TOday we had the demonstration for the brigadier, commander of the armour trainning center here. Normaly 2 of the proffesional hoplites' platoons would compete for which is the best during the demonstrations with the weapons (tricks + parade. Our "ιλη" (ili=company -3 platoons) instead of fomring 3 demonstrations
Unfortunatly everything is getting worse latelly..... it is strange when I try to think how the worst can become eve worse lol...
I am fighting with my paretns as always I did... my parents start fighting almsot all the time almost as much as before...
They might take a divorse... but I dont care....
My father will be probably jailled again... and this time because of his stupinity... and not only this but from his actions people are trying to kill both me and him (or damage our house anyway) a month a go they tryed to put a dynamite but thankfully we wake up and we make them run away before they lit it... they were spying on us since many days ago and me and a ex-albanian comando who lives in our house from times to times.
Our financials are so low that even food is something taht we might cant have somedays...
I cant find a damned job t_t I tryed to enter the profesional hoplites they are like our normal army witth the exception that they get a very good salary and they have to stay in the army for 7 years atleast. I passed all of the tests psychological IQ some strange questios they were making to us and doctors and the exercises we had to do (athletics) and I had been aproved for special forces... my happiness was unlimmited but I had forgot to give them one of the degrees (the most importand of all) so the points I collected werent enough compared with other kids there and so I am somekind of reserve that probably will never get the job atleast not until the whole things is repeated and send all of the my papers... t_t
anyway lets speak for more that happened latelly... my grandma got totally insane almost... she things taht her sister said to my father to go to her house and stole her glasses to sell them and cast magic on her too and things like that omg...
and last but not least is that my father wants to sell our only (beautiful) house so he can pay and not be jailled until they decide if he is guilty or not.... he is both idiots and insane I think.....
eveno more happened but cant think clear now... so I will go to my villlage and hope taht I ll see my father before he is jailled to convince him in anyway I can not to sell the house t_t these will be the most lonelly, destructive and misserable hollidays taht I will have ever spent... all alone without money and with all these problems and people who try to harm me... mercy.... cu and merry Christmas to everyone :* cya!