[candacebell]'s diary

658174  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6847 days ago)

Update.. wow Iv been away since 2004 lol, that was my last update before iv changed everthing! well Iv updated to the present time and have some new artwork to share as well!

Allot has changed since then. My artwork has recently been featured in the Artwanted.com Creative Minds Book as well as the ArtWanted.com 2005 Boxed Day Calendar. As well as Enchanted Artists Visions of Atlantis Book.

And I have joined more on line galleries as well :)

226220  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-05-18
Written: (7319 days ago)

Well a little update....
Iv been really busy chatting on yahoo messenger in this paranormal and Ghosts room, Iv met some very kind and interesting people there and find myself coming back over and over to the room he he.

I have still be working out on the treadmill and going for walk with my hubby to loose a little weight and get some excise, so I’m not slacking off yet...although today I didn’t bother he he...

Been painting a bit but not to much, as I said before I have been spending allot of time chatting. I have been selling a few pieces on ebay and made 100 bucks in art sales last week witch was cool!

I’m very excited for the poetry contest to come to a close to see who wins! I have also been very anxious about the self portrait voting poll and am waiting for news as to when it will be over.

anyway that’s my lil update!

215206  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-05-07
Written: (7331 days ago)

Well Im feeling pretty good, I found out today that Im not as heavy as I had thought at 145lbs, im actually 136lbs, I went and got a hair cut and it looks great, some layers and whispies to frame my face and my all natural hair color!

I also ordered some of that Proactiv stuff, you know the one you see the infomercial for the face care stuff, I cant wait to get it, soon ill have clear skin a nice bod and a new hair cut! yay, Im hoping to never wear makeup again!

My hubby orderd some amp that you hook up into your computer with all these settings, ( for his guitar)...having money is nice...we dont ask for much but there have been a few small items we have been wanting for our hobbies. After all this spending its time for saving!

anyway im feeling great, soon Ill have to get another updated pic with my new hair cut!

210942  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-05-01
Written: (7336 days ago)

PetsMart sick Animals.

Well today my Hubby and I had to go make a trip into Rhode Island, one reason to stop at the art store for some paints…whenever we go there we like to take a stop in the pet stores just to look around, we use to go into Petco and PetsMart but we didn’t care much for the way Petco kept their animals or the set up of the store…its changed around now but we only now go to Petsmart.

Anyway my favorite area is obviously the bird area, I just love going and seeing the birds, but this time what I found wasn’t a very pleasant site. One of the cages they had was for cockatiels and the cage wasn’t very big and stuffed with at lest 6 teils, they had another cage the same size with about the same amount of sun conures, they always stuff them in those small cages, they really need more room!

Anyway in the cockatiels cage there was this one that was obviously younger then the rest and he was on the floor of the cage pecking around, he had no tail feathers from lack of space and probably being picked on, his band and feet were covered in droppings and his plumage over all was just awful and greasy looking. So I put my finger on the glass and talked to him through the cage and he seemed so happy to have attention he was trying to nibble my finger through the glass, The poor thing was pretty weak, you could easily see it in his walk, But I really got an idea for how bad off he was when he found this latter that rested against the front of the cage and he had to struggle up it but he made his way over and I offered my finger and he nibbled it gently.

I was so mad that this bird was in there! So I went looking to tell someone about the bird, when I came back there were two younger girls in the bird room, so I walked over and told them that one of the cockatiels was pretty sick, to which they dumbly looked up and replied “ Oh, really which one?” I couldn’t believe it….so I walked out and pointed to it, I pointed out all the obvious symptoms it had and showed them the crap all over its feet and that it was pretty week. So after explaining this one of the girls tried to take it out of the cage and it must have been obvious to her that he was week, he had to use his wings to keep balanced, so with that she rushed away with him and on her way to wherever she was headed I saw her trying to get it to stay on her shoulder as she walked,….all I could think was…”you F’in idiot hold the baby in your hands!” Of course I didn’t yell that out.

So after finding my hubby who was looking at fish I went back to talk to them again and they were both back. So I asked them both what they do with their birds that are sick…because I had heard that Petco refrigerates their sick animals. She told me that they take their animals to the vets, she mentioned the name of a person but I don’t know who they were. So I talked about the sick baby a bit more and one of the girls said “I think I took him from the back to early” I didn’t know what she meant so I asked and apparently they hand raise their own birds there, with the exception of parakeets, canaries and finches. And she thought she weaned him to fast and that’s why he was wasn’t looking so good. I also learned that when they hire people they don’t need any animal knowledge whatsoever because they receive extensive training and testing later….yeah right “extensive” training my ass! They cant even recognize a sick baby that they raised themselves!

