[VivaciousVixen]'s diary

1045607  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-15
Written:2008-09-15 17:31:44 (6041 days ago)

Lauren asked about my family and myself today in a message,
i haven't the time nor the energy to write an individual diary passage...
so i will paste my reply here in my diary...

the computers here are not private, not even this one *mine* with the wi fi connections...
We had to stay, my dad was supposed to come and get us, but they went ahead and left us as soon as they could...
Our apartment is taped off, they have us in an efficiency for the time being...
The tree landed in our living room and the far left corner of our bedroom...
Thank goodness it was on the opposite side of the room than Alexs' crib...
We had our cat and dog in the bathroom where they'd be safe, but our little puppy is so sick...
We can't afford to get him to the vet now...
We think he may die soon.
As soon as the others here saw that our apartment was hit, they waited until we were gone, and they went ahead and looted what they could...
The apartment management says there is nothing they can do about it.
Those miserable people even went so far as to steal Alexs' diapers...
We hardly had anything left...
i am supposed to start a new job in a few days, working as a cashier, and if my family bolted on me in our dire time of need, how can i trust that i can get to and from work this time?
The apartment complex is trying to charge us for damages which is illegal, but they are trying to claim the clause of "suitable deniability" which supposedly enables them to charge whatever for whatever since we "refused" to leave during the storm...
We didn't refuse, we were abandoned...
As far as i hear, our side of town got the slight of it... our apartment was only one of three that got damage, yet ours was the most severe...
The other side of town going towards Matagorda, Palacios, and Sargeant are all still taped off... no one is allowed in, and no one there is allowed out... they are bringing supplies to them daily...
i feel so bad for all of those families...
We saw the damage to Galveston on television... but i have not heard anything about refineries...
Will just tried to go to Dad's again, we know that they are home, but they won't answer the door...
i have left countless notes on their truck and front and back doors asking them why they left without telling us after asking us if we wanted to tag along...
They had plenty of space out there at my Aunts' house, they told her we didn't want to come...
Why would a pregnant woman, her disabled husband and asthmatic 11 month old want to stay in the path of the storm?
i told her what happened, and they won't even answer the phone calls she makes to their cell phones and house... she said they changed their number and it went into effect today... now it is listed as private...
i can't say i wouldn't be ashamed...
they left their grandson(s) and family to die for all they know...
and besides that...
their apartment was not touched...
the complex workers put ply wood over their windows since they were down stairs...
All's i know is thati have to come up with $3,476.23 in a month...
We can't afford rent elsewhere... and i have a month two months before this little boy gets here...
i wish i could just blink us elsewhere...
have lots of money and no problems...
why can't it be that simple?
i love you and i miss you...
i still have your package...
that was in alex's diaper-bag...
take care of yourself, and your family...
you never know what's going to happen...
Will's back...
still no answer...
after this, i disown my father...
it's ridiculous...
gotta go...
no clue how long this signal will stick...
love you tons!

Friends... take care of yourselves and your loved ones...
never betray them or take them for granted...
they may be all you have in your time of need...

1044680  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2008-09-08
Written:2008-09-08 23:59:17 (6047 days ago)
Next in thread: 1044690

Well, not like no one knew this...
My father and i were having a private conversation...
low and behold,
my step mother was listening and started to question me on it...
i am so happy that i do not live with them!

everything is going pretty shitty / great...
makes no sense eh?
Well, my family is non caring...
that is the shitty part...
i fell down the stairwell last night,
i was already bleeding,
we trid to get a ride from my dad to the ER...
they were no where to be found,
there was blood everywhere!
luckily, my neighbor was home and heard us coming up the stairs.
he saw the blood, and yelled for his wife who is also due when i am,
i blacked out...
i woke up in the maternity ward...
they were giving me blood and fluids...
the baby is fine,
i hae internal damage...
does my family care?
Only my husband...
they actually hounded me when we got home today about cooking for them...
i want to cry...

i have never felt so uncared for in my life...
i come here to get close to my Dad,
and unless i have money to spare for them,
i do not exist...
i hurt everywhere, mainly my heart...
but i am used to it...
all of the anger i feel is only going to hurt my baby,
so i may as well just realize,
my family is not my family.
i wish i could pick my family...
as a matter of fact, i am going to...

the good part is,
i have an interview tomorrow,
we are caught up on our rent,
and we paid off this months electricity bill...
we have enough left over that i will be able to go,
and send out Lauren's package tomorrow!

i am about three days behind on sending it though...
aargh... *sorry lauren*
hope everyone is doing fine...
update me on your lives' people...
i am so tired of not having friends around...
good ones anyway...
you can not trust anyone around here...
they either steal what little you have,
or are trying to fuck your man...

i think that we are going to start looking at Georgia property...
move away from both of the states that haunt us...
this state is merely chaffing our asses...

well, i love you all!
Hit me up with a message!
let me live vicariously through your lives...

when i get to feeling better,
i will put up some pictures of this lolita kimono that i make...
Will says he is going to get me some knee boots in a few weeks...
i have fishnets...
we'll make the pictures look GOOOOOOOOOD!

by the way...
i need to post a new picture...
i am blonde now...
have been since saturday...
yay for non-toxic stripping kits...
not the kits with the poles...
but if anyone has a spare kit like that...
send it my way!

Love you all oodles...
i already said that sixty times!

1044465  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2008-09-07
Written:2008-09-07 01:06:53 (6049 days ago)

Here is something that should help everyone with windows!
Especially when it comes to graphics and speed...
These things are important to CG Artists... so pay attention!

76 Tips To Speed Up Windows XP / Vista

1. (ALL) Bring back the tree: You open a folder, but there's no directory tree on the left. What to do? Just click the Folders icon on the Standard toolbar (in 2000, Me, and XP), or choose View, Explorer Bar, Folders (in any version).
2. (ALL) Customize Details, part 1: To change the order of the Name, Size, Type, Date Modified, and other columns in the default Details view (click View, Details), just put your pointer over a column head and drag right or left.
3. (2K, ME, XP) Customize Details, part 2: Why settle for the default Details columns? Right-click any heading and choose an item with no check mark to add that information, or uncheck to remove it. Choose More on the right-click menu (or View, Choose Columns or View, Choose Details on the main menu) to make these changes via a dialog box.
4. (ALL) Get the big picture: Whenever you need to see more of a folder or Internet Explorer browser window, simply press F11 to view the window in full-screen mode. Then press F11 again to revert to normal view. Bonus tip: If you're using Windows 2000, Me, or XP, you can add a button to toggle between modes by right-clicking the Standard toolbar and choosing Customize. Click Full Screen under 'Available toolbar buttons', and then choose Add and Close.
5. (ALL) Autohide the folder tree: In full-screen mode, you can make the folder tree--or any option set via View, Explorer Bar--disappear to give you an even broader view, and yet reappear when you move the mouse to the left edge of the window. Click the pushpin button at the top of the left pane to unpin the current Explorer Bar, and then move your pointer to the right pane (see FIGURE 1).
6. (ALL) Bring hidden files into the open: By default, Windows hides many system files. This can make correcting problems difficult. To see all files, choose Tools, Folder Options, View in any Explorer or folder window. In the 'Advanced settings' list, select Show hidden files and folders (Show all files in Windows 98). In versions other than 98, uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended). Click Yes and OK.
7. (2K, ME, XP) Broaden your folder view: If your folders have a margin on the left with links to resources or tasks you never use, give more screen real estate to your files and folders by choosing Tools, Folder Options, Use Windows Classic Folders, OK. This will remove the Explorer Bar and its "common tasks" shortcuts.
8. (XP) Squeeze in more thumbnails: You can fit more icons in the right pane of Explorer's Thumbnails view (View, Thumbnails) by hiding the name listed under each. Click a different folder in the tree pane to change the view, and then hold down Shift as you click the folder with thumbnails to view it with no names.
9. (XP) Take folders to task: If you like Explorer's task pane but want the various tasks displayed there to match the folder's contents, right-click the control icon in the window's upper-left corner, choose Properties, Customize, and pick the most appropriate description under 'Use this folder type as a template.'
10. (ALL) Get a new disk view: Wondering how full your disk is getting, or how to clean it up? Right-click any drive icon in Explorer (under My Computer) and choose Properties. You'll see a pie-chart representation of your disk use, a button that launches the Disk Cleanup utility, and a Tools tab that lists other maintenance utilities.
11. (XP) Squeeze your disk, part 1: If your disk is formatted with NTFS, you can compress your files and folders to conserve space. Select the files or folders you want to smoosh, right-click the selection, and choose Properties. On the General tab, click Advanced. Check Compress contents to save disk space and click OK. You may be asked to specify which files and folders to include.
CD Tip
12. (XP) Plug AutoPlay: When you put a CD in the drive, Windows gives you a choice of actions. You can answer once for each type of content (music, say), but if you want AutoPlay off, right-click the CD drive in Explorer and choose Properties. Under AutoPlay, select a content type from the list at the top and pick your preferred settings below. To turn AutoPlay off for a specific type, click Select an action to perform, Take no action, and click OK.
13. (XP) Squeeze your disk, part 2: To compress an entire NTFS hard-disk partition, right-click the disk's icon in Explorer and choose Properties. Check Compress drive to save disk space and click OK or Apply. At the confirmation prompt, select the option to compress all subfolders and files (not just those in the root), and click OK.
14. (ME, XP) Squeeze your disk, part 3: You can squish your files automatically by moving them to a compressed folder. To create one, right-click in any folder window or on the desktop and choose New, Compressed Folder (in Me) or New, Compressed (zipped) Folder (in XP). If you don't see this command, make sure you've installed this feature (see tip 47).
15. (2K, XP) Take a letter: If you want to reassign the letters of your disk volumes, log in as an administrator, choose Start, Run, type diskmgmt.msc, and press Enter. Right-click a disk in the bottom of the window and choose Change Drive Letter and Path. Click Edit or Change, select an unused letter from the drop-down list, click OK, answer any prompts, and click OK again.
16. (XP) Preserve your password: Trust your friends, but cut the cards. And trust your memory, but keep a password reset disk nearby in case you ever forget your XP password. First, get a blank, formatted floppy disk at the ready, and then type Control Panel\User Accounts in the Address bar of any Explorer or Internet Explorer window. Press Enter, select your account, click Prevent a forgotten password in the Related Tasks list, and follow the steps presented in the Forgotten Password Wizard.
17. (XP) Bypass forgotten passwords, part 1: If you don't have a password reset disk, log in with another administrator account, open the User Accounts control panel (see tip 16), select the account with the forgotten password, click Change the password, and follow the instructions to reset it.
18. (XP) Bypass forgotten passwords, part 2: If you don't have another administrator account, reboot your PC and press F8 until you see the Windows start-up options as described in. Use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode, and press Enter. When you see the Welcome screen, select Administrator (a hidden account that by default needs no password). Follow the steps in to reset the account password, and then restart your computer.
19. (2K, XP) Be a power user: When you log in as an administrator, your system is vulnerable to Trojan horse programs and other risks. When you log in as a power user, however, you avoid these risks and get all the functionality you typically need (switching back to administrator when necessary is easy; see below). To demote yourself, choose Start, Run, type lusrmgr.msc, and press Enter. Click Groups and double-click Administrators. Make sure you have an account listed under Members that you can use when you need full administrator privileges. Select the account to demote, click Remove, and then click OK. Double-click Power Users, click Add, type your account name, and click OK twice.
20. (2K, XP) Become a part-time administrator: Power users don't need to log out and back in with an administrator account to run an administrator program (such as the lusrmgr.msc program described in tip 19). Instead, hold down Shift and right-click the program's executable (.exe) file in Explorer, or any shortcut to it. Choose Run as, select either Run the program as the following user (in 2000) or The following user (in XP), and enter the name and password (and domain, if necessary) of an administrator account. Click OK.
Pics Tip
21. (XP) Camera Action: The initial time you connect your digital camera to your PC, you can select an action and check Always use this program for this action to keep from seeing a prompt. But what if you want something else later? Connect the camera again, right-click its icon in Explorer, and choose Properties. Use the settings on the Events tab to select what happens the next time you link it.
22. (XP Pro) Keep your secrets: To protect sensitive files and folders on NTFS-formatted drives, use Windows' built-in encryption. Choose the uncompressed files or folders to encrypt, right-click them, and then select Properties. On the General tab, click Advanced. Check Encrypt contents to secure data and click OK. Specify the files and folders to include. The files are accessible only to the user who encrypted them. To undo, uncheck the Encrypt box. (The encryption option is disabled in XP Home.)
23. (XP) Keep a no profile: Any administrator can see the files on your desktop, in your My Documents folder, and elsewhere in your profile folder by finding your account subfolder in the Documents and Settings folder. For additional privacy on NTFS-formatted disks, open the Documents and Settings folder, right-click the folder you want to keep private, and choose Properties. Click Sharing, check Make this folder private, and click OK (see FIGURE 2).
24. (ME, XP) Turn back the clock: If your PC is acting strangely, use System Restore to return Windows to an earlier, stable state. Select Start, Programs (All Programs in XP), Accessories, System Tools, System Restore, click Restore my computer to an earlier time, Next, and follow the instructions.
25. (ME, XP) Put a finer point on it: Whenever you're planning to make any changes to your system, be sure to create a restore point before you begin. Open System Restore as described above, select Create a Restore Point, click Next, and follow the instructions. Bonus tip: Manual restore points aren't needed when you install software, updates, or device drivers; Windows creates them for you automatically.
26. (XP) Customize your restorations, part 1: To choose which drives System Restore monitors for changes and how much space it reserves for its backups, right-click My Computer and choose Properties. Click System Restore, select a drive, click Settings, and set the controls to your taste.
27. (ME) Customize your restorations, part 2: Adjusting the space System Restore uses for its backups in Me is slightly different: Right-click My Computer, choose Properties, Performance, File System, and under Hard Disk, drag the 'System Restore disk space use' slider to the desired amount. Bonus tip: Click Disable System Restore under System Properties' Troubleshooting tab to turn System Restore off.
28. (ALL) Seek solutions in Safe Mode: If something stops Windows in its tracks or causes it to misbehave, reboot and press F8 before Windows loads (you may have to press it a few times to find the moment that gets a response). This brings up the Advanced Options menu. Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode, and press Enter to launch Windows using a minimal set of drivers. With luck, you can undo whatever you did to cause the problem, and then restart Windows normally.
29. (2K, XP) Revert your Registry: If Safe Mode doesn't solve the problem, access the Advanced Options menu as explained in tip 28, but this time select Last Known Good Configuration and press Enter. This launches Windows using the last version of the Registry that led to a successful start-up. No files are removed.
30. (2K, XP) Copy your error messages: When Windows tells you something's gone haywire, you may want to preserve the error messages to send to a support tech or your local PC guru. To do so, just press Ctrl-C to copy the message to your Clipboard, open a new e-mail to your tech helper, press Ctrl-V to paste the error alert text, and then send the message on its way.
31. (ALL) Get the big error picture: If you can't copy just the error message's text as described above, press Alt-Print Screen (the name of the latter key may be abbreviated on your keyboard) to capture an image of the error message box. Paste the image into your e-mail application (if it supports graphics) or into your word processor. You can also paste the screen into Windows' Paint imaging utility by opening that program and choosing Edit, Paste. Save the picture as a bitmap (.bmp), JPEG (.jpg), or other file format that you can send as an e-mail attachment to your friendly neighborhood Windows repairperson.
32. (ALL) Find help in Google Groups: To find help online, enter some or all of the text from the Windows error message into Google's main search box. If that doesn't help you find a fix, click the Groups tab on the Google search results page to see archived discussions that may relate to your problem.
