[squall_kitty]'s diary

748199  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-02-14
Written: (6682 days ago)
Next in thread: 748551

first of all: OMG i didn't see this one coming! And neither did Lilah! For all you CAD fans out there.


Next of all: I have a few things I want to discuss about Valentines day; the ups and the downs.

Lets get the worst over with; I believe that the dedication of one day out of the year to love is inappropriate; rather, everyday that a person gets up, that person should make it a point to let someone know that they give a damn. Valentines day should be a minimum of once a week, if thats how we want to play it, by assigning a date. However, I believe that love is spontanious and unpredictable; as such, I believe that signs of love should be also. Assigning a day should not be necessary.

Now, the upside. Since I find any reason or no reason to spoil Sana senseless, I have no objection to one more day of doing so. Au contrare, I can go buy roses and a stuffed animal and people wont look at me funny as I walk out of the florists. Which is nice for a change in pace. ^_^

I like the fact that I can see so many people make each other happy; it pleases me to see other couples happy, if only for a day. I like seeing couples that might have gotten stale to each other rekindle their feelings, if only for a day. Perhaps it is a necessary thing; to remind everyone else of what it means to be a lover, a partner, a friend (yes that is ABSOLUTELY necessary).

I love the fact that for a day, the arguements go away, the fighting stops, and people reflect on their relationship or marriage; something that is a bit too rare for my taste. I think that if people actually talked to their partners about their relationship, problems would be identified and eliminated a lot sooner.

I love the fact that there are lots of displays of affection, from holding hands to the down and dirty sex. I don't mean that to be dirty about that; but I believe that a healthy sex life is a necessity to a healthy relationship. By healthy, I do not mean "oh, now that we have dated a month, we should start having sex." Be intelligent, people! ^_^ But I believe that a fair balance in necessary for a good relationship; both being a friend to your partner and being intimate with them, however you do it. For those of you who choose to wait till marriage (first of all, i commend you for doing what I cannot,) Cuddles, kisses and saying those sweet nothings are quite important, I believe. I think that these are necessary for sexually active couples as well; a relationship is all about balance of many things. One cannot love someone romantically unless they already love them as a friend or a brother or sister. (I use this as a metaphor. My longest relationships have started as a brother/sister relationship, current one included. Unless your name is Setsuna, it might be odd to fall in love with your brother or sister. Just lettin' ya know. ^_~)

And for the last reason I like valentines day, Lincoln is red, and I dont have to march at a game. HOOHA!!!

Anyway, after Day From Hell (also known as Tuesday) I am spending my evening with Sana. I hope that she likes what I have for her! ^_^

743165  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-02-03
Written: (6693 days ago)
Next in thread: 743198

So I'm totally freaking out.

I got a facebook yesterday.

Among them was a profile of my best friend richard, who had a facebook long before I did.

Within was a photo album entitled "drumline."

But it was the entire band. I saw pictures of...my life...for the four years of high school...it was my EVERYTHING! More than anything else...I loved band! I wanted band! 

I just saw those four years of my life flash before my eyes in about five seconds. I am crying over my keyboard now, no joke. I don't want to know what the people around me must be thinking...

I miss highschool. I miss band. I miss rosa. I miss competition. I miss my life.

I want my life back.

Why, Ashley? 

...why did you take my life?

739153  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-26
Written: (6700 days ago)
Next in thread: 742016

Alright. I am going to do a little evalutation of my life.

Starting K-8, Wasn't a whole lot to do. Video Games, ASPIRE, and Soccer. Yeah, that was about it. I miss soccer. I miss nothing else of that age.

Note: after a while, you will note that I have "eras" that usually revolve around a girl in my life.

ninth grade, I joined the marching band; one of the most influential moments of my life. Hence, I am a music major here at UNL. nyway, back to the topic at hand. In ninth grade, I knew who my friends were; they were easy to find. They were few and far between, but they were there. Aside from marching band, very little happened; hell, I was counting the days till the next marching season. End ninth grade. At that point, bro left for MU. Very little else significant.

