[highlandqu]'s diary

708578  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-02
Written: (6883 days ago)

So... I am having trouble sleeping. I tried reading, that usually helps. But instead I finished about three books (i read a few at a time) and moved to another continent in my civilizations book (which is really dull). So I'm tired, and hungry. Might have to go and peruse the shelves in a bit. Might just give in and go get Wendy's or something. Seems silly cause there is food here, I just don't want to make it. And I am such a good cook. A little silly I think. I have about two and a half weeks before I go to San Diego to visit family for the holidays. And I am excited. We just had about 6 inches of snow dumped on us, and so it's time to pull out the socks (which I have been avoiding) and beenies (hat hair) and deal. But San Diego, wahoo, 70ish and sunny and the beach. I can pack a light jacket and wear sandal the whole time. Yay, no socks. I lost them all in the move I swear. Oh, and there are mice in the house.

707834  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-01
Written: (6884 days ago)

Twenty days til the Solstice. And I have none fo my shopping done. Ah well, I'll get it done eventually. It is cold here, and there has been snow the last few nights. I am spending today making brownies for my sisters dance studio. Something about this place reminds me of Scotland. The neighbors grey horse will still not come and take an apple from me. But he does eat them. Nothing much else to note... I'm still dwellling on unhappy past eventss. And reading too much into other things. Sigh. I am doomed to think on everything for far to long. Oh well, thats part of what makes me me. Otherwise I am nearly perfect. But that is another days thoughts, and I don't like to brag so I'll say Ciao for now.

 The logged in version 

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