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tears_of_blood (Love you Steven)

Member #118256 created: 2005-02-23 13:24:35Simple URL:   

Name: KiKi


This Is Me ...-.- This is not the Best Pic Of Me But OK ^^


Elftown titles and orders
Street child


Who Are They? Are you Serious >.> <.< >.<
Most blonde: Stacie lol ^.^
Nicest: LeVi
Tallest: Steve >.>
What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? Try and do My BoyFriend, I'd Kill anyone who'd try to pull a Stunt like That e.e
Which people do you trust the most? Levi,Chasity,Both of my Steve's haha...
Do you believe in soul mates? yeah sure ...
Is it right to flirt if you have a bf or gf? Is it Not >.>

   Simple Questions Description:
Name:Kiki Nickname(s):Kitty,Kiki
Birthdate: 10/17/90
Hair Length: just below shoulders*i think?*
Eye color: blue
Shoesize: 8
School/work: school
You smoke: did
Hobbies: shopping/dancing\hanging out with my friends\listen to music iino to much @.@
Brothers/Sisters: 3 sisters 2 brothers
Relationship:yes kinda,..
Most sexy person(s): Fabolous,Ludacris,J-Kwon,Chingy, many ^^
Favorite Car: Corvette hmm...too many....Cadillac Escalade
Favorite Movie(s):You got served, Spirited Away,Peter Pan, Honey, Butterfly Effect.. etc...
Favorite Music:Rap n HipHop
Favorite City(s): New York,South Carolina
Favorite sound:i like most:umm
Favorite Nickname:Kitty&Kiki obviously
What all is under your bed:Thongs lol
Favorite color: Black\Pink\Red\Army Green
Favorite Song ever: Fabolous:B.A.B.Y
Favorite song at this moment:Splash Waterfall
Favorite drink: Pepsi
What do you think is greatest about yourself:eyes,butt,boobs,hair,personality, nails,legs,hips ...others well according to my friends ^^
What deodorant do you use: Lady Speed Stick?...<<«
Favorite shoes: Oasis,No Surrender...
What time do you go to bed on weekdays: depends
What word do you use most: Cute!!
Most romantic moment in your life: When My Boy Said I was his one n only ^^
Most embarrassing moment in your life: like i would tell you
You spend your time rather inside or outside: Both
What do you do in the weekends: shopping and hanging out with my friends listen to music
Your Breakfast: don’t usually have it
Laugh or Dream: both
Fast or slow: dunno depends
You prefer being alone or have a relationship: having a realtionship
Simple or complicated: Both
Sex or Alcohol: both
Stay up late or go to bed early: Both
Light or dark: Dark
Speak or Silence: both
happy or sad:happy!
worst feeling in the world:being heartbroken
goodfriends:Christina, Levi, Stacie, Crystalena, Krystal, Brandon,Eric..Jeffrey,Steve
Simple or Complicated: Life is complicated...
Pets:4 Rabbits,Turtle,Mouse,Dog,Cat,Bird,..Freaking pet house cuz of my lil sis
Serious or funny: both
Tall or small man/woman: taller then me
Left or Right: Right
Dark/ red/ Blonde: dark
When you die, what will be your last words?: Don't Forget me ^^
Best feeling: love
Are you an emotional person:yes
Do you ever cry during a movie: sometimes..^^

Fallen for your best friend? Oh yeah
Made out with JUST a friend? Yep yep
Been rejected? Umm >.> nu
Been in love? Of Course
Been in lust? Now that yes
Used someone? Umm…YES
Been used? How should I know probably in tha past
Cheated on someone? Yes and im sorry..
Been cheated on? Yep
Done something you regret? Yes all the time
Considered a life of crime? Ahhaha yea
Considered being a hooker? Yes and No lol
Considered being a pimp? Maybe ok yes
Are you psycho? Of course not ~blink blink~lol
Split personalities? YES YES YES
Schizophrenic? what?
Obsessive?uM Depends
compulsive? umm..what?
Dream of dead bodies, blood, death, and gore? Hell Ya
Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? YeP
Understanding: yeah!
Open-minded: yes!
Arrogant: I don’t think so
Insecure: Around some ppl haha Chris
Interesting: you tell me
Hungry: Nopw
Friendly: VERY
Smart: Yush haha
Moody: I get My Days
Childish: Yep
Independent: yes
Hard working: yes
Organized: NO!!no! Only if I want to be LoL
Healthy: aside from Smoking and drinking sure
Emotionally stable: Yeah
Shy: NEVER Muahaha
Difficult: Hmmm...Not that Much
Attractive: Let me Know aite
Bored easily: yeah
Thirsty: Yes
Responsible: no depends on who's asking
Sad: sometimes
Happy: most the time
Trusting: Of Course
Talkative: all the time I talk to damn much that’s what gets me into trouble LoL
Different:Yes Of course
Unique: All the Way
Lonely: Nope
Color your hair? Noooooo
Have tattoos? Not Yet
Piercings? yes hehe
Have a boyfriend? yes
Floss daily? yes
Own a webcam? no
Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes depends on who i'm talking to

Age: 15Year of birth: 1990Month of birth: 10Day of birth: 17

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Halfling
Elftownworldmap 45°58.272'N 80°12.288'W

Place of living: Canada - Ontario

Town: N Bay

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglishFrench

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
web design

gothhip hoprap

Other interests
fantasypartyrole playing

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: normal

Height: 157

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