10th grade, first semester. Ah...fiddler on the roof. KOOLEST DRUM SHOW EVER!!! Not a whole lot happened in that time; although there was a girl named Alana who had a crush on me, and I had a crush on a girl named Savannah. Silly highschool crushes. Anyway, botht those fell through. During marching season, there was a girl named Danni who I kinda was with, although not really. It was kind of a "my friend is dating your friend. Lets date." Fun to hang around, but honestly, no real chemestry there.

The era of Crystal Falke: Second Semester 10th grade. 2002. I met a girl named Crystal Falke at the lunch table. I soon found ways to follow her around like a little puppy. We found common ground in Gundam Wing; we both loved Duo Maxwell. ^_^ I really hadn't met anyone like her...she was forward (sometimes brutally), cute, smart, and made me feel...safe? Up till that point I had pretty fixed views on gender roles...and she totally threw those for a loop. This was showed...cause that was the year I was on the colorguard. Got a lot of shit for that, but totally worth it. ^_^ Anyway, so I started hanging out with Crystal outside of lunch...and one time after school, she kissed me on the cheek! at the time...I had NO kisses whatsoever...so yeah...I turned bright red and was like "OMYGODIJUSTGOTKISSED!!!" I kinda just stood there as she drove off into the sunset. 

Sadly, she moved. Things fell apart...and then I found out she had a girlfriend!!! Gah, I had asked her about it and she lied! dammit!!! First real interst...out the window. Gone. Didn't even dump here cause A) I was definitly and Uke (submissive) at the time, and wasn't that couragous around women, and B) I was quite pissed. End the Crystal Era.

That summer was boring. I wanted to march in band. went to band camp and had a fun little experience there that will be noted in fall of 02. Yeah, out of order, but it makes sense if i explain it one chunk.

Fall semester 2002, Junior year HS. Junior year...wow...what to say. The reign of Alana. Remember her? Yeah, same one mentioned above. I don't know exactly what you would call that relationship besides wierd. I was with her, and yet we never kissed. I was frustrated, but I couldnt be mad at her. It was, however, quite complicated, because my brother had a thing for her. I had asked her out over the summer while at band camp only to discover that she was already dating my bro. WOW AWKWARD MUCH!!! Anyway, when we started dating during the fall, bro found out and was PISSED for most of my junior year. It ended really wierd, and looking back on it, I was an ass about it. Like really. Like I cant believe I did that to Alana and my bro. like wow.

Anyway, on to non-alana things, THE LAST OF THE MOCHICANS!!! BOOM!!! BEST SHOW EVER!!! GRAND CHAMPS!!! UNDEFEATED DRUMLINE!!! DAMN!!! That was the coolest show ever. Costumes, props, Associate DMing when chuck was upchucking, total blast! 

Anyway, close of the marching season, I make friggen all state band!!! Booya!!!

And before the start of the christmas break, I am dating the third-most influential person in my life, Caitlin Holzum.

The saga of Caitlin. Christmas through Spring 2003.

This was almost the second era of Crystal Falke. I saw her while I was dating Alana at Caitlin's Birthday party. Seeing as how I hadn't talked with her since June (and this was october) it was kind of one of those "doo doo doo walking in the house OMYGODCRYSTALFALKE!!!" I think I wet myself...anyway, I didn't die. Almost ended up with her again after Alana...but no. She lied again, and I got pissed.

Anyway, with Caitlin came some great changes in my life. The voice cracking was over, puberty was at its final stages, and my innocence was cracking. I got my first kiss from Caitlin on new years day 2003. The lord of the rings was hyped, and they were showing TTT in theaters. I don't remember much of the spring; I remember that it was quite possibly the most fun semester I have ever had. I was always looking for her, always following her. And I never knew when things were wrong...I never could tell. I was totally unawares when suddenly my ring came crashing down. And it was over. five months...my first real relationship, my first kiss, everything. over. I still am not entirely sure why...

enter my first broken heart.

