[farawaygone]'s diary

832973  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written:2006-08-01 11:09:49 (6817 days ago)

Well here I am they say what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger right??? well I hope so...

I wish I could make myself dissapear at the moment but then that would be giving someone who hurt me deeply too much satisfaction.

Thankyou to [~Altopia~] my lovely sister for standing by me always and for not thinking any less of me, You truly are an amazing person, you know that...

To all my elftown friends firstly im sorry but times have changed since those pictures were exchanged it was when I was going through a tough time and was suicidal and was looking for acception no matter what it cost. I am recovering well still have to take anti depressants and the doctor says I may have to for the rest of my life.

Post natal depression almost destroyed my life but I am rebuilding it, my reputation may be tarnished somewhat but I know that the people here that I love will still love me I know they will because that is the kind of people that they are... Their friendship, your friendship as you read this means a lot to me...

Im so sorry.


501851  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-02-21
Written:2005-02-21 05:21:27 (7343 days ago)
Next in thread: 501856

Altopia everybody loves her I hope that this all gets sorted out soon... there isn't enough altopia for everybody...

496366  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-02-15
Written:2005-02-15 12:22:14 (7349 days ago)

well today was such a long day,
I worked, came home, cooked, cleaned and tried to keep my family happy. I am so exhausted all this parenting and working is really a full time job. My eyes are tired, my body aches and my legs are crampy. I am starting to feel older than I should...Im 23 but after today I feel 43. Days turn into weeks, weeks turn into years, oh how the time is flying by so much faster than when I was growing up and there is no stoping it, it waits for no-one no matter what your status, or if you are well off. One thing we all have in common is the mutual sharing of time... And in some cases that Is the only thing some people know how to share.

492174  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written:2005-02-10 11:18:32 (7354 days ago)

I met you so fast,
You looked straight at me,
Your eyes were so blue,
My heart was so free,

You took my hand,
And held it so tight,
Though I didn't know you,
It still felt so right,

Somehow I felt love,
You gave me some care,
It was like my heart bloomed,
Each time you were there,

Though you were a stranger,
I've longed for your touch,
A few days were a lifetime,
I miss you so much. :(

492173  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-02-10
Written:2005-02-10 11:14:23 (7354 days ago)

Beggars in the street,
Kings in their castles,
Robbing the poor,
What a huge bunch of assholes,

Taking our money,
Charging their taxes,
Buying their jewellery,
and faxing their faxes,

This is their justice,
Or thats what its called,
We sit in the darkness,
While they count their gold,

If you weren't born rich,
Then you will never be,
These are our leaders?
Its society.

 The logged in version 

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