Elftown Competitions

How do you overcome an artist's block?

* Take A Break
* Art Block Idea Generator
* Find Drawing Prompts
* Do Many Studies of One Subject
* Make Pictures Out of Doodles
* Study My Favourite Artists
* Try Something New
* Compete in an Art Challenge
* Recreate My Old Artwork
* Just Do It
* Use a Colour App
* Get Out of My Head
* Re-Evaluate My Environment
* Prioritize My Health
* Step Into Nature
* Wallow
* Something else, which I will elaborate on in the comments

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Amish Hammer

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Date: 2022-06-20 14:29:11
News #: 736
Reporter: Hedda
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Date: 2021-12-26 17:57:32 Piece #: 272 Mod: Sunrose
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Date: 2021-12-26 17:54:03 Poem #: 1742 Mod: Sunrose
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Date: 2021-12-26 17:50:17 Featured member #: 124 Mod: Sunrose
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Bob's Diner


a limerick, by [Mortified Penguin]
.........Welcome to Bob's Diner,
ain't no place finer!
The food is good,
we're always in tha 'hood,
and [Sagacious Turkey] is a whiner!

About the Featured Wiki
Date: 2022-01-23 20:08:14 Feature #: 90 Mod: Sunrose
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<joinforum:2405:nightingale> (Featured Story Nominations)

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Date: 2021-12-26 18:01:30 Featured story #: 48 Mod: Sunrose

Annual events for 27 July

Talk Like a Mad Scientist Day
Barbosa Day (Puerto Rico)
Revolution Day (Cuba)
Independence Feast Day (Djibouti)
/More info on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
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Annual events for 28 July

Somers Day (Bermuda)
Olavsoka Eve (Faroe Islands)
Ch'ilsok (North Korea)
Peru Independence Day (2 days)
Fall of Fascism Day (San Marino)
Asalapha Bupha Day (Thailand)
/More info on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_28
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