Mithril Dragon
In the war between good and evil, Mithril Dragons take the side of the noble and good.
When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of Law and Order, your inner dragon walks a fine line between Law and Chaos.
As far as magical tendancies, Magical spells come as natural to the Mithril Dragon as breathe from it's body.
During combat situations, a true Mithril Dragon prefers to defeat opponents by the use of spells and other tactics.
Dragon Description:
Mithril Dragons build and dwell in castles of crystal, high in the mountainous regions. A Mithril Dragon is honest and gentle.
Mithril Dragons are armored with highly reflective scales. To see one in bright sunshine has the effect of looking at a multi-ton, 150 ft. long disco ball.
They tend to smile frequently but rarely laugh aloud. Mithril's dislike violence. A Mithril Dragon is very selective when choosing close friends, but is generally admired by all. A Mithril Dragon leads a very quiet and unobtrusive life.Never judgmental, the great Mithril Dragon's feelings run deep and true. Mithril Dragons mate for life.
This Dragons favorite elements are: Mithril, Earth, and Courage
Oh yes and by the way....I DON'T LOVE EMERY ANYMORE
Who cares? No one. Why? Because they think I'm not good enough, or too stupid. Will it ever be better? Who knows? Why did you answer that question with a question? Because i can. No you can't. That's not a question. Who said it mattered? I do. Well your insane. No. Yea, because your the one having a conversation with your self. Shut up. Make me. I will, bye!
What is the purpose of a "PUBLIC DIARY"?? That's like an oxymoron.....h
So, how was my day?? great. almost. i had a bad feeling that something bad was gonna happen, but it didn't. i s'pose that is common .....rite? anyway i love emery.*thinks fondly of private thoughts* ah well i shan't go into too many details...not for the public diary at least. i've never felt this way about anyone before...i know you might hear that a lot but i really mean it. all those silly crushes were never anything like being loved back. and really getting to know some one in an intimate way (not like that you freak) is amazing. Who could last a lot longer than all of my pathetic "friends" thought it would. have i bored you? ah well i thought so, i will now go reveal more private thoughts to myself in my private diary...byebye
i am extremely bored.........
i'm okay. not a lot goin' on here in the middle of "canada". i'm kinda tired and lonely but that's because i can't sleep and everyone else is. i like oreos and potato soup, i love emery, and my bestest friends michelle and keely and kiersten. i love my kitty jaz and my other kitty cleo. not all people love me but i'm okay with that now...did i mention i'm tired? am i making any sense?........
Love can be a sweet rose but it can also be a sharp thorn.
(right now it's being a rose)
so what if i'm crazy; i can deal.........
I love:
Emery, Michelle, Kiersten, Keely, and all my other lovers!!!
"I was in love once, but then i ate the pie."
~Leeloo (slightly drunk)
Hey guys, why are you looking in my diary? Do you really want to know my private thoughts? Hmmm..........
I don't think you can handle them.