, just held on with a small patch of glue just waiting to fall off. Our world can be described as a cruel one, and yet, we're the ones causing the cruelty. Driving human beings to the brink of insanity. Luckily, a few friends have prevented the line from being crossed and some souls to be taken for no apparent reason. My friends keep me on this earth.
We're but ants digging deeper into the ground.
Oh please - Society grows bigger by the moment. Like an ant colony, we grow, expand, consume and destroy. Unlike the ants, however, we do not have a specific leader to folllow. We have presidents, leaders, Kings, but do they really qualify to be the ones who will lead humanity into a greater tommorow? Unfortunately, no. They're as corrupt as their predecessors. Some have their moments, some come in good intentions, but it fades.
It's amazing,but however, unsurprising.