[kemmen]'s diary

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Written about Monday 2005-08-15
Written: (6984 days ago)

quelre, quenuvalye i lamber eldareva,heh heh heh sorry i will type in english not elvish now ^_^
well so far life has been going preety good today oh and by the way in my house it says i am a native of new zealand, well i am curently visiting my aunt and uncle in the US. and to any of you who read this my name- "kemmen" is earth in elvish, the reason i call my self that is because iam in an elemental clan, you know fire, water , air, earth- well that is all for now-
            namarrie, kemmen
ps:the elvish at the beginning is translateed below
hello, thou cannot speack in the tongues of elves, heh heh

 The logged in version 

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