I just wanted to take that poor baby home, but I don’t have the money or room really. Anyway that’s my rant,…you would think that they would be more serious about their animals and hire people that are already familiar with certain animals and knows their behavior, not someone that has to read a bunch of stuff and take a test for the job. I should be working there and show them all how its done!

current mood: pissed off

210036  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-30
Written: (7337 days ago)

My hubby Tom and I had a cat door installed about a week ago, since we are in the garage apartment now, if Yari wants to go outside we have to go down the stairs open the door to let her into the garage and then chase her around to let her out another door to outside in the back, the second problem is knowing when she wants back in and having her always going to the wrong door to get back in "the one that she’s use to" So we got the cat door on ebay and had it installed right in the wall at the bottom of the stair way so she can go directly outside and come in as she pleases. We have been having a hard tome teacher her that if she just pushes her head into the flap it will open, eventually she learned that but she had the worst time learning that she could do the same coming back in....I had to run in and out of the house to show her how to go in and out the cat door.

For the past day we thought that she was actually coming in the house from outside on her own, as we would see her walking into the main living area, but with a sleepy look on her face...so we weren’t sure if she had just come in from out side on her own or just woke up from her hiding place. So last night after we closed the cat door and locked her in for the night Tom and I were sitting watching some survivor and eating dinner when this movement could my eye by our bedroom door, as i watched I saw this tiny dark brown body waddle its way right on the living room rug....realizing it was a mole I leaped forward onto the floor trying to grab it and crawling on all fours chased it under our bed....Tom did know what the hell I was doing, it was just my reaction, makes sense...mole in the house, catch mole and realize it out side...so after pulling everything out for under the bed and pulling a muscle in my neck I got it with a fish net put it in a box and let it go outside.....our conclusion...cat figured out how to come back in through the new cat door, I figure the mole was a gift for our getting her the cat door lol! I expect to find another one sometime today lol!

209199  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-29
Written: (7338 days ago)

chill out robe day....(blah) 

Today is my chill out day, I woke up this morning with serious cramps, "that time of the month" I knew it would be bad this time around, I can barley walk without a massive ache coming to my tummy. So I have been sitting around watching TV on the couch drinking some tea and eating some coffee cake, I haven’t even had a shower yet....don’t know when I plan to...its times like this that being a woman sucks! Sorry guys out there...I know you don’t want to hear about it but I need to rant a little. My sweetie Tom understands, he’s a great guy and will do whatever I ask when he knows I’m uncomfortable, he even rubs my belly for me to make it feel better "I love the extra attention he he" I cant wait until he gets home from work.

I was watching that infomercial again for that face stuff proactive. I don’t know how many times iv watch it, but it does seem like miracle stuff. I could use it, Iv always had bad skin myself, especially around this time of the month, But its pretty expensive it seems, I think once we get some stuff paid off and have some money and are doing well Ill order some...I feel good about it. I tell ya all those before and after pics and pretty convincing! It would be so nice to have beautiful skin though and never have to worry about wearing makeup to conceal it, I hate the feeling its like a mask and your skin feels like it cant breath, its not refreshing at all! I’m one of those girls who has tried a few things over the counter but they never work, I don’t know why I bothered, My doctor once proscribed me something but the medication I had to apply smelled like piss lol.

Anyway, I had a painting end, got two bids so that was cool, its always extra cool when someone fights a bit over your painting at the end of the auction, turned out that they were from Australia, and they just noticed now that I had said not international buyers....people need to pay more attention and read the auctions they bid on....oh well I decided to send it to them, but shipping will coast extra and ill be getting a tracking number. I also had my ticket go through at elfwood and I now have a link to my prints page from there, so maybe that will bring in more money...maybe I can get that proactive stuff then he he.

A group I am apart of in Elftown has started a weight loss thing that starts on the 1st so I’m going to start running on the treadmill, I need to get into shape, My love handles are getting a little to lovie for my liking lol....

I’m still undecided about painting some more...the painting is turning out great and I am excited to paint but I’m still waiting for more canvas pad to arrive and I don’t want to leave myself with no artwork to do....but I may just bum around and watch TV all day...*hmmmm?* 

209076  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-29
Written: (7339 days ago)
Next in thread: 209253

This is odd....
Today I got an email that my elfwood ticket was passed and everything was approved and would show on my page shortly, now since receiving that email its been a few hours and nothing has changed?

So after looking over the ticket again just now, 11:14 pm, I found that the ticket said "Elfwood Ticket #314447 was processed by a moderator at Thu Apr 29 01:38:38 2004"

Now is it just me or isn’t Apr, 29th, 04 tomorrow lol, its still Wednesday here, is it possible that’s why they haven’t shown yet?

Well I hope that I don’t have to submit it again or else Ill have to wait another 10 days before the extranet allows me to, or else Ill just send an email back explaining.

207383  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2004-04-27
Written: (7340 days ago)

Is it just me or is Elftown a jumbled mess? Perhaps its because I’m new and I don’t fully understand how it works.
Over the past three days I have been surfing all through Elftown just skimming around and reading about the things that go on here and trying to get some bearings as to where everything is around here.

