[Loraina]'s diary

957940  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2007-07-14
Written: (6449 days ago)

ok so im makin this not so empty.

i just need to let some feelings out. ive been with my boyfriend Alex for 6 months, yet it seems like his friend Matt and Matts girlfriend Deserai are trying to hook Alex up with one of Deserais friends. Matt and Dererai have only been together for like, 2 months. i called alex up today to see if he wanted to go to Insparation Point tonight since hes never been there. (its this place ontop of a big hill that over looks Denver and the mountains n shit.) i was thinking we could go to watch the sunset. but Matt Dererai and her friend were over at Alexs house, and he would much rather go to the races. yet whenever he asks me what i wanna do i dont say anything kuz i know he will turn it down or much rather wanna do something else. Like tonight he wants to go to the races, i asked if Matt, Deserai and her friend were gonna go to the raced with us. they arent. but i want them to..to see how the friend acts around Alex. and how he acts around her with me.. i dont know what to do anymore.. any suggestions?

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