[amrazon]'s diary

12300  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-03-02
Written:2003-03-02 03:15:02 (8065 days ago)

I have but a moment to speak to you my friend,
  I am off to fly among the dragons, bloom with the violets, explode into a million shards of erotic dreams. Yes, I am off to find he who haunts my dreams and tickles my fancy. 

12183  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-03-01
Written:2003-03-01 05:43:38 (8066 days ago)

It's late my dear friend,
I'm bored, my mouse is broken and I'm a bit pissed. I am eager to do some work and cant till tomorrow. (gonna run and purchase a new high tech mouse!)How is it I feel one way one second and another the next. I'm on a cliff lookin down and I dont know if I should feel dimmed and dark in search of an end to madness or rejoice in the beauty of which we have all been blessed with. It's a mystery to me, forever shall be so it seems. I'm gonna take a few and look upon the wonderful works of life these wonderful talented people here at elftown have created. So til next I write...till next I feel...till next I need to unburden myself of reality.

12159  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-03-01
Written:2003-03-01 02:08:23 (8066 days ago)

Dearest Diary,
This is my first entry, may we become as friends should be-special. I am here, once again, trying to unwind from a busy day and I'm glad. I'm glad for life, I'm glad for friends, family~everything! Even though my back aches and I feel overwhelmed at times...It feels good to be alive and have somewhere to visit like elfwood. Where I feel at home among family of magical beings like myself.

 The logged in version 

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