Summer of 2003. The goth stage. The tyrrany of Mandi. 

That summer, i got my first real job at Sheridans, I went to band camp, I did ANYTHING to get Caitlin out of my head. A girl I met at prom the previous year, Mandi, was my..."salvation." I put this in quotes for many reasons...

1. I lost my virginity to her on the first date. Anytime I was with her, we were f**king. Always and often. Any innocence I had left was gone. In my mind, I was an adult then. When I faced my mom and told her what happened.

2. I treated her like an object. True, she did the same to me, but I still feel like an asshole. We were using each other to get over someone else...my ex (caitlin) was now dating her ex...

This was the second most depressed time of my life. I cut myself once...only once though. but I couldnt get her out of my head. 

After eternity...summer ended. Me and Mandi ended just as suddenly. And about two weeks before that...I met someone...

The requiem of Kristel Catterton, the nocturne of marching band; my only supports of fall 2003.

I don't know where she came from, or why she came here, or why she had to go as soon as she got here.

Her name was Kristel. I didn't/don't know whether to love her or hate her. She was...something wonderful, its true...and I could not see that. I was so heartbroken over Caitlin...no, thats a lie. I would not take her because I really dont know why. Looking back on it, I kick myself in the ass everytime I see how I treated that woman. 

She was no girl...she was a woman. She had matured long before any of us. She had the experiences of real world that we as LS students did not get. But she was...kind to a fault. And she focused every kindess on me. She told me once...that she wanted to take my pain away from me. To take it upon herself. 

Why? Why could I not just let my guard down for her?

And in the end of our Merlin show, I made the biggest mistake of my life. By choosing this girl over Kristel...

The glorious riegn and tragic fall of the Empire of...Ashley Marie Carey.

To say that this relationship was horrible would be untrue; it would be an all out lie. This was a great relationship; many great things happened. I think she was my first...love. I don't know though, because my feelings of hate still burn stronger than I like to realize. Springtime went quickly, as they had in the past. We had good times. I took my first visits to Nebraska, life was very productive, and I thought that maybe...I had found the "destined one." Her family loved me, her friends liked or at least tolerated me, we had similar interests, our sex life was healthy, and we were both romantics to a fault. That's when I thought "I found the one."

The truth is, there is no "one." Love is what you make it.

Well, Ashley made something unusually clear: People who call on "fate" and "destiny" were cowards. People unwilling to take responsibility for their own mistakes. 

Enter the Fall of the great Empire. This is the closest thing to hell that I have lived through. I died on the operating table, and the hours before were the worst pain I had experienced until this happened. Until Ashley betrayed me.

One week in May, I noted that she was not herself; acting rather callous towards me. So I asked her what was wrong, and she told me the biggest lie I have ever heard. 

"You raped me."

Soon, I walked down the hallway and I heard the people. Not everyone, but those I had once looked on as friends. They gave me a cold stare that said "I will kill you." I heard them mutter "here comes the rapist." 

After hearing this for so long...well...I believed it. Everyday, I dreaded getting up. Everyday I hated myself more and more. I thought I deserved to die. I hated myself with a passion that I had never hated or loved anyone before. I truely wanted to die. But as Ashley said, "that is the cowards way out. Take what you have coming to you like a man." 

I shattered one of my mirrors with my hand when I got home. My parents were out; I told them that I had cut my knuckles while breaking boards. I hid the mirror. As my last mutual friend, Kristel, was tempted by Ashley...yes, use your imagination. I got filled in on the details graphically...took her side, I hit the low point of my life. I was nothing. Everything I was had been killed. 

My friends were as follows:
Richard; friend since Kindergarten. He was the first to talk to me. I don't know if I would be here if he didn't. He was the first that told me that what happened was not rape at all. 

