[Jarmy]'s diary

573430  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-05-13
Written: (6989 days ago)


I am the sand
sifted through for your prize
to be a tool
your own savant
taken advantage of
mentally, emotionally, and all.

You are the one-way mirror
in a delusion of your thoughts of I
easily seen, and yet blind to all.

You are the puppeteer, take the strings
accept the responsibility of your actions
backstabber. manipulator. tyrant.

You've held me for too long
You'll suck me dry, leave me to wither
for a fling, fragile words
Thank you, you've crossed me one too many.

Thank you, you've stricken me one too many.
I love you, yet I shall be pushed away.

I am the sand
forever to hold you up
to continue to support your burden
I remain forgotten.
I remain unnoticed.
I remain unloved.

I am your tool
forever enslaved
out of attachment.
I am your tool
forever enslaved
without love.

by David Clark.

Betrayal © David Clark 2005

 The logged in version 

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