Nothing new...
So I've been working on the sites during the spring. Have been pretty lazy lately, eventhough I've done some programming. It should have been more and I should have spent more time on keeping things active.
Right now I'm fighting with the book-keeping for my company. It's really little to do actually, but I have do decide how to work and that is some work. Things like getting a box to put all the papers in can take pretty long time, if you're lazy and unefficiant enough...
As for personal stuff: Not much at all. I miss Rasa's company (She lived here during April). She was mostly home and writing on her computer beside me, which was nice. Now when I'm alone, I can do more what I want to, but I don't actually do that much. Except a friend visiting for a weekend.
As for friends, I've started to collect addresses to people I know. I really learnt a lesson when I tried to get a DömD-team together and realized that I don't know how to contact most of the people I know in Linköping.
My plans for this summer are still not made. I have some ideas for both work and vacation, but I'll get back to that if something comes out of it.
And Lilo is doing just fine. She's a little bored sometimes though. But Sonic and Kali (on different times) have been visiting and eventhough there are some disagreements, she seems to like the unbordom.