Blaine; had to see me cry. Poor guy. ^_^

Matt; the first person who was outright like "this is bullshit! It's all a mind game in her head, Joe. It's...bullshit!" He got me in to the Evanescence concert for free. Thank you for everything.

As I left for college, what was left of me were the few things that these three could salvage of me. Richard salvaged my sense of honor and my drive to succeed, Blaine salvaged my enjoyments in life, flooding my mind with video games until Ashley was out of my mind. Matt salvaged my confidence, told me that some of the people out there could not believe that I was capable of such an act. 

Richard came with me for College. He was the only friend I had left from the old world...my oldest friend. My best, if I must play favorites. 

As a side note, it was three months after the alleged "rape accusation" that Ashley and I split up. three months of mental mindfuck. Finally I ended it because I thought I was going to kill myself. The cutting had already taken an extreme toll on my body. I was dead at work, dead at home, and dead around friends and "friends" alike. Let's be honest...if I had actually raped her...wouldn't she have dumped my sorry ass right as soon as she could have?


The getaway. The escape. My refuge. My new life. My rebirth, if you will. When I came to UNL, I was, in my mind, reborn. I was not Joe. I was Squall. I was not a rapist, I was the bad boy with a good heart. And something that TOTALLY threw me; I was not the "band geek." ...I was SEXY?! I was desired and wanted by women? This was totally new to me. But I soon had a small harem of about fifteen girls after me. Soon, they weeded themselves out like a bad episode of Survivor. But none of them got me...it was the least likely of women that came to me.

The Legacy of Becky Potter. 
Okay, this threw me. A girl in her early-mid twenties hitting on me, some eighteen year old punk? Well, of course I was going to respond positively to her flirts! Holy cow! So the first night I met her, I told her my life story, leaving no stone unturned. And she said "thats okay. I don't think you are a rapist." Huh. From there, it was history. She was the Queen of Anime Club, and I in turn, became a pseudo "king." people at club loved me (mostly) and people in the music building, though despising my lack of practice, were kind to me as well. It was here that I accepted the fact that everything Ashley ever told me was a lie. And finally...I was happy again. For a year and a month, through a convention and two marching seasons, I was with her. And for 11 of those months, I was content. But happy...I don't know. I don't know why, but the further in the relationship I got, the less I felt for her...the opposite of every other relationship since Alana. But there were problems early on...her parents were not fond of my catholocism for one. Our sex lives (mine was quite extensive, she was a good girl) was VERY frustrating. Pr0n became an issue. I had to lie to her...and as lies progress to deeper and deeper depths, you get caught. That was what happened. But it wasn't that that ended the relationship. I was so tired of wraping my life around her. I hated it! The last two months of the relationship were always heated...always arguing...always SOMETHING!!!

I ended it. The first relationship I have ever truely "ended." My world began to shake; gossip grew. I thought that my last haven had been ruined. It was this fear that kept me from ending the relationship earlier. but soon, it was too much. Also...I had had my eyes on someone from about month ten. 

I tried to hook you up with Matt. I thought maybe the temptation would leave me. I thought that you might leave my mind. I thought...maybe...I could get you out of my head.

That night, when I saw you cry over Matt...I couldn't help but to have a bit of hope...and I felt horrible for having pleasantry over your dismay. When I gave you a hug, and held you when you were crying, I felt something...wonderful. I felt...wanted. And I felt like a cheating bastard for it. heh. 

When Becky and I split up, I was wounded for a bit. But as my days progressed, I felt for you. I wanted you. I knew I shouldn't have you. I knew I shouldn't want you. But when I read your ET, when I talked to you, when I hoped to see some sign of you at club...and for the past four months, that was the case...I knew I was head over heels. And somehow...I knew that you wanted me.

And that's where I am now.

That is my life's history.

As a side note, I am still haunted by Ashley. I still see her in my dreams. I have an "alter ego" named Soul-ash...a little piece of her that is always going to be there to remind me that in her eyes, I will always be a rapist. She comes out every now and again...only Becky has seen her. I hope that none of you ever do.