Network and Account Know-How
First there was the two-car family. Then there was the two-television family. Now there's the two (or more)-computer family. These simple tweaks let you get more out of your networked and multiuser PCs.
33. (XP) Let Windows do the work: The first time you connect to a network, Windows XP's Network Setup Wizard steps you through the details. To run the wizard manually, choose Start, Run, type netsetup, and press Enter.
34. (XP) Go wireless: When you plug a wireless adapter into your computer, XP displays the Connect to Wireless Network dialog box. If it does not, right-click the wireless-network icon in the system tray and choose View Available Wireless Networks. (If you don't see this icon, go to the Address bar of any Explorer window, type Control Panel\Network Connections, and right-click the Wireless Network Connection icon.) Select your wireless connection and click Connect.
35. (XP) Link to an insecure wireless net: If the Connect button is disabled (grayed out) in the Wireless Network Connection dialog box, the network may lack Wired Equivalent Privacy or newer Wi-Fi Protected Access security. To get around this, check Allow me to connect to the selected wireless network, even though it is not secure (see FIGURE 3). Be aware, though, that your privacy is at risk.
36. (XP) Do-it-yourself wireless: By default, Windows XP configures your wireless network automatically (the so-called Wireless Zero Configuration feature). But if your wireless hardware comes with its own software drivers, you may need to turn the Windows feature off. To do so, double-click the Wireless Network Connection icon in the Network Connections window (as described in tip 34, "Go wireless"), or click the miniature version of that icon in your system tray. Select the Properties button, and in the Wireless Network Connection Properties dialog box, click Wireless Networks. Uncheck Use Windows to configure my wireless network settings and click OK (see FIGURE 4).
37. (XP) Switch accounts in a blink: If your PC has enough memory, you can move from one user account to another without first logging off: To do so, click Start, Log Off, Switch User. This can save time when you just need to make a quick visit to another account. But you probably don't want to make a habit of it, because your system's performance may lag, especially when you run games, system utilities, and other demanding applications.
38. (XP) Disable fast switching: There's another disadvantage to Fast User Switching: With this feature on you can't use Windows' Offline Files function, which automatically downloads Web pages for offline viewing. To do without Fast User Switching, go to the Address bar of any Explorer or Internet Explorer window, type Control Panel\User Accounts, and press Enter. Click Change the way users log on or off, uncheck Use Fast User Switching, and finally click Apply Options.
39. (XP) Disable accounts instead of deleting them: If Maria takes an extended leave, don't delete her account as a security precaution. Re-creating the account later with the same name won't confer the same permissions she enjoyed previously--and it won't let Maria access her encrypted files (see tip 22). If you think someone may need an orphaned user account again, you can disable it instead of deleting it altogether (note that this procedure doesn't work in XP Home): Press Windows-R, type lusrmgr.msc, and press Enter. Click the Users folder icon and then double-click the name of the user account. Check Account is disabled and click OK (see FIGURE 5). To restore the account, simply uncheck this box.
40. (XP) Save files from a deleted account: If you're positive you will never need Maria's account again, you can delete it and still preserve her user files: First, log in with an administrator account, click in the Address bar of any Explorer or Internet Explorer window, type Control Panel\User Accounts, and press Enter. Next, select the account name to be deleted, choose Delete the account, click Keep Files, and lastly select Delete Account. Even though Maria's account will be gone for good, all of her desktop and My Documents files will be placed in a new folder on the administrator account's desktop. Keep in mind, however, that Maria's e-mail and all of the other settings for her account are lost permanently.
Quick Fixes (continued)
41. (XP) Run your ancient apps: If a pre-XP application doesn't run under Windows' latest incarnation (and an update isn't available for the program), right-click the program's shortcut and choose Properties. Select Compatibility, Run this program in compatibility mode for and choose the appropriate Windows version (see FIGURE 6). Click OK. Safety alert: Never run an antivirus program, a defragger, or any other system utility under a version of Windows it isn't intended for. Doing so could damage your system.
42. (ALL) Fix broken uninstallers: If you try to uninstall a program using the Add or Remove Programs applet in Control Panel, but the uninstaller refuses to run, some or all of the program's files may already be deleted. Just reinstall the app to the same folder it was in, and use Add or Remove Programs again to delete it properly.
43. (ALL) Update your graphics driver: Many common Windows problems can be traced to outdated or buggy graphics drivers. If you can't find the source of recurring problems with one or more of your applications, go to the Web site of your graphics card manufacturer and see whether you can download a more recent driver.
Gear Tip
44. (2K, ME, XP) Remove Devices the Safe Way: You can plug in and remove some peripheral devices (such as cameras) with no problems. However, other removable gear poses a greater risk to your PC's stability. For example, removing a network PC Card adapter from a notebook or an external hard drive from a desktop can cause you to lose data if you're working on files that reside on the network or on the hard drive. The proper approach: Click the Safely Remove Hardware icon in the system tray (you may need to click the 'Show hidden icons' arrow first). From the pop-up menu, select the hardware to be removed. You can now unplug the device. Double-click the Safely Remove Hardware icon if you prefer to work with a dialog box.
