hmmmmmmm....i keep bummping into ppl who say they hate possers....and that got me thinking...(which is very rare for me ^^")....what is a posser?....wha
Really...what i hate are ppl who label other ppl just on who they are...if they act that certain way for most of their lives then that's them....or if they like certain clothes or whatever that's fine too....I mean ppl as a mass can be a lot of the time, idots....that just assume things without getting all the facts about that person....well then if that one individual has a lot of intrests and shows it...and ppl call them a posser....well then let them be I say posseres are the one's who have to much time on their hands to think so much about what labels belong to what ppl.
Well now, I'm a little concerned here.....
.....i was just wondering if it was just me or is elfwood down or something....b