She is the devil.

But I will live. 

I am happy now...as happy as I can remember being.

I wrote this out of angst...but getting it all out there...

I feel better.

Thanks for reading. I'm sorry you had to suffer through my soap opera of a life. 

731432  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-01-12
Written: (6714 days ago)

Angst = teh suxor. Im back in Lincoln; I am not going back to KC, with or without parental help. -_- Well, I gotta pull my grade up this semester, no question. I gotta work my tail off; I know I can do that. Heh, I got four offers from friends to stay in their place until things cool down or I start getting in-state tuition. Thank God for friends like them. 

Anyway, I'm gonna make it, one way or another. End of story. But I don't want to inhibit my friends; I'm gonna regain my scholarship.

716505  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-16
Written: (6741 days ago)

Why? Why can't I stay here? Why must I be so stupid that I can't pass my goddamn classes? I don't want to leave! I want to stay here! I don't want to leave this place...I want to stay here...but I can't.

I failed my Theory final.

I have to go back to kansas city.

712584  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-09
Written: (6749 days ago)

Bah, nobody reads this damn thing.

Since that is the case, I will write something offensive. Or at least the reason I am going to hell according to Jack Chick.

"I am a bisexual catholic who plays dungeons and dragons with wickens on Halloween night."

...And it's true!!!

In other news, I think I might...nevermind. I would just get myself in deep shit if I said that. Anyway, Ima head out. Got lotsa HW to do.

712066  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-12-08
Written: (6750 days ago)

"We always knew it was going to end like this. Even back then, we knew that this was how it would end."

"Yeah, I know."

"So why did you come along?"

"You are the kid I can closely relate to on this whacked out squad. Kinda like how I used to be."

"Before you went to hell?"

"Yeah. Before."

"You know I may die here."

"Nonsense. I'm gonna be the one who takes the honor of destroying you. I honsetly don't think anyone else can!"

"Heh. I wish I could believe that you are just joking. Too bad I told her that she needed to be the one to kill me."

"Oh. That girl?"

"Yeah. Her. If I go crazy again, I want to die by her blade. I want her to pierce my heart; I want to die in her arms. I told her that was what I wanted."

"You care for every one of those soldiers, don't you, Leon?"

"I could never wish harm upon them. Every one has a story, a life behind them. I only wish that they all had a life ahead of them too. But many will die today."

"Are you worried about her?"

"Hah! She can take care of herself! She is scary when she gets mad!"

"Are you worried about her?"

"Are you kidding? She could whip up on either of us no problem!"

"Are you worried about her?"


"You don't have to do this. I can go alone."

"I care for every one of my soldiers. That includes you. I can't be selfish. Don't you have a child on the way?"

"I would not be a good father to that child."

"That child needs you, and so does your girl. She shouldn't even be fighting, three months pregnant, but you know what? She is because she believes in what we are doing. We can manage."

"Yeah, if those two are together, then there is no stopping them! The deathglares alone would make me wet myself."

"Says the man...er...deamon who's been to hell and back."

"Damn straight."


"Yeah, what is it?"

"If I dont make it, you make sure she winds up happy."

"Yes sir."

"One more question?"


"You remember when we went to Madagascar? And we were really drunk?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"Why did you decide to strap me to the crow's nest?"

"Me and Sage thought it would be funny."

"Yeah. It was pretty funny, wasn't it?"

711630  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-12-07
Written: (6750 days ago)

So what to say. I like swords. I am bored, yet overworked. I never have enough time. I am always rushing to do something, and everything I can do is mediocre. Yeah. Anyway...

I have been highly depressed recently. Dunno why. I can tell you I have been bitching about being alone...not something I am used to. My droughts between girlfriends have always been slim, and anytime that they were not, it was of my own choosing. I suppose that right now, I am choosing to be this way, although that could easily change. As for anything else...well, I have plenty of friends, but once again, I dont have time to SEE them. Therin lies the problem. 

