[Aradon Templar]'s diary

149922  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-22
Written: (7530 days ago)

I want to thank Squaresoft for adding whole volumes to my life, making me a much better person, one who has feelings. It is really important. Thank you.

149779  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-22
Written: (7530 days ago)

Ah, today is a good day! Been awhile since I wrote in here. But, I've changed a bunch again. A bunch of things brought this change about. Last night, I was thinking about my life. Before, when I had all sorts of projects looming about me, I felt overwhelmed, and thus discontent. Now, I have almost no problems whatsoever. Still, I felt discontent. When I examined my life, I decided I was too picky. I always found something to bring my spirits down. As usual, I decided I needed more input on my life. I sat down in my room (which still had my brother's things in it, because I moved into his room while he is away at college) and looked around. I found a small book in the corner called "Taste-Berries for Teens". I began to read. I read from 11:30 PM to 2:00 AM straight. I learned what it meant to have a friend and to be a friend, and the true power and impact I have on people based on my attitude. My attitude, before I read that book, was, "I want to help people in any way I can. I want to make them as happy as I can.", while I gave the display, "I'm so patheticly miserable and unloved. I'm so depressed." Which, of course, didn't help make anyone around me happy in any way, just more miserable. So, I decided, I am going to be a good friend. This means I am dependable, honest, respecting, and always there. I plan to do that. Also, I am going to show a positive attitude. I hope it helps cheer everyone else up.

Finally, I have beaten Final Fantasy X. The ending was wonderful. The music was excellent, but the ending was extraordinary. I especially remember Yuna's final words when addressing the crowd after defeating Sin.

Yuna: "Just, one more thing... The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded..."

*Scenes from the game flash quickly then fade*

Yuna: "Never forget them."

What an ending. I'm never going to forget that line. It certainly will apply to me. It gives me hope, also. I feel depressed alot, but this gives me a hope that good feelings will come back, that I have friends I can honor, and respect, and please. It gives me hope that I can live an honerable life. It gives me hope that I can be a happy person. It gives me hope that I can make everyone, including you, happy too.

Thank you for reading this. If you want to message me, I'm always up for a talk. Especially if you need support. I'm always there for you. Thanks.

~A new, happier Caleb.
131604  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-26
Written: (7558 days ago)

K. Another dream. Not much to describe, really. The main focus of it was a sword, so I'll describe that. It was a sword, to start. Lightweight, felt like plastic, but cut and swung like metal. It looked like stained glass, too. Tan, gold, some silver, and some clear glass pieces set in the swordwork. It has a sheath similar to the sword. It was long, like a katana, but a bit thicker. The name was Wakizashi. (Yeah, I know. I've played too much FF X ^_^)

129537  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7562 days ago)

Whee!!! not depressed anymore! Its even the same day since my last message!
Its nice not to be depressed! ^_^
~Later! Caleb

129474  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7562 days ago)

Hi all... Haven't written in here for a while... Well, I'm kinda depressed right now... Don't even know why... I guess its just cause it seems more painful to be happy right now... Maybe I've just had my time of happiness and now I am supposed to be sad... that seems right. Oh well... I guess I can live with it... If yu ever feel this way, just tell me. I don't want anyone to feel this way for long... I can help yu if yu do.


Not like anybody cares anyways, or even reads these things...

Also, if yu like Final Fantasy music, I have all the FF VII songs, and quite a few of the popular ones from other FF games. If yu want them, just ask me, I'll be glad to send them to yu.
If yu've never heard FF music, just tell me yur mood and I could probably pick a nice piece for yu...

Whatever... I said that like a year ago and didn't get any messages...

Feel... almost... useless... ...
Whatever. Later...

117732  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2003-12-25
Written: (7590 days ago)

kimmy ended her relation with me...
probably cause i never sent her a message...

103789  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-11-23
Written: (7622 days ago)

Ah... What a dream that was... The other night, I had a dream that seemed to be a mix between my fantasy reality, and 007 games. I was stuck in a building for some time, and in the building were about five men who were trying to kill me, some of the best men the main enemy had. I had one man helping me. He was shot almost immediately. I picked up his gun, and attacked the enemy. Using the limited ammo I had and the ammo I could pic up from my enemies, I managed to bring down the four best and escape alive, barely, to a place where I could reload all five guns I had accumulated, in preparation for the expected persuit. After that, though, the dream changed quite a bit. I will cease to retell from here because the story gets somewhat personal, and a bit hazy to remember. But it was a fun dream ^.^

100056  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2003-11-14
Written: (7630 days ago)