45. (XP) Make the smart move: The Files and Settings Transfer Wizard is the best way to move your Windows settings from one PC to another. You can transport files and settings from Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and other parts of Windows via a network or a removable medium. Install your apps on the new machine, choose Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Files and Settings Transfer Wizard, and follow the instructions (see FIGURE 7).
46. (XP) Don't forget your big mailbag: If you choose 'Settings only' in the Files and Settings Transfer Wizard and use a floppy disk to transfer the settings, Windows will move your Outlook Express mail only if it fits on the disk. Use a larger medium to make sure Windows brings your OE messages along, too.
47. (ALL) Get all the OS you paid for: Not all the Windows tools and toys you need may be installed on your PC. Open any Explorer or folder window, and in the Address bar type Control Panel\Add/Remove Programs (in Windows 98, 2000, and Me) or Control Panel\Add or Remove Programs (in XP). Click Windows Setup or Add/Remove Windows Components, select an item, and click Details (if necessary); you may need to click Details again to see more subcomponents. Check the items you want, click OK, and follow the instructions. You may be prompted to insert your Windows CD to install some of these programs.
48. (2K, ME, XP) Speed up your disk-keeping: To create a shortcut that cleans your disk the way you want, choose Start, Run, type cleanmgr /sageset:, enter a number from 0 to 65,535 (don't type a comma), and press Enter. (The number simply identifies the options you select.) Choose the settings you want and click OK. To make the shortcut that runs Disk Cleanup, right-click on the desktop or in a folder and choose New, Shortcut. In the location box, type cleanmgr /sagerun:x (replacing x with the number you entered previously). Follow the prompts to finish the shortcut.
49. (2K, ME, XP) Automate your updates: To automate the Windows Update feature in Windows XP, right-click My Computer, choose Properties, and click the Automatic Updates tab. In Windows Me and 2000 (Service Pack 3 or later), open Control Panel and double-click Automatic Updates. In Windows 2000 and XP, check Keep my computer up to date. In all versions, select one of the three available options (see FIGURE 8).
50. (ME, XP) Undo your automatic updates: Windows creates a restore point before it performs an update. See tip 24 for instructions on starting System Restore. On the 'Select a Restore Point' screen, click the date of the update, pick the restore point prior to the problem, click Next, and follow the prompts.
51. (98, 2K) Add an update utility: Windows 98 or 2000 versions before Service Pack 3 need the Windows Critical Update Notification utility to check for patches automatically. Double-click the Scheduled Tasks icon in the system tray or Control Panel. If the utility isn't there, go to windowsupdate.microsoft.com, click Pick updates to install, and click Critical Updates and Service Packs. Look for and select this utility.
52. (ALL) Update manually: To freshen up Windows the old-fashioned way, check for available patches yourself: Choose Start, Windows Update or Start, All Programs, Windows Update and follow the prompts at the Windows Update site.
53. (XP) Enable CD writing: With a blank disc inserted in your recordable CD drive, press Windows-E to open Explorer, right-click the drive's icon, choose Properties, Recording, and make sure Enable CD recording on this drive is checked (see FIGURE 9). Note that the tabs and options listed in the CD Drive Properties dialog box are driver specific; those available vary by drive.
54. (XP) Go the third-party route: If you use a CD recording utility such as Roxio Easy CD & DVD Creator (www.roxio.com), follow the steps in tip 53, but uncheck Enable CD recording on this drive (or the equivalent option for your driver). That way, Windows' own recording features won't conflict with those of your utility.
55. (XP) Relocate your CD image: Windows reserves hard-disk space for data that will be written to a recordable CD--usually 650MB to 700MB, but as much as 1GB on high-capacity drives. You can tell Windows to use the drive with the most free space: Open the CD Drive Properties dialog box as described in tip 53 and click the Recording tab (or the equivalent option for your driver). Choose the drive, which in the example in FIGURE 9 is listed in a drop-down list under 'Desktop CD recording'.
56. (XP) Do a slow burn: By default, Windows uses a CD-R drive's fastest transfer speed. If you're having problems, slow it down: Open CD Drive Properties to the Recording tab (or your driver's equivalent) and choose a slower speed, which in FIGURE 9 is under 'Select a write speed'.
57. (XP) Send files to CD: You can choose the files you want to burn to a CD in Windows Explorer and drag them to the drive's icon, or just right-click the selected files, click Send To, and pick your drive. Windows will copy the files to a holding area rather than directly to the CD. You can double-click the drive icon in Explorer to view the files. In the task pane on the left, click Write these files to CD when you're ready to transfer, and follow the steps in the CD Writing Wizard.
58. (ALL) Make media CDs with Windows Media Player: If you use Windows Media Player 9 to create a custom playlist, you can copy those tunes to a CD (providing they fit). With Media Player open in full mode, click Copy to CD or Device on the left. Select your playlist from the 'Music to Copy' drop-down list. If you see 'Will not fit' in the status column of your playlist, uncheck one or more files. Finally, click Copy Music in the upper-right corner.
59. (ALL) Make media CDs with another program: Windows Media Player 9 provides free, built-in file copying to CD-R drives, but third-party utilities give you more options, including the ability to copy your music CDs without the loss of audio quality that is a consequence of Windows Media Player's format conversion.
Type Tip
60. (ALL) Character-ize: If your documents need the occasional special typographic character, choose Start, Programs (All programs in XP), Accessories, System Tools, Character Map, or just press Windows-R, type charmap, and press Enter. (If you don't have the character map installed, see tip 47 for instructions on how to add it.) Set your font, double-click the character you need, click the Copy button, and paste the character into the desired document. In Windows 2000 and XP, you can also drag and drop from the character map's 'Characters to copy' box to WordPad and several other applications.
