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Sunrose (<img:img/mood/20610_1165407085.gif> peek-a-boo)

Member #45154 created: 2004-03-08 10:56:33Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Debby


Drawing missing.

Sunny Featured Art
Sunny Featured Art

<img:stuff/BambiA.gif>          <img:stuff/SunPrisBam.gif>
Badges by me

Badge by [Viking]

I'm an asshole
Badge by [Thunder Cid]

My kid said I look drunk in my profile pic.
It was one Kriek and she doesn't even know what drunk me looks like!
The day has come I got roasted by my own offspring..

This member is a fan of these wiki-pages:
The Wiggle WagglersChristmas moodsWhich Font are you?
And of 12 more wiki-pages.    List them 

Age: 41Year of birth: 1983Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 8

Gender: female

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: Netherlands

Known languages

Civil status: married

Body shape: normal

Height: 165

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