Well, I have changed monumentally since I last have written in here. On the eighth, I went on a church retreat. Now I have come back, and feel completely different. I feel at peace with myself. I have more trust in God. I know that I am a person that people like. I am now much more outgoing and bold than I was before. And it feels great! ^.^

92701  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-11-01
Written: (7643 days ago)

Well... I have had a very interesting dream ^_^ I sent it to my friend, who says she likes to collect dreams, and I decided to start writing down all my dreams ^_^ So here is my first entry... Quite a long dream, this time ^_^

We were on a big boat sailing out somewhere new. It was me, and by younger brother, Matthew, and a friend, I dunno who exactly. I'll just say it was Maryia. So, we traveled for a long time on a gigantic boat that didnt bob. While on this boat, we just played around, fencing, playing around with our magic skills, fun stuff like that. Eventually, we started seeing strange platforms floating in the air. One got close enough to step onto. So we did, just trying it out. It turned a shade lighter than it was before, and began to move. It stopped near a BIG GIGANTIC boat, at least ten times bigger than our boat. It was probably big enough to fit a small college campus on. And remember that these are fantasy boats, made of wood, using sails, stuff like that.
Well, there were people on the boat, and they took us as prisoners. We were 'privilleged' prisoners, though, and allowed to walk freely on the boat as long as we werent suspicious. Somehow I knew what type of society these sailers came from, and knew we wouldnt be free when they landed wherever they were heading. So I told the other two, and we tried to come up with a plan. Maryia seemed to be able to infer quite a bit about the moving platforms and how things worked there. After a lot of debate, we decided to summon a platform and escape. However, to summon a platform, each of us would have to drink a pink drink and a red drink, pink to summon and red to activate. (o.O Odd, isnt it?) Well, to our advantage, the crew presently installed a refrigerator (in a fantasy world?? *shrugs*) and stocked it with Pink, Red, and Purple drinks. The trick then would be to actually get some of them. This wasnt too hard. We became well known in the crew and they began to like us. Also, they encouraged us to drink the Pink and Purple drinks. So, I simply grabbed those two and drank the purple one (eew... Grape drink :P ) and grabbed a Red one, too. People saw, but nobody cared. My friend and my brother did the same. I ran around excercising for a while, then drank the Pink drink. I ran some more, and then headed to the spot we had designated to meet at to summon the platform. I drank the red drink just before I got there.

Then, there was a change, but I never detected it in the dream. The scenery around me changed to some sort of outdoor complex. It looked like a gigantic, intricate track that ran everywhere. There were many more people now, spread out through the huge track. Instead of being familiar and friendly with the crew there, people were friendly, and I was respected there. But none of this was a surprise to me, because of the way dreams are. It was almost a new dream, but for the same companions spread around. The reality was this: This was some sort of military camp, and the track was used constantly for excercise. There were ranks, also. A rank of 1-14, 1 being the lowest rank. However, a "high" rank, here, was 9. 9 was considered the highest position normally thought of.
Now, back to the story. I was running to the summon-point earlier decided, when the dream changed. I continued running, and soon caught up with my 9-year old brother. I nearly stopped, and said, "Hey! You're doing good, Matthew!". At this point, a string of words popped into my head, and I knew that Matthew's rank was 5, which is a pretty good rank among normal soldiers, but outstanding for one his age, and that my rank was 14. I was a legend there. If you have played FF VII, its like being a Sephiroth, only maybe a bit better. And people at the camp were friendly with me. In any case, I noticed a red drink in his hand, which gave me the proof that the first part of the dream was connected to this one. I ran on, and decided to run the Right Wing for a while. On my way, I was looking for an opening to run through, trying to get out of that particular track section. I noticed one small opening, and headed towards it. I stopped just a few feet away from it, however, as I noticed the sign near it. It read: "Go this way to quit (meaning the military camp) and get shot". Having stopped just a few feet away, I knew I was that close to dying. Too close for me. I quickly turned way and ran to look for another exit to get to the Right Wing. The Right Wing was known as "The Wing of the Secrets of Battle and Mystics" because located in it was, besides the track which ran everywhere, the school part of the camp, where they teach constantly. I used to attend high level classes every day in that camp, I recalled. Usually, now, I just go in once in a while and sit through a class. Also, I was on the best terms with the principal and teacher. Anyways, I ran past the school rooms and onto the stairs-track. They were easy for me, and I flew past them. However, today I encountered an aspiring student named Biggims, I think, who hated me for being better than him. Anyways, he took off and called back, "If you're so good, try and beat me!" So I raced after him, since that was the way I was planning to go anyways. He ran as fast as me, however, and I didnt catch up to him very fast. I estimated he would be rank 13 when he joined the fