And how should I eat without a working stove?!? At least I have a micro and plenty of bread at home.
I just saw the last episode of Battlestar Galactica (There shouldn't be any spoilers here, but stop reading if you're übersensitive!).
I saw the behind the scenes movie where they promised that we should be so surprise, so I was kind of expecting a lot of twists. But the only thing that really surprised me was that it was so boring. They tried too hard to make it a grand finale, but it it just become a long long funeral. The fighting scenes were too long, the flash-back scenes were too long, the emotional scenes were too long... It was too long!
Some surprises here and there though. But not as totally shocking end as I would have made. And some things just didn't make sense.
Well, now it's over. I'll miss #6, but not so much the rest.
Australians saved for now:
IiNet Pulls Out of Australian Censorship Trial
(IiNet is Australia's third-largest ISP)
Stephen Conroy is still alive though, so Internet access is still far from safe in Australia.
For more sad news: Obama is helping RIAA destroy the economy, destroy innocent people's lives and enrich the lawyers:
And this he can't blame on Bush. Bush even prepared some nice resort camps where Obama could send the RIAA-people...
I watched Obama on Jay Leno this morning, and he's giving all the right answers to everything. But he isn't asked why the shrinking US-economy should keep enforcing intellectual monopoly laws that only benefit a few people and a huge number of lawyers. If you didn't have to pay for (even indirectly by higher prices) lawyers, you could easily afford new houses and cars without borrowing over 13% of GNP.
So far, Elftown isn't on Australia's black-list:
But there is a lot of other legal sites there that are. By the way: Linking to that blacklist if enough reason to get blocked. What should happed is that the evil people behind this regulation should be put behind bars for destroying free speech. But that will not happen until we make them block every site out there so that their voters start to see what they really are.
More background:
Best ever!
I was watching the Swedish final for the Eurovision Song Contest. It was so and so, but this, which unfortunately wasn't a contest entry, was great:
Skip the first 3 minutes if you don't understand Swedish.
Fantasy Art vs Lolcats
Lolcats is apparently beating the crap out of fantasy art.
I've thought for a while to make some sort of viewer-moderat
Feeling a little better today.
Unfortunately I woke up at 05:30 and couldn't get back to sleep. I guess it's time for breakfast and then a nap instead.
I suddenly got sick before going to bed last night. Now I've slept all day, but I'm still not feeling well. It feels like a desert with a sandstorm in my throat. I guess I'm OK otherwise so it isn't that bad. But it's highly annoying.
It's amazing to see how right-down stupid publishers are about file-sharing. It's time for them to realize that they sell books, not a story.
Anyhow, a fantasy and science fiction publisher got it right:
I hope that this stops being science fiction and more publishers start to get this. So far it seems like Baen is doing quite well so let's hope the money starts talking the language of freedom like it eventually does despite constant local setbacks.
This is so me!
But then I don't see why I should pay for music when active artists want to give it away for free to make me come to their concerts. And non-active ones I don't give a shit about and I'm more leaning towards paying to make anti-cultural anti-democrati
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Ehum, sorry about my last posting.
You can get a great "Windows 7": http://blogs.z
Three week Global media-boycott: [@fe51460545473]
The name is a little wrong: It's a boycott of:
* No purchases of CD's.
* No purchases of films.
* No purchases of computer games.
* No visits to movie theaters.
* No movie rentals.
So no boycott of watching movies, TV, reading newspapers or magazines, going to concerts, using Elftown or playing WoW.
Yay! Feels good to be able to go out and throw some rocks at people who are trying to steal my Internet! Hit them were it hurts!
Don't mess with these jellyfishes! Immortal, regenerating, morphing seriously bad-asses that you basically can cut into pieces and they will re-shape and they don't bother about starvation either: