It's undeniable how brilliant you are
In an unreliable world you shine like a star
It's unforgettable now that we've come this far
It's unmistakable that you're undeniable
February 5th, Friday morning, purple dawn
Broke a yawn, as a I stepped through the fog, like I stepped to a song
A moment like a poem, you wish you could hold it
I shut my eyes like it's frozen, it's gone when I open
It slipped passed the clouds right there where it lingered
Like your band and a girl could slip through your fingers
My feet hit the ground like a beat for the lonely
On a path beaten down by the crowds in the morning
If only I could touch past the phony
If only they were there now to hold me
As the questions keep droning
You're the only one who stuck it out last night
The only other one who caught the other line
You're the only one when this world collides
The one that I can't deny
It's my last year here
My first class moved to portable 'a'
Under construction since summer
And it's cold today
I can see my breath, and what's left of the west parking lot
And all the spaces that we fought
And it all seems forgotten, left in the bottom
In past piles of rubble, in puddles of rain water
That hurt last night when you left like that
When you won't come back
Speaking my peace to the past
I can't help but wonder, who is this wind at my back
A whisper to walk on, come on from all that
How am I gonna take it away in this winter wind
You found me on a summer breeze
How am I gonna run away when the autumn breaks
Now that you found me in the spring
Come on and sing it out
Q: Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search.
A: "“Rachel Needs Your Help”. “Rachel : NEEDS BEARDED DUDES”
Q: Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search.
A: “Rachel looks like she was born with that hat on and a cigar in her hand.”
Q: Type in "[your name] says" in Google search.
A: “Rachel Says So”
Q: Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search.
A: “Rachel wants a ride that'll ...” “Rachel wants to invite Steve to a candlelight dinner at the restaurant”
Q:Type in "[your name] does" in Google search.
A: “Rachel does look mighty fine” “Stupid Things Rachel Does”
Q: Type in "[your name] hates" in Google search.
A: Rachel Hates Eyedrops
Q: Type in "[your name] asks" in Google search.
A: “Rachel asks. >I sent him to marry you and this is the thanks I get?” “Rachel asks "shall I become a nun or a prostitute ?"
Q: Type in "[your name] likes " in Google search.
A: “Rachel Likes Explosions”” rachel likes to just try underwear on in the middle of the store”
Q: Type in "[your name] eats " in Google search.
A: “Rachel eats Cheerios off our living room floor.”
Q: Type in "[your name] wears " in Google search.
A: “RACHEL(wears heart shaped glasses)”
Q: Type in "[your name] was arrested for" in Google Search.
A: “Rachel was arrested for singing a song” “Rachel...arre
Q: Type in "[your name] loves" in Google Search.
A. “Rachel loves all kinds of music and will dance to any song”
Can't sleep.
Why can't I sleep?
Cried and cried and cried myself out. Words blurry on the screne. Eyes BRUISED from crying, from pushing my fists into my face, nail marks down the back of the skull from pulling my hair, throat raw from screaming, so exhausted I can't think, head spinning, valium, zoloft, valium again. Feeling fucking NUTS. Can't sleep. Can't fucking sleep. Work I have work. Need to sleep. Would give ANYTHING TO JUST SLEEP WIDE A-FUCKING-WAKE
Candy corn looks like teeth, sometimes...
They ask, and you say: No.
Say: I don't know.
Say: My door was locked.
Don't say: But he was watching me...
You cry, and they say: But you have nightmares, right?
Say: Night terrors?
Say: Could you have done this to yourself?
In the end, you go home, hurting and confused, knowing what could not have happened, but knowing that nightmares don't still hurt seven hours after you woke up.
Dear [Moonlit Serenade]:
I don't really know how to tell you this, but I'll join the monastery. I think I realized it When I saw the shrunken head With Paris Hilton, and I saw you Drive out My John F. Kennedy-statue
Go and drown yourself,
"Laundry day, crotch-crusher pants. I feel like I'm being jerked off by an old, arthrytic lady whenever I climb stairs."
A girl and her sister...
If I ever see him touch you like that, I'll break his balls.
Sometimes, I try and help complete strangers... and I am so gratified. Thank you, person I will never know.
"You have no idea how much you have just re-assured me, and made me feel strong, and made feel like I'm not alone."
He is so, so serious as he watches her. She can't see it on his face, he looks relaxed if you weren't used to the tension, but in his eyes. Focused as he says, "I should have been your brother."
She stares up at him. "Then you wouldn't be able to kiss me." It's a statement, but it's actually a question. You wouldn't, right?
"I know," he answers. "In fact, I'd probably find you kind of icky. But I'd take care of you, because you'd be my baby sister."
And she covers her face and cries so hard that he becomes frantic, thinking he's said something wrong - when really it's just that she wants it so badly.
I wish that I were somehow strong enough to look you in the eyes and tell you everything he did to me. I want to be that girl. My life has been a ruin built on secrecy. I was the girl who would have sat on trial, if ever it had gotton so far, and lied. All I ever did was lie to protect people who won't even tell the truth to protect me. I wish I were strong enough to say the words. I wish I could convey the horror. I wish I could pretend that I felt like it was okay to feel this way, four and a half years later. I wish that there was an adult in my life, a family member, someone, who I would not feel guilty for telling. I feel absurd that the need to protect my family is so deeply ingrained in my mind that I try to justify him, vauge, offhand. "My brother and I fell out years ago. He started it, but I guess I never forgave him."
And they talk about forgiveness and sin and God and Christ, and I want to ask them, when is the last time they were ever sinned agianst like this? Had they ever been ruined? Where is the fairness that I am here, watching the sun rise through the window of my boyfriend's grandparents house, and I have not slept all night. Instead, I've been crying, because I am ashamed, because I feel ruined, because I feel like they are real people, normal people, untouched people like I never will be and will never have the right to me. Because of him. Because of him, and then, because of him, because of me. Who are all of them, to preach to me forgiveness. "What about Rape?" I ask, innocently. "Or murder. Is all that forgivable." And they say yes, and I want to laugh. Instead I smile politely. Either you have no idea what it's like, or you are a better person than I.
I want to validate myself. I just don't know if I'll ever be able to. If I'll ever feel like I belong...