[mommyski]'s diary

542870  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-04-05
Written: (7279 days ago)

okay i guess it has been a while since i wrote in here for all of you that care chip and i are now dating haha i knew it
but ohh my goodness that man confuses me haha you should of seen me the week after he got home an emotional wreck i am telling you complete and total emotional wreck. i met him in person that day and his dad showed up so it kinda messed with my mojo and i was like okay but then he called me that night and we went out had a blast he taght me how to play pool and then we went bowling and i showed him that i was good at least somthing nooo guys you pervs i was talking about bowling then we went to the baracks and did some heavy duty macking and then i went home the next day and yeah he gave me this encredible you will be thinking of me all day long goodbye kiss and then i go home thinking all is well and i hear nothing from him for five days... five!!!! i was royally pissedthen on day five i get a note... a note yes i know as in the thing you do in highschool when you are too chicken shit to go up to the person and tell them somthing to thier face.. anyway he basiclly dumped me from our non- excistant relationship and then that night i go out to a club named demon and dimondsand he was there and to make a long story short when i went to chew him a new one it ended up that he kissed me and i would like to state that i was not coming on to him at all well it turns out that he was feeling slightly scared that he liked me so well and so soon after meating me so he was afraid of messing with me and also of the big c word but he ended up staying at my house that night. no we did not do anything that you guys are thinking well maybee some but not all of it . lol and from there the rest is history. i will update you

522535  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-03-15
Written: (7300 days ago)

okay eight days that is all i have to wait luke is not mad at me so i am happy about that and chip called me babe again today and told luke that hewasent playing me so i am gonna take that as a really good signohh my goodness though my pics keep messing up on my house makes me upstt anyhow that is about it i am so scared and excited i almoust feel sick beswt sick i have ever had though

521544  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-03-14
Written: (7302 days ago)

okay last night i was talking to chip online and he told me to say somthing to my brother well i guess what i said really tripped luke out and he is really super pissed at me he almoust went to get in afight with chip but dident because sami talked him out of it i guess this thing about me being his little sister and chip being his best friend is really getting to him idont know okay just 10 days till i see him and 9 puonds to loose ahhh yeah right there is no way but i am gonna try anyhow okay bye

520633  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-03-13
Written: (7303 days ago)

okay guess what 10 days and they are home they got sent sooner than we thought they would this is great but i think i am gonna be sick i am soo excited also i talked to him on the phone not what i expected but still gorgeous voice okay gotta go do house cleaning byby

518828  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-03-11
Written: (7305 days ago)

ok this is my first diary entry and guess what i have no idea what to write so i will just say what is on my mind i know everyone who reads my house is probly tired of hearing it but... OMG that man drives me nuts he can just say he will bring me the moon and just the thought makes me melt. he is the only man i have ever truly trusted and i am terrified that i did a mistake by giving it to him and he has given me absolutly no reason why i shouldent trust him i guess it goes back to old hurts and wrongs but who wants to hear about my emotional baggage i mean i dont even want to hear about it and it belongs to me. today he told me he talked to his dad about me that is a good thing right .... i mean he wouldent just be playing me and tell his dad about it would he?? ahh i dont know. then he askes me this question--> if you like a guy and he is not mormon than will anything come of it?.... and i should have told him no i really should have but i like him too much and all i said was well i like you and you arnt mormon and then you know what he did he asked me if i liked the color on his text arggghhhhh!!!! and it was orange and i hadent even thought that he would say anything like that so it caught me completly off gaurd and i was like well yeah sure i guess and he was like just joking but he said that is my favorite color remember you disapoint me of course he was joking but when he said it it felt like i had justkilled his puppy or somthing god that man drives me crazy i have no control over my emotions when i am around him. and he has no idea okay i think this is long enouph for my first entry ok byebye

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