[Mira Ravenheart]'s diary

1020648  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-03-27
Written: (5966 days ago)

The fairy tale we SHOULD have been told as children! *grins*

Once upon a time
in a land far away,
a beautiful, independent,
self-assured princess 
happened upon a frog as she sat
contemplating ecological issues
on the
shores of an unpolluted pond
in a verdant meadow near her castle.
The frog hopped into the princess' lap
and said: ' Elegant Lady, 
I was once a handsome prince,
until an evil witch cast a spell upon me.
One kiss from you, however,
and I will turn back 
into the dapper, young prince that I am
and then, my sweet, we can marry
and set up housekeeping in your castle
with my mother,
where you can prepare my meals,
clean my clothes, bear my children,
and forever feel
grateful and happy doing so. '

That night,
as the princess dined sumptuously
on lightly sautéed frog legs
seasoned in a white wine
and onion cream sauce,
she chuckled and thought to herself:
I don't fuckin' think so.

1002475  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-02
Written: (6050 days ago)

Your connection with darkness is through your interest in vampires. These occult beings fascinates you immensely. Their lives are simply something you would kill for, and if you would have the opportunity to be sired, you would. Living a mortal kind of life is too ordinary and tedious. You aren't necessarly evil just because of this interest/obsession, you just can connect with them and their lifestyles. To belong to a specil group of "people" in which "superpowers" come with the deal is appealing. Though most people have a hard time understanding this, and chances are you're a social outcast. Perhaps you hate your current life and therefore developed this interest, to escape reality.

1002466  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-02
Written: (6050 days ago)

Your element is Earth. You have your feet on the ground and are in touch with reality. Some may say you need to lighten up, but you are just not that way. It's not that you don't enjoy having fun, you only find it in more calmer activities such as writing or reading a book. But before you have your fun you always make sure your work is done. You are considered the reliable one among your friends, you would never betray anyone just like and are not influenced on peer-pressure. Friends and family can always come to you for guidance because you are wise and smart. You know what is right and what is wrong and you study hard to become something big in the future. The bad side is that your friend/s feel ignored when you spend more time with books and papers rather with them. You are not such a people person and are sometimes a question-mark on how to behave around them at certain times. Luckily it always works out, somehow. Love is not really desired in your world right now, maybe in the future when you've got a work and so on under control. After all, you are a perfectionist.

1002465  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2008-01-02
Written: (6050 days ago)

Your wise quote is: "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months" by Oscar Wilde.You are a very sarcastic person with a sharp tongue. You may not be the one always talking, but your mind is nevertheless critizing. You tend to have a cynical view on life itself and be somewhat withdrawn with who you really are. Society now is in your eyes corrupted and you wonder how the world will survive. And people are in your mind very ignorant and blind to the reality.

135941  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-02-03
Written: (7480 days ago)

I'm bored...that's why I'm actually writting in here...pretty sad if you ask me...Will someone add in a wiki...any wiki...*snore*

102032  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-11-19
Written: (7556 days ago)

Guestbook, guestbook, how thee are so sad and empty...

86294  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-10-19
Written: (7586 days ago)

Please do my poll! And if you are part of the RP text adventure Forgoten Realms or Realms of Life, go write in it right NOW!

 The logged in version 

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