[blue mist]'s diary

741759  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-01-31
Written: (6814 days ago)

hello!!! I havent put in an entry for a long while!! well I went paintballing two days ago and it was a blast!! over 30 guys showed up! thats a lot for a game of paintball. we also joined the team called indyfog!! and were enjoying every moment of it! my dad is going to watch a tornement in chicago this weekend because he wants to get the players outlook before he starts to create the buisness!!!! and I have a new girlfriend!! my old one broke up with me yesterday for no reason at all( at least I dont know) well thats abouyt all for now... cherrio!!!

724531  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-31
Written: (6845 days ago)

hello... I am not going to make this long beceause I dont feel like typing today... ummm welll I will write another entree tomorrow hopefully.

723599  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-29
Written: (6846 days ago)

hello there. again I am bored... my little sister is being a brat and my mom is sorta letting her... it sucks.umm.... I went to Khols a few hours ago. I wish I couldave gone to Hot Topic... I have yet to buy a trenchcoat... GRRRRRRR!!!!!! sorrymy entrees are so boring for those who read this... If one good, enjoyable thing came out of this night it would be that we had Taco bell!!!!!!  WWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! tacotacotacotaco....

722318  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-27
Written: (6849 days ago)

WHY HELLO AGAIN!!! lets see...right now i am listining to fuse on the t.v. A few hours ago I was reading jthm. If you dont know what that is go to 'www.jthm.com' Its a great comic... um.... well Im still bored. my step sister just left with her "boyfriend" I really dont like him that much. Why you ask? well he is 14 and he smokes,drinks,and cheats on his girlfriends... I geuss im a wee bit protestive... oh well. Im the youngest in my family... at least my full blooded family... my parents are divorced and re-married.Anyway like I said im the youngest...but im the biggest(Im tall) and Iam pretty skinny for my heigth. Soooo bored...... well please go to my geustbook so I dont have to be anymore...

721864  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-26
Written: (6850 days ago)


721841  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-26
Written: (6850 days ago)

today I am bored.... yea.... it sucks. I just joined so if ANYONE would like to talk leave a message. Its a day after christmas and I am full of candy MmmMMmmm candy.... um well I might go to my dads house in a hour or so. Our I will go to my fried John's house. Lets see... I have a sudden urge to play DnD right about now... I wish I got the Invader Zim dvd's for christmas. Or mabey a jthm comic :). Now I want a muffin... darn. I got a paintball gun at my dads for christmas this year. My dad and one of his buddys at work are thinking of opening a pizza and paintball shoppy thingy. and my dad wants to play rec. ball this year before we go leauge.... Our team would consist of me,my dad,my brother,my step mom,and the dude that my dad wors with. thats all for today... yep

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