[tears_of_blood]'s diary

586350  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-05-30
Written: (7060 days ago)

So yea now im so messed i want to tell my bf a secret that i know that he does'nt know that i know but im not quite sure how to tell him.Im so scared i keep telling myslef that maybe if he ever does brake up with when i tell him if i ever do tell him or maybe if he can't be honest and tell me before i even tell him. Maybe we shouldnt even have this supposevly relashionship.:( My friends all tell me the same. And Ive been thinking bout it in my bed all week end of why am I on the face of the earth first my mom kicks me out , my dad hurts me, my family despises me n everything i touch or everyone i speak 2 end up hurting me emotionaly.....-.- I Honestly dont know what to do anymore,..n all i can really do is wait n c what the futur hold for me.

555193  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-04-18
Written: (7102 days ago)

Yesterday My Uncle, Grama and Aunt called the cops on me and my friend was over cuz my lil sister called me grama to come and pick her up yet she didnt know that my aunt was snooping on the phone,...then bla bla bla stuff happened got the cops called on me then children aid o.o geeez whats next o yea found out my boy's grama is gonna die...poor baby is gonna be sad :( .....
o well ill write again whenever

 The logged in version 

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