So anyway, I have just rambled a bit too much here, so I'ma gonna go.

I hate my dependance on others' affection.


710245  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-05
Written: (6753 days ago)

I should be taking this a lot harder than I am.

709196  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-03
Written: (6755 days ago)

Ah...so here it ends. I sit here eating lukewarm ramen cause my dumbass roomate stole the microwave without tellin' me.

Yeah, Im single again.

Yeah, Im angsty again.

And I totally want attention right now.

Heh...anyone care to indulge me?

Feed my addictions? 

I feel badly for Sana. She kinda got screwed. Okay majorly got screwed. And what a crappy time. Senior year rolled around for me and I had all my scholarships and applications taken care of. All I was deciding on was a Navy ROTC scholarship and whether it was worth selling my soul to the US Gvnt to go through college. So now she's in a tough spot. Aside from getting jerked around by her exboyfriend, she also has the next four years of her life to plan in the next six months (or so). Ill give her a hand as best i can...but it's gonna be a bit of a sprint.

In other news, I am sick of butting in. Asking if I want to talk is cool, but "Squall we need to talk NOW" is something else entirely. 

And Im done. Goodnight to all two of you who read this.

703990  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-24
Written: (6763 days ago)


698651  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-14
Written: (6773 days ago)

Blargh...Im sick, and Im bitchy. Stay away.

694670  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-07
Written: (6780 days ago)

Kon = win

688885  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-28
Written: (6790 days ago)

Wow. I just realized something. I was visiting random peoples elftown "houses" and realized that bisexual/bicurious people outnumber both gays and straights by a LONGshot. How odd.

Anyway, Im tired. Just got done with hell...er...marching band, and I got to bed late cause of NebrasKon stuff...again. Oh well, five hours of sleep is workable, unlike the three I have been getting. *ugh*

Anyway, On to work on more Kon stuff. Kon. The whole thing is starting to just kill me. My state of mind right now is apathy cause I cant think about anything else. Told one of the tubas in band to f**k off because I was being bitchy. So was she, but still, I should feel bad about it. I might in a week and a half when this damn thing is over with.


688353  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-27
Written: (6791 days ago)

Nowhere left for us to run
No more light shed from the sun
No light blessed from the moon,
I fear eternal night comes soon.

I cannot breathe right with you.
What have I done? What will we do?
You did not wrong, why must it be
That I pull away from thee?

Are we through? Done and free?
Will you hate or cling to me?
My pen runs short, let me say
I'll think about you everyday.

If only for a while you
were my world, and my truth.
Thank you for everything you are.
Goodbye to you, my shining star.

687584  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-25
Written: (6793 days ago)

so much saddness, all around. Lotsa young love getting shot up. That really is horrible...young love is the most annoying, stupid, and yet, most wonderful thing that makes you weak at the knees.

686158  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-23
Written: (6796 days ago)

If the kon doesnt kill me, i might just die anyway.

Today sucked. This close to giving up.

680591  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-10-12
Written: (6806 days ago)

Well, Becky's job interview went quite well. Looks like she will be making 70,000 a year at exxon mobile. Go Becky! ^_^

Yeah...it's in texas though. I am afraid that we are going to be losing our president come december.


679480  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-10
Written: (6809 days ago)

Well, Ima gonna head to KC for the Ren-fest this upcoming weekend. I am taking becky, Seth, Hopefully Tony and Lathan also. Want to come with, Anyone? My parents will let us crash at my house. 

Well, seeing as Sana is the only one who reads this and she wasnt at club last week for me to ask, (stupid band) Me and Becky wanna know if you wanna head to KC with us and some Anime Club geeks to go to the reniassance (i know its misspelled) festival. Prolly go downtown to the haunted houses while we're there. Interested?


606704  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-06-23
Written: (6917 days ago)

Well hello! My name is Squall. I dont know who is gonna read this other than sana, but hello peoplz!

I like swords!

 The logged in version 

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