[Emma_Bun]'s diary

665390  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written:2005-09-14 16:43:40 (7138 days ago)

Wow, I haven't been on here for 5 WHOLE MONTHS! It feels really strange to be back, but it feels really great at the same time.

I just hope that all my friends on here are safe and well. I've missed you guys like crazy, I really have!

So much has happened since I've last been on. I'm in Year 9 already (8th grade for you Americans), I'm doing a load of tests this year and I've finally decided that I'll probably end up moving to Canada when I'm older.

And on that note, Keep safe and don't try to do anything stupid while I'm not on here. This'll probablt the last time I come here for a very long time again because my library still has this place blocked.

Much love, hugs and kisses
Emma xxx

581644  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-24
Written:2005-05-24 14:08:00 (7251 days ago)

Raining in the middle of May...

I think global warming's starting to take its toll on the world at long last

Well we've only got ourselves to blame haven't we?

581642  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-24
Written:2005-05-24 14:06:28 (7251 days ago)

You know, I never thought I'd say this but I'm actually enjoying doing a piece of school work!

It's a fairy tale story with a modern twist in it...all my friends say it's brilliant and that I should take it to a publisher ASAP, but I haven't even finished it yet...

But when it's finished, I'll put it on a wiki so that all you nice people out there can read it and comment on it!

577982  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-19
Written:2005-05-19 16:22:19 (7256 days ago)




574433  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-05-14
Written:2005-05-14 10:32:44 (7261 days ago)

...I never thought that this day would come, but it has...
...I've never been so upset...
...It looks like I'll be supporting Bolton Wanderers from now on...

573788  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-13
Written:2005-05-13 15:49:11 (7262 days ago)

hmm now what can I write for all you people out there to read?

Erm...erm......erm.........erm............erm...............I don't know!

573242  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-05-12
Written:2005-05-12 15:17:38 (7263 days ago)

Dear Mr Malcom Glazer,
Every Manchester United fan in Britain has probably heard that you've somehow managed to get 57% of our shares and have put foreword a £790 million bid to take over our club.

We'd just like to let you know that we're gobsmacked and livid at what you've just done and that it won't demorale us in the slightest...in fact, it'll make us even more determined to get our club back!

You've probably also heard that a Japanese bank has very kindly given us a lot of money for us, the loyal fans of Manchester United, to buy some shares in our club. We'd just like to take this oppurtunity to thank you for motivating us in to taking such extreme measeures in the first place and that, no matter what, we'll keep on fighting to keep our club until the very end!!!

571452  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-05-10
Written:2005-05-10 14:12:00 (7265 days ago)

*plays guitar chord* God this song rocks! And I can play it too!

"Decent Days And Nights" by The Futureheads

This is a brand new problem, a problem without any clues
If you know the clues it's easy to get through

But you look confused and you dont know what to do
Its hard to get an answer when you havent got a clue
If you work it out tell me what you find

If the least you can do is show some restraint
Then the most you can do is get carried away

But you look confused and you dont know what to do
Say what you see, what you like
If you work it out tell me what you find
We can have a few decent days and nights

If you're meant to be here and you wnat to be late
The best thing you can do is get lost on the way

I can see that you look confused and you dont know what to do
Say what you see, what you like
If you work it out tell me what you find
We can have a few decent days and nights

If you want to make a guess you should know its not a game
'cause you'll never get a chance to make another guess again

This is a brand new problem, a problem without any clues
If you know the clues it's easy to get through

But you look confused and you dont know what to do
Its hard to get an answer when you havent got a clue
If you want to make a guess you should know its not a game
'cause you'll never get a chance to make another guess again
If you work it out tell me what you find

*plays guitar chord*
This song is my favourite at the moment!

570343  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-06
Written:2005-05-06 15:43:24 (7269 days ago)

Labour have won the election again!!! When are the British public going to realise that Tony Blair just can't be trusted?! HE'S A LIAR FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

*jumps up and down with happiness*

*catches breath*

559293  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-04-23
Written:2005-04-23 11:38:31 (7282 days ago)

Billie Joe voted sexiest guy in rock wit woo!!!
He deserves it :)

551042  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-14
Written:2005-04-14 14:30:37 (7291 days ago)


huh what? Sorry, I must've dozed off there! :P

549007  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written:2005-04-12 16:00:24 (7293 days ago)
Next in thread: 551156


These are the badges for the banner competition, but it seems that no-one's bothering to enter.........

549005  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written:2005-04-12 15:59:17 (7293 days ago)


549002  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-12
Written:2005-04-12 15:58:06 (7293 days ago)


548038  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written:2005-04-11 14:50:04 (7294 days ago)

Skool sux Skool sux Skool sux Skool sux Skool sux Skool sux!!!

547999  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-11
Written:2005-04-11 14:00:54 (7294 days ago)

What a great party! Shame that the fun didn't last long though...you see at the time there was a tummy bug going round the family, I don't think you want to know any more...

544453  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-04-07
Written:2005-04-07 14:26:40 (7298 days ago)
Next in thread: 545591

Happy bday to me!
Happy bday to me!
Happy bday to meee!
Happy bday to me!

ok maybe that was a lil sad...besides, I got HEAPS of cards and prezzies! And my grandparets gave me a tenner!!! Luv you Nana, and you too Grandad!!! *huggles*

And thanks to all my friends on Elftown who wished me a happy bday...anyone for chocolate cake and ice-cream? :)

 The logged in version 

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