61. (ALL) Enable your player's controls: If you open a DVD or CD in Windows Media Player 9 but the player controls are disabled, make sure the player's menu bar is visible (you may have to click the button in the upper-left corner in full mode). Choose Play, DVD, VCD or CD Audio (the wording may vary); see FIGURE 10.
62. (ALL) Zoom your DVDs: If you use Windows Media Player 9 to watch DVDs, use the full-screen icon in the bottom-right corner to zoom, or press Alt-Enter to switch to and from full-screen mode. Move the pointer away from the screen edges (and then keep the mouse immobile) to banish the controls and to fill the screen with your show. To keep the controls in view, click the pushpin at the top of the screen.
63. (ALL) Control your DVD speed: When viewing DVDs in Windows Media Player 9, click or drag the slider on the seek bar to move ahead or back. Press Ctrl-Shift-F to play in fast motion, Ctrl-Shift-G for slightly speeded-up playback, and Ctrl-Shift-S for slow motion. Ctrl-Shift-N returns the playback to normal speed.
64. (ALL) Control DVDs from your keyboard: Other handy keys for DVD are Ctrl-P to pause or resume, F10 to turn up the volume, F9 to decrease it, and F8 to mute it.
65. (XP) Tone down the bling-bling, part 1: If your PC's application windows open too slowly, you can help out by turning off some of Windows' razzle-dazzle visual effects. Right-click My Computer and choose Properties. Select Advanced, and under Performance, click Settings. Under the Visual Effects tab, select Adjust for best performance, or choose Custom and turn off all the effects you can live without.
66. (98, 2K, ME) Tone down the bling-bling, part 2: To pep up Windows 98, 2000, or Me, right-click the desktop and choose Properties. Click the Effects tab. Uncheck the items in the Visual Effects box until you find the balance of speed and attractiveness that's best for you. In Windows 98, turn off Animate windows, menus and lists; in all three versions, you can uncheck Show window contents while dragging.
67. (XP) Set your priorities: XP's Performance Options dialog box gives you limited control over how Windows uses memory and what tasks are given priority for your computer's processor. To check your settings, open the Performance Options dialog box as described in tip 65 and click Advanced. Under Processor Scheduling, leave Programs selected to give foreground applications priority over those running in the background. However, if you usually work in one application while another sorts a database, prints heavy-duty graphics, or performs some other kind of processor-intensive task in the background, select Background services to have the processor share its time with all running tasks equally instead of giving priority to the foreground application. You likely will want to use the default Programs setting under 'Memory usage'. Choose System cache only if you use your computer as a server rather than as a workstation.
68. (ALL) Check hibernation compatibility: If you'd like Windows to start in seconds with all your apps and documents open just as you left them when you shut down, try hibernation. Click in the Address bar of any Explorer or Internet Explorer window and type Control Panel\Power Options. If the Power Options Properties dialog box has no Hibernate tab, you're out of luck. If it does, click it to see if you meet hibernation's disk-space requirements.
69. (ALL) Snooze and win, part 1: If your system does support hibernation, enable it by clicking the Hibernate tab of the Power Options Properties dialog box (see tip 68) and checking Enable hibernation.
70. (ALL) Snooze and win, part 2: Once hibernation is enabled, choose Start, Shut Down or Start, Turn Off Your Computer when you're ready to leave. If you clicked 'Shut Down', select Hibernate and click OK. If you clicked 'Turn Off Your Computer', hold down the Shift key to change the Standby icon to Hibernate, and then click it.
Sizing Tip
71. (ALL) Big Borders: Make window borders easier to grab: Have you ever struggled to position your mouse over a window border juuuust right in an attempt to resize the window? To make resizing easier, right-click the desktop, choose Properties, and click the Appearance tab. (In XP, click the Advanced button.) From the Item drop-down list, choose Active Window Border and increase the value under Size.
72. (ALL) Build a bigger taskbar: If you have too many buttons crowding your taskbar and system tray, right-click the taskbar and make sure 'Lock the Taskbar' is unchecked. Now you can drag the top of the taskbar up to double its height. Move it to a screen edge and resize it to save space.
73. (ALL) Hide your taskbar: If you would like to make more room for other windows, right-click the taskbar and choose Properties. Check Auto Hide or Auto-hide the taskbar, and click OK. The taskbar will disappear, but it will slide back in place when you move the pointer to the proper screen edge.
74. (ALL) Quash giant menu icons: By default Windows uses large icons in the Start menu but small ones in all its submenus. To get rid of the supersize pics, right-click the Start button (in XP) or the taskbar (in all versions) and choose Properties. In XP, click the appropriate Customize button and select Small icons (if you use the XP Start menu) or Show Small Icons in Start menu in the 'Advanced Start menu options' list (if you use the classic Start menu). In other Windows versions, click Show small icons in Start menu on the first tab you see.
75. (98) Clean your desktop, part 1: Tired of icons cluttering your desktop? To hide them in Windows 98, right-click the desktop and select Properties. Click the Effects tab and check Hide icons when the desktop is viewed as a Web page. Click OK. Now whenever you want to see a cleaner desktop, all you have to do is right-click it and choose Active Desktop, View As Web Page to send your icons into stealth mode.
76. (2K, ME, XP) Clean your desktop, part 2: Desktop icons can take up a lot of space in other versions of Windows as well. To hide them in 2000 and Me, right-click the desktop, choose Active Desktop, and make sure Show Web Content is checked. Right-click the desktop again (if needed) and choose Active Desktop, Show Desktop Icons to bring your icons back into view. To hide desktop icons in XP, right-click the desktop and click Arrange Icons By, Show Desktop Icons (to uncheck it). Then repeat the steps to bring the icons back.

