School is horrid. I really, really wanted to apply to a UWC... Go to and type in United World Colleges if you have no clue what I'm talking about... Most specifically, I wanted to go to one in Europe or Italy... I just wanted to get away from here. Anyway, I missed the deadline...
and I'm tired beyond belief.
It's more of this world-weary feeling than a simple 'tired'... Hmm...
My writing lab essay has ended up being pretty good... At least, in my opinion. We had one of those peer-editing group things and the group said I didn't have to change anything, that it was perfect. Anyway, I wasn't happy with that so I emailed it to my family to edit. Sadly, my dad ended up reading it so he had to call me and tell me that it was brilliant and that I could go far in the writing field. My brother is a far better writer than me... so I think dad was just happy because my essay had a lot to do with 'family'... Sigh.
I swear to... some higher power... Today was horrid! Like, horridly horrid... Aujourd'hui=tr
Anyway, I had Chemistry lab today with like ... this really intimidating teacher. Yeah, I broke 3 things =O
Ugh... Off to search for boarding schools in australia =/
Today wasn't a good day for some reason... not that I can remember why it would be a bad day... but I feel worn thin and just thinking about life and the world and all kinds of deep thoughts my mind shouldn't go into has made me kind of... sad, I guess.
I spent a lot of today thinking about one of my ex boyfriends. Talk about lame. It's really weird... It's like I spend time convincing myself that I really like him a ton so that I won't go after anyone at school again - not that those relationships haven't gone wonderfully (haha) ...
I'm having trouble sleeping but that's not really new.
I just need to study my ass off and make it to the weekend... then make it through my test on saturday... then hopefully I'll get to go home for a few hours. The power is still off at my house because of all the ice ... but most things are better than being here.
I'm afraid I'm going to have a breakdown and do something stupid =/ Hopefully something amazingly and wonderfully good will happen to pick me up out of my... whatever this is...
It's just one of those days where I feel like I'm faking my smiles every time I'm smiling... and everything seems forced.
Eeeek... Must think happy thoughts =P
<3 love you
I'm back at school. Just... ugh.
Anyway, on to happier thoughts of global warming and school shootings and Michael Jackson's misunderstood love for the young and impressionable
Umm.. So World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade is out! <3333 Seriously like... joygasm. But sadly I can't play it here... my brother got me a Collector's Edition though =) So now I can have a little dragon instead of my panda which is cool.
Umm... if you don't play WoW, that last paragraph thinger was almost in english, I swear! =D
It's cold in here. The dorms were warm but someone was very evil and left their door open ... and the window open... are they insane? Argh! That was like the first bit of warmth that I've had in almost a week... (The electricity went out in my house... soo... no internet, no heat, no light, no nothin)
The area around our house looked pretty cool though =) All of the... well... everything... had layers and layers of perfectly clear ice on it... so even the individual blades of grass were all pretty and crystalline. It was surreal walking around at night. The ground crunched and echoed and the trees cracked and split... There were icicles upon icicles... and every now and then it would rain or the ice would melt a bit... and suddenly there would be paths of water that froze so there were like rivers of ice everywhere... it was very cool. I'll shutup now... I don't think I'm making sense =/
Oh, and my mom found this amazing Chinese dress in her stuff that our family friend, Bing (Maybe it's spelled Byng. Who knows.), gave us a few years ago. Anyway, it's just the right size for me and it's amazing! Wheeee <3
I would wear it to prom but there are sooo many asian kids and I'm so blatantly white that I'd probably get teased ;)
Soo... I guess I'll have to go Caucasian dress hunting at some point. =P
Dinner is in ten minutes. Foooood. =D It'll probably suck. Oh well.
Hmm... I'm working on like 50 essays (3 essays).
'Working' as in like... being on here.
9 minutes until dinner... I'm gonna act like I'm working for a bit =)
Love and pounces and stuff... <3