I have been trying to figure out about where contest go on and how I can earn some of those fancy badges that some people have in their house. I have been going back and fourth to "main street" looking for changed or updates or some sort of information but it doesn’t seem to change much. Today I found the Town herald which I’m assuming is like the news paper around here, But it seems that nothing it updated or clear, its like a jumbled mess to me!

I found some art related contests but the pages are old and aren’t updated and there are hardly any comments in them, its as if nobody cares about it or something??? maybe its just me but as a newbie I’m finding myself a bit over and under whelmed with the navigation of Elftown, I’m still not even sure what Wiki is all about! we got pages linking to pages all over the damn place!

Anyway I’m looking to get some balance here in Elftown and some understanding of it here lol, I would like to enter some contest, so far they are all pretty lame or pretty old...I want to get out there in the Elftown community but I don’t know how!

Its a big pain in the butt is what it is...

205687  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-04-25
Written: (7342 days ago)

I saved my goldfish today. But first ill tell the story before this....like 6 months ago my husband and I were in petsmart and saw this fancy quite large white oranda gold fish "these are the goldfish with the large growth on their head, its called a wen" Anyway I love orandas and this one was like 25 bucks and he’s was so beautiful, all white with a yellow face and head growth, I new I had to have him, so we bought him and I named him "pineapples" Anyway he turned out to have every thing wrong with him that a fish can possible have and despite my best efforts he died! "I should have know not to buy a fish from a tank full of ick"

Anyway this coloration is more rare and a little harder to find then your average oranda coloration. So a few days ago my hubby and I took a trip to a local pet store and there was pineapples! there were two actually almost the same size as my last and only 7 bucks! So I took him home even though I was paranoid he would have something wrong with and kill all my other fish. So we have him in our new 75 gallon fish tank with new rocks and everything. So anyway I’m sitting watching TV and I notice that my pineapples is acting rather lethargic and seemed to be breathing heavily and making these large gulps. After watching him from a distance for a while I came close to inspect him and realized the stupid thing had sucked up a rock while scavenging for fish food and couldn’t spit it back out.

So I got the tweezers and opened the lid and picked up the fish in my hand while I tired to pry the thing out but I kept pushing it farther back so id have to put him back in the water upside down to let him breath and allows the rock to fall back. After tipping him this way and that trying to find the best way to get it I finally got a grip and pulled the damn thing out....I felt pretty good about myself after that, and he started swimming around like nothing happened. Goldfish are great, they hardly get stressed and are very hardy fish. Anyway that’s my silly fish story, but that’s nothing...one time I gave a gerbil mouth to mouth resuscitation after I found the little guy was almost drown in his water bowl...but that really is a whole other story!

205268  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-04-25
Written: (7342 days ago)
Next in thread: 205500

This really sucks,

I hope that Elfwood gets up and running soon, I have another ticket I want to submit with some more pictures and profile changes,....figures just when I want to use it, it goes down. Oh well computers are great that way with their technical difficulties, I’m sure its not anyone’s fault that Elfwood is down.

I hope this doesn’t cause anyone to loose their gallery here, if it has something to do with the motherboard as I read that’s cant be good news. Ill be so pissed if I loose my gallery.

I had the hardest time getting on Elfwood. I first tried to join and did the test but I thought It was a waist of time and didn’t read the rules just answered what sounded right, so of course I failed. Second time I read over the rules but to my demise I failed again! I waited a long time in between before I tried again, this time I really tried and was sure I would pass but I failed! So fourth try, some months down the road from my last I did the test again and even had my Husband look at it and read the rules and go over my answers, and we were sure we would get in that time....then Elfwood decided they were changing the site around and all the information I put in was lost and I had to wait for ever for them to come back on line....so the next time I finally got in, you can bet I was completely thrilled.

So my point….., if my gallery is affected and its gone I will be pissed, I don’t want to have to fill out the test all over to get back in....I hope that it all works out and it comes back on line soon.

204452  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-24
Written: (7343 days ago)

Yay, with the help of some great people I figured out what html code was alowed for the description on my "house" page. So I added some cool stuff and maybe ill add more if I can think of anythng else....

My father in law just built a little cat door for our kitty yari so she can come and go as she pleases, Im trying to trian her how to use it, but so far she thinks its a hole to attack me through lol....

203295  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-23
Written: (7344 days ago)

Whats the deal with my guest book, I havnt had any sign it, I cant even sign it for myself lol. Oh well I suppose once I get more known around here and make my mark Ill get some people signing my guest book :P

202998  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-04-23
Written: (7345 days ago)

Well I guess Ill put this thing to good use, usually I write in my Live Journal, But perhaps I can get some sales out of this he he.

Anyway I just re- designed my web site with the help of my wonderfull computer wiz husband and I added a new page with a large selections of prints available through my web site via paypal. So if your interested in taking a peek just click the following link : http://www.candacebell.com/prints.htm

I hope that you guys like em, if not you can get the chance to veiw my updated site and my large gallery of art.

 The logged in version 

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