1044053  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2008-09-04
Written:2008-09-04 01:10:43 (6052 days ago)

first and foremost,
let me tell you all that i will be getting more involved with ET...
i have five entried for different contests ready...
and a little banner for a special friend...
Terry Pratchett, Gothic, Witch, Faerie, and Kura's Color Contests...
i have most of them started...
the personal project is done,
kura's color contest is done,
i started on Terry Pratchett, about seven different things... *hehe*
starting the other three tomorrow...
Very very busy, because i will not have internet in two weeks...
i will be writing all of you very soon,
And Sir Marion,
the nude portraits will be done soon and ready to send to you...
i have a photo shoot at the end of the week also...
things are awaful, but are starting to become interesting...
he he!
Well, i love you all!
And everyone needs to send my bff (!) Lauren [Deleted1906721]
a very happy birthday wish on the seventh!
i am going to send you a special something via usps asap!
Gotta finish cleaning up my parents' computers!
Love ya!

986417  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-25
Written:2007-10-25 06:31:01 (6367 days ago)
Next in thread: 986865

Alrighty folks...
Just got to come home today... Will, myself, and most importantly the new edition Donovan Alexander Wakefield-Frick... That's right! He has finally arrived... That's right everyone... my water broke early on Sunday... somewhere around 10:15 am... we got to the hospital and i stayed in labor for 20 hours, no epidural... didn't even make it to the actual delivery room... but it was well worth it... i gave birth to a gorgeous little boy on Monday, October 22, at 5:08am ... 7lbs. 8oz. and he is 20.5" long... beautiful blue eyes and dirty blonde hair... he is perfection... i will get on here again soon with the web site and password from the hospital so that you can all view his pictures... trust me, this is something really important to me... and besides... how could you pass up the chance to see something so gorgeous... This is a piece of art that has been 9 months in the making...
And you guys know that i will totally be posting pictures of my own up here on ElfTown... i can't keep the camera off for too long...
Well, this proud new Momma has another feeding to get to...
Love you all,

P.S.// Congratulations to Sheridan, Lauren, and Eric! You are all officially parents now... of the "Godly" sort...

984524  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-18
Written:2007-10-18 04:18:14 (6374 days ago)

*solid note*
Still as pregnant as i was before...
Just hurting a lot more now...
Getting hard to walk...
*that's all for baby news*

984523  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-10-18
Written:2007-10-18 04:16:02 (6374 days ago)

Alright, this one goes out to all of those unfortunate people who have a stepmother...
Not just any kind of stepmother, but a narcisistic, bitchy one...
One that never does jack shit but throws herself pitty parties 24/7...
Anyone know what i am talking about?
Someone's gotta...
i hope to god i am not the only one dealing with this shit right now...
i do not even know where to start on her...
She is picky, and lazy, nosey, and deceptive...
Two faced is a nice term...
i totally regret leaving Alabama...
i moved in with Dad for the birth of the baby...
i also moved in to try to build a stronger relationship with my father, and to help him out with the bills he needs to catch up on...
He is the only person who has the right to be stressed out right now...
Cody and William are my brothers... they constantly get shit from her... they are her birth children...
Me and Will get eavesdropped on all of the time, or get hints thrown at us about how much she wants something done but doesn't feel like it...
Poor Will has had to vacuum and wash dishes and put up with her shit almost daily...
And she rubs against him and even flirts... let me tell you how bad that is...
She just has this whole regime thing for fooling my dad...
As soon as he leaves, she is online in chat rooms and what not, getting mysterious, early morning calls...
She drives William to school, comes back and does the same thing, but while ever so talentedly stuffing her fat fucking face!
Then, when she is bored, she bangs around the house, does super loud shit and won't stop until someone acknowledges her...
Then the attitude gets turned on...
Like right now, she started to get in an argument with Cody, just to be an ass and i told them both to stop it before it started...
Jeebus help us all!
Now my Dad is trying to sleep in bed, it is his off time, he needs his rest so much, and she is breaking plastic hangers, pouting and whining to herself, and going through mail and papers to rip apart trash...
It is 11:13 pm!
What the hell...
She purposely rubs it is daddy's face, and will continue to do so until he wakes up angry...
i just can not tolerate this shit right now...
i am pregnant and hormonal...
it is hard as hell to upset me, and yet she can with ease...
No one else here is pregnant, and they are all tired of her shit as well...
it is no wonder that my brother Eric left here and never fucking called them again...
It is her...
i want to create a wiki in honor of killing stepmothers...
Anyone out there with me?

