I'm applying an implication
From which you may infer
That certain types of animals
Should not be wearing fur.
If man were meant to strut around
Completely clothed in hair,
Why's it mostly on our heads
Instead of everywhere?
If you believe in Darwin
We once were furry too,
But why go backwards (de-evolve)
I ask this then of you...
Is it fair to borrow fur
From animals in need?
It seems much less necessity -
For us it's merely greed.
Sometimes I sit inside myself
Cross-legged with my face upon my hands
I watch the people as they come and go
And become nothing more than passerby's
Even the few I've gotten to know, they shuffle on
There is forever somewhere they are dying to go
And so they die and walk around
Crushing the glass of broken dreams beneath their feet
There is so little left
A thin thread of what used to be
A metaphorical throb
A pulse long depleted
By unnecessary beatings.
You laugh and say that I don't smile,
You're right, I'm sorry, It's been a while.
In the smoke poor quality music plays
And I find myself in later days
Transposed from blessed times
Into days of morbid rhymes
And I am a frown;
Turned upside down
By doubt, fear and memories.
All will be well.
Don't descend into my hell.
Don't worry, leave me be -
There is a light before me
And to it I am drawn...
It is the dawn and when it breaks
Then I will smile.
Click, scroll
The news? I'm new.
Welcome the newbie to Main Street,
The vain street
Where we, the self determined artists,
To reveal
Our flights of fancy - free
(With the moderators approval of course).