me and [(Timmy)] wlked and up2 da bp garage in northway tonite and it was da strangest wlk we ave eva had. well first of all we went dere and dey jus put up a sign sayin closed 4 ten minutes, and den dere was cars pullin up and den goin. den dey put anotha sign on da door sayin 'site closed due to till failure, sorry 4 any inconvieniance
den 4 girls in a car came up and dey asked me 2 read da sign 2 dem, and den i was readin it slow and i culd read a word but i sed i culdnt and den dey drove of, prob dont sound funny but it was. den afta dat a woman nearly walked into da doors, cuz dey r auto matic doors and dey turned dem off hehe. den car afta car afta car was cumin in tryin 2 fill up wit petrol and den drove of again. i ko dis is totaly random but i had 2 put it on ere. email me on wot u fink?