all I can say is...
All hail Wikipedia.
Too bad I've found another addiction already: Battery. And it has caffeine in it ;)
(*shameless advertising* http://www.bat
or else I could start drinking coffee again. >.>
"you have a gift of making people feel better about themselves and about their life and other people.."
- ashley
i went to elfpack and read some old messages from ashley to me, feeling alone...
So I went to see Silent Hill today with Mari...
Well. After 30 minutes of the film I wanted to leave the theater...
Well, I'll just say that during the rest of the film I spent watching the movie covering my eyes and ears...
I hate horror movies...
I don't know what I was thinking when I decided to see the movie.
Stop me if I ever say I'm seeing a horror movie ever again.
And after the movie Mari and I walked to the park of Kaisaniemi and there was this annual free concert going on.
Mari wanted to see Värttinä.. Well, they're sort of a Finnish folk music group or something..
Not really my kind of music, but Mari liked them so.. I ruined my earhearing for the rest of my life because of her.
We were so close to the stage, I swear my ears still ring due to it.
it's now 9 pm. Now I'm going to sleep. I feel like a zombie. I've been up since 4-5 am.
I cleaned my room in the afternoon trying to stay awake...
So this is enough you'll get from me. Night.
Du har lärt mig allt jag kan
om att hålla ryggen fri
Du och jag kan slåss
om en plats i solen...
Vi kan slåss om en plats
längst fram
om någonting att hålla i
Du och jag kan slåss om
den bästa stolen
vem som än har den
Vem är det som har den?
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
Jag kan inte tänka klart
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
och se vem som står kvar
Du har lärt mig allt jag kan
om att aldrig någonsin
lägga sig i
Du och jag kan stå
i vårt hörn och blunda
Det är ändå redan
alldeles för sent
Det finns inget kvar
att hålla fast vid
så du och jag kan stå
i vårt hörn och undra
vad var det som gick fel
Vad var det som gick fel?
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
det händer någonting snart
Vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon
Nu kan jag inte längre tänka klart...
Vi kan väl vänta, vi kan väl vänta,
vi kan väl vänta tills imorgon...
Du hatar fantasier, du är bunden av logik
Tyst, var tyst, hör du, det är nästan som musik
Så vackert, slutar andas, glömmer var jag är
Jag bara blundar, lyssnar, njuter av min värld
Jag har försökt
Jag har försökt
och jag försöker igen
Tiden går, om hundra år
är du stjärndamm, min vän
Jag hatar dig som nykter, och jag älskar dig som full
Allt har blivit dödligt, man får cancer utav sol
Jag hör hans röst och den är cigaretter, gråt
Den tunne vite greven sjunger om gyllene år
Jag har försökt
Jag har försökt
och jag försöker igen
Tiden går, om hundra år
är du stjärndamm, min vän
Och då kommer känslan
den smygande känslan
den enda jag inte rår på
Då stänger jag själen
klämmer ihjäl den
hittar en himmelsk drog
Och då kommer känslan
är jag den enda som aldrig förstår...
Så länge hjärtat mitt slår
så minns Jag dig när
Du stack ett hål i min Kevlarsjäl
Och så blev Du mitt sår
och Jag blöder ihjäl
Kom gör ett hål i min Kevlarsjäl
I love Swedish. :)
I love Kent. ^^
Interesting conversation I just happened to see at a certain wiki page ^^
2006-07-07 [~*blac_h3art*~]: i'm bisexual
2006-07-14 [Once Luv'd]: i am also Bisexual
09:37:22 [iippo]: Everyone is at the age of 14.
>,< heheh...
Oh yeah I've forgotten to write about my babysitting my cousins night that Friday like week ago! although i promised that i would write about it... How absent-minded have I been! Oh forgive me O:o
Well here it comes... (>:> A week late!!! hah ha :p)
Well my aunt is incredible, so funny and great. and I just absolutely looove my cousins Hanna-Maria and Tuomas!!
