I found out what I am today. The truth of my existance was startling to say the very least. I was not born, I was created. They said I was a "test tube baby", but that's just a nice way of saying "homunculus".
I understand now why people were always whispering to each other when they saw me. It's funny, how people will openly stare or point at you, but still have the "decency" to keep their voices down.
People pretended to accept me even though I'm bi, but now that they know I'm artificial it puts more of a strain on things. People look down on things that aren't human, as though they were somehow beneath them, but you know what? I look down on humans, due to slight alterations I can see in the dark, I can digest raw meat, I heal quickly and don't contract many diseases. I'm a step up on the evolutionary ladder because I am not human. Homunculus, replicant, simulacrum, clone, golem, call me what you will, but always remember... My kind may someday replace yours.