Family is a gift I often take for granted. When we recieve a gift in chrismas or birthday we fill of joy and happiness but as time passes, we forget the gift. I have forgotten 2 invaluable and priceless gifts: Life and Family(friends aswell.) I make this entry public cause im not alone in this but problably people dont care for this and carry on. Moving to my home country of Mexico has made me think like this and I want to value every passing moment with my family and soon to be friends for as long as i remain in Mexico. The only thing Im going to regret and leave behind is the face of my father, the greatest man i have ever had the pleasure to meet and thus the main reason of this log in. This might be the only and last of my thoughts to be show in public but i just want to say this to anyone who reads this: Love your family and friends, they are gonna be there with you when you need them. They are a precious gift, dont forget it.