982614  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-10-10
Written:2007-10-10 02:16:50 (6382 days ago)

Baby Update 
Alrighty everyone,
at about 8:15 this evening of Tuesday, October 9th, 2007; the rest of my mucus plug came out.... we are waiting patiently for my water to break and then for contractions to start. It shouldn't be too long before we have a little Alex... i am excited... in a bit of disbelief , but i am excited... i wanted to keep everyone updated, but didn't know how... i will not have a phone on me, but Will and my father are going tocall everyone that we have numbers' for. i hope everyone is well, and Sheridan, i wish you were here!
Love you all,

916444  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-03-04
Written:2007-03-04 04:11:45 (6602 days ago)
Next in thread: 916517

Well, after the enthralling hospital experience i am happy to be home, and back in my normal routine. Really. Cleaning, cooking, doing evrything i am not supposed to just like i would have which is why i have made an important decision. i have to get the fuck out of here. i always talk about it, have friends say that they will help me, and it never works. The only person to be by me in this whole thing is Kym. Even though she is busy enough tending to her own life, she finds time for me. Everything is moving so slowly, but it is moving. Kym helped me to convince my brother that his girlfriend with no eyelids is not as important as family at this time. Their conversation was hilarious, something about how he should not choose a months fuck over his sister... even though he had agreed with me on the phone earlier. Hmm. i got a brand new cell phone // (205) 229 5185 call me, if you're a friend or more. Right now, voices and people are what i need to keep sane. Erm... yeah. i have a lot of news for everyone later... after my life gets to where it needs to be... next week all week is busy, i am the maid of honor at two weddings next week, and an assistant hostee of a baby shower, a bachelor party, a birthday party, a lingerie party, and an equine camp... woo hoo. Also i have birthdays coming up, Josh, Kym, Mark... wow. And then there's my imminent death to worry about. Kidding. i have oral surgery next Tuesday for a cyst in my mouth of all places, and a doctors appointment Wednesday before the first wedding. i have six paintings on deadline by next Saturday before the second wedding, and apartments to look at tomorrow. i am financially drained as of now, hospital bills, and more rolling in.. Blus Cross may be great on some coverage, but god help you on the co pay and remaining fees. It gets pretty ridiculous. i also need to set up an appointment with an optometrist, look into some laser eye surgery or either 2 to 4 pair of really cute glasses. Glasses would probably be cheaper.... Wow. i really want to go to Old Navy... has anyone else seen those sun dresses? And i would like to get my angel wings before April rolls in.... A full back peice. Two wings, wee! i am also going to grow my hair out super long and keep it at its' natural color.... i can't wait for this medical shite to end, then i can lose this weight and be sexay again. i also want a new cartilidge peircing. . . Sorry for my scatter brained thoughts. My Dad and i are talking again... daily... due to this medical stuff... ovaries can totally get you places... too bad my mother is not concerned... they arwe probably worried about my slut of a step sister anyways... i hope those two women burn in hell... they would be so comfortable there... arg, happy thoughts. Yeah... i have a lot on my mind... Oh, i have started to love R & B and even some rap.... that shit is great to dance to... i hope to hit the clubs really soon too... and a few bars... i miss my friends. Other than that nothing is really on my mind, other than the fact that about 80% of the male population should die! :( Totally. i want a pumpkin cream cheese roll.... omfg! It's after 10 and i need to call my brother.... Naz is going to be furious... i hope his lidless hoe isn't with him tonight.... she was just rude.... okay.... gotta go.... toodle-ooo

872619  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-11-08
Written:2006-11-08 23:15:43 (6717 days ago)
Next in thread: 872643, 872841


865562  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-10-20
Written:2006-10-20 16:12:26 (6737 days ago)
Next in thread: 866564

Be back here tonight with goodies! A_real_freak inspired me to do a line of womens... thus why i have been gone for so long... i will write all of you back.... love you all!

860776  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-07
Written:2006-10-07 04:33:19 (6750 days ago)

He will never want me now.
No worries though.
He seems as though he has made his rounds in ET.
Just read the guestbooks and descriptions of the people on his Relations' List.
He loved a lot more than three people.
What can i say?
A fool like me steps into love without caution, and blindly.
It hurts to avoid him.
But i have to.
Is there any other remedy?
Because this is killing me.
"No fooling around with your troubles now kid.", says the marionetter as he pats me on the back... "It's showtime, put on a happy face.", says he as i am pushed onto the stage....
i suppose that's life.
And if it is, i want to work behind the scenes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~something i found in a house~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
28 Ways to make a girl smile...
1 tell her you think she’s beautiful, not hot or fine or sexy.
2 Hold her hand at any moment, even if its just for a second
3 Kiss her on the forehead
4 Leave her voice messages to wake up to
5 Always tell her you love her, at any and all times.
6 When she’s upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you.
7 Recognize the small things, they usually mean the most
8 Call her sweetie and baby
9 Sing to her, no matter how horrible your voice is
10 Pick her over your guy friends, and
especially girl friends
11 Write her notes, she LOVES them
12 Introduce her to family and friends as your GIRLFRIEND
13 Play with her hair
14 Pick her up, tickle her, play-wrestle with her
15 Sit in the park and talk to her
16 Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes
17 Throw pebbles at her window in the middle of the night, just because you missed her
18 Let her fall asleep in your arms
19 Carve your names into a tree (but then plant a new one together for the damaged you caused)
20 If she's mad at you, kiss her
21 Give her piggy back rides
22 Buy her ice cream
23 Treat her the SAME around your friends as you do when you're alone
24 Let her take as many pictures of you as she wants
25 Look her in the eyes
26 Slow dance with her, even if there isn't any music playing
27 Kiss her in the rain
28 If you're in love with her, TELL her

860037  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-10-05
Written:2006-10-05 03:48:36 (6752 days ago)
Next in thread: 860053, 860290, 860869

i am ready for you when you are ready for me.
You know who you are.
And i love you.
i can't help it.
You're a god damned disease,
And i don't believe there is a cure.

857105  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written:2006-09-27 04:07:57 (6760 days ago)
Next in thread: 857111, 857240

i can't help for hurting
i can't win for losing.

 The logged in version 

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