[ZeoOfFire]'s diary

1161327  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2013-07-15
Written:2013-07-15 14:42:44 (4277 days ago)

At my girlfriend's for a little while, and there are a few plans keeping me out and about. This, along with writing my dissertation, means I don't have much time for Elftown, so I apologise about my horrible posts, and the long waits for them.

1159089  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2013-04-05
Written:2013-04-05 01:13:10 (4378 days ago)

Okay, leaving to go back for universityness tomorrow morning (6th April).
Still a teensy bit ill from a stomach bug. And it's an early leaving time.
Soooooo apologies if I'm out of it.
And a[ologies if Uni kicks my RPing ass for a bit.

1145596  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-12-26
Written:2011-12-26 11:23:57 (4844 days ago)

So, for Christmas, Santa/My Gran got me a brand new laptop, so I kinda don't have many excuses not to post now.

1143617  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-10-30
Written:2011-10-30 02:47:06 (4901 days ago)

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.
2 things.
1) I went to London MCM expo. It was good!
2) My laptop keeps cutting out intermittently, causing a lack of posts.

1140981  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-08-25
Written:2011-08-25 15:19:38 (4967 days ago)
Next in thread: 1140994

So, I've been a bit frantic recently with my posts, due to a lot of "Waa, people leaving for university" parties. So what better time to start my own RP eh?
Truth be told, there's not many parties left. One on Saturday (So I probably won't have internet MOST of that day), and then none I believe. Although I will be, y'know, leaving for university. But that's on the 17th of September, so I have a lot of RP time left. And even in Uni, I can RP!

1138731  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2011-07-10
Written:2011-07-10 23:39:10 (5012 days ago)

Sorry if I'm taking ages to post, my brain's really going "BLEEEEEEEEERGH!!!" And won't let me post anything. Apologies to all, but the writer's block should go soon.

1136652  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-06-03
Written:2011-06-03 20:31:24 (5050 days ago)

My laptop has a brand new hard drive. It's bigger, and better.
All there is to do is to put everything back on, etc.

1135680  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2011-05-19
Written:2011-05-19 22:26:13 (5065 days ago)

Freezer bag trick failed. No laptop for me till a week Monday.

1135591  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2011-05-18
Written:2011-05-18 17:38:00 (5066 days ago)

Last night, my laptop froze. Upon resetting, it has blue screened every single time. Startup Repair does nothing, using a Windows 7 install disk does nothing.
Gonna try putting the hard drive in the freezer tomorrow, and if it doesn't work, I have no laptop for another 11 days afterwards, when I'm getting a new hard drive.

1135231  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2011-05-13
Written:2011-05-13 10:04:10 (5071 days ago)

Fucking Friday the 13th FUCK FUCK FUCK!
My laptop was broken today.
It may be my harddrive, it may not.
I have no money for a laptop, or anything much else.
I need my laptop.

1128160  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2011-01-03
Written:2011-01-03 00:39:21 (5201 days ago)

Christmas and New Years ate me up. I'm back up to date with X-Men now, and hope to do HSvtW tomor-nevermind, today. Silly staying up past midnight.

1127231  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2010-12-09
Written:2010-12-09 21:24:52 (5226 days ago)

Really sorry.
Been confused in some RPs (Like HSvtW, which I have since posted in, after solving confusion), and even when not, I tend to be at my girlfriend's flat, which previously had no internet, but now it does, I can use my laptop there. But aren't allowed to charge it there, due to electrical costs, and the fact I'm at my girlfriend's to see her, and shouldn't be obsessing over ET when I have her with me, etc.
But yeah. There's all my excuses. Hopefully will be able to post more often though.

1126117  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2010-11-14
Written:2010-11-14 14:22:41 (5251 days ago)

Sorry it's a been a while since my last postings (Especially in High School Vs The World)
When I haven't been busy with things (e.g. Girlfriend), then my internet has been playing up something fierce!
I shall try to keep up with RPs, but if massive internet failure continues, I may shift some of my duties with HSvTW to Evo as well. If you don't mind, Evo? :P

1120484  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-08-02
Written:2010-08-02 22:18:27 (5355 days ago)
Next in thread: 1120490

This is the reason I don't buy diaries...

1120158  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2010-07-26
Written:2010-07-26 15:45:05 (5362 days ago)

Oh yeah. I'm back and all... Oops, I neglect this diary.

1119642  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2010-07-16
Written:2010-07-16 13:42:24 (5372 days ago)

Won't be on again till Sunday peeps. Too many parties.
At least for once, I'm warned, so I can warn you!
Hoping to see some fun things here when I return!

 The logged in version 

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