Well, my aunt (who had cancer in her thyroids...we found that out two wed. ago) had her thyroids removed just this thurs. There is no more signs of cancer in her, luckily.
Haha! I made a new friend! Keifeto. He's on elftown! Whee...church stank as usual. Neither Luke nor Robert can teach ANYTHING. And my church friends ignore me...I despise them at times.
Well, Logan left school--he was sent to juv. hall for possession of cocaine, and flight from police--about two weeks ago. He won't be back for about two years (sigh). My life is horrible! I have nobody to go to 9th grade banquet with, and people pretty much hate me. Hate everything about me. At least my dress (I'm using my evening gown from the pageant) fits better. *meaning, the upper half -cough- cough-* Yay. That's my life in a nutshell.
Sometimes I want to hurt people...reall
I'm so lonesome at church. My friends have deserted me, except for Izzy and Kayla. Bethany *sob* hasn't been able to come back yet. Markayla is all over Joel, all of the time, so I never get to have our special "walk and talks" anymore. *sigh* I hate females. I mean, ever since I first met Joel, I think I loved him. You know, most people say "you can't truly love someone when you're that young." But I really think I love Joel Bell. He's been my best friend since fifth grade, and we do EVERYTHING together.
Yay! Now I can really play the guitar...an A, E, and D chord, and I can go all the way up the scale...:D