Well we played Kirkonrotta or "Kirkkis" (word to word translation: rat of the church - I don't know if this game exists elsewhere than just in Finland. Please tell me if it does. Then again, it's possible that it has another name abroad, since these sort of things tend to be translated strangely... so who knows -.^)
And then we went outside to wait for the icecream car. Well, it was late so I went to this nearby playground with Hanna.
And then 15 minutes later the icecream car came and the liquerice ( it spelled like that? O_o) that I wanted was sold out so I had to buy the toffee one. Ack. What a huge sacrifice that was >.<
So the we walked back to the house which was just 5 meters away... O.o THAt took a lot of strength..
and then we were outside the house for about an hour... all of us ate 2 icereams..
and then i just fell to the grass, exhausted from having so much fun. >:< and i hid from the sun under my leather jacket ...
and Tuomas kept trying to make me believe that there's a bee flying over me.. well 2 two times i knew he was lying,.
but on the third time, i saw this shadow on top of me and i jumped up from the grasss in an instant and there was no bee . it was just tuomas... >:< so yea. i'm scared of bees.
and then after a while of resting we went inside and washed our hands (i was first, had to try to be a "role model" for the kiddos >:> (*laughs* ME, a role model?! *laughs some more*))
and then we went to the living room. I fell to the couch. and started falling asleep. mom read the newspaper..
and hanna and tuomas played with each other... They behaved very well (Odd. O:o).. I'm used to hearing them yelling at each other, or crying "mom! Tuomas took my toy!!" etc etc..
well then we decided to watch a movie. (I've given those kids all of my old Disney movies!! >.<< Hmpth.. I know it's stupid to hold a grudge over something like that, but i can't help myself..>.<)
So then Hanna wanted to see That super herofamily movie which name i can't remember...
and tuomas didn't want to see that. <.< he wanted to see some mickey mouse movie.
and... so then i found 101 DALMATIANS II: Patch's London Adventure!!! (I love 101 Dalmatians!!!)
so we watched that.
it was great ^^ I recommend it to everyone. Seriously. Watch it. ^^ I love Disney movies...
so then i almost fell asleep to the couch while watching the movie.. and then i was leaving Leena (my aunt, mom's sister) gave me 2 free movie tickets to Kinopalatsi.. Got to remember them, they're to end of this month..
and my aunt danced her "happy dance" since she her vacation started the next day... So that was funny. and awesome! ^_^
they're at Amsterdam now. i think...
so there you go. enough said,....
Thinner by Kent
Och där faller ännu ett år
sönder till små minnen
all dagar blir igår
Varför väntar du här på ingen
speciell, ingen särskild
Hur länge ska du stanna kvar ikväll?
Och där faller ännu en tår
rinner nedför kinden
Jag ska kasta allt när jag går
Fräta bort allting med Thinner
speciellt sånt man
aldrig får glömma
Jag ska stanna kvar länge ikväll
Och där faller ännu ett år
spricker upp och försvinner
men av dagarna som går
ska jag fylla varje timme...
speciellt och alldeles särskild
ska jag vara innan det
blir kväll igen...
And there falls another year
Broken into small memories
All days become yesterday
Why are you waiting here for nothing
special, nothing in particular
For how long will you stay
behind tonight?
And there falls another tear
Running down my cheek
I will throw away everything when I go
Dissolve it all away with thinner
Especially things you
can never forget
I will stay for a long time tonight
And there falls another year
Cracks up and disappears
But from the days that pass
I will fill every hour
Special, altogether special
I will be, before
it is evening again
"After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." ~ Albus Dumbledore.
Hmm. Am I the only one who notices the similarity of this quote.. and between that one that Spock always said???
something like
"To the logical mind, death is but another adventure"
Yes now we can sue Rowling for plagerizing!!!
So... a Heddate photography community has been made. Yey.
I just became member. But I have to wait now if I've been accepted... *goes to check her AOL email*
*fidgets* I screwed it, didn't i? I should've have written more about me, my intererest in photography...
they're not going to accept me.... i'm sure of it.
I suck.
I suck.
I suck.
I suck.
My favourite Meaning of Life scene... ^^
"That's the machine that goes 'ping'!"
>:< *laughs*