[crystalstars]'s diary

887883  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-16
Written: (6496 days ago)

<img:stuff/daN-gif.gif> Ok, life does not always go the way that you want it to, right? I know this, and still I thought that I was doing everything so much better then I was doing a year ago. But, the magic of karma I suppose has a way of catching up. Is there anyway that I could be the victim of having too much good luck at once, and hence, I'm now on the verge of loosing it all? That's how it feels like right now. I want to have a home... and it's just within reach for me, I can touch it with my fingertips, but still can not pull it towards me and capture it. Maybe I will wander forever.

887882  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-12-16
Written: (6496 days ago)

Here I sit, and I thought that everything would be fine, that whatever I was facing, was going to pass and too be all right. Well, here's how it is... whenever I think that way, it's almost inevitable that my walls come crashing down around me, and I find myself running for shelter, and hiding in the middle of my own rubble. Then it's time to clean up. So, since I know that this is the way my life usually goes, I'm going to try to prevent everything from happening again this way. But, sometimes, things are just out of our control. But, then again, that's why they call life and adventure. It does not always go the way that you plan for it.

 The logged in version 

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