Ahh so much quicker that waiting for BS myspace and all their bells and whistles to load up. I see lots and lots of things going wrong some pretty catastrophic things. We've got more and more events to come. The people too. Now we can all sit around and call it the end of the world and say shit happens. But, I mean I agree shit happens but if you cause the shit that's different. To those who are the SHIT I am watching you I have watched you and know what your capable of. I'm not one of your dogs chasing thier own tales as the spiral down to your statistics. There are others and its good were not all together. However keep up your "work" and you'll have trouble keeping yourself together.
You have yet to see the true side of this...this being.
The winds of change are still blowing.
"Out like a fat kid in dodgeball"
I was the one to prove that wrong. I was the very last man standing at the end of a game long ago.
God Damn everyone is a "rock star" today.
It is time for this man to...shit I forgot.
Why must I have the dreams of the old days?
Why can't they leave me be?
It's over and I don't want it anymore.
Leave me!!!
There is no advancment to the past.
Only the future lies ahead.
It's up to me to make it happen.
Eternal this...Eternal that. YAKYAKYAK.
I have the guitar in my hand...but where is the music?
If this Diary is sad and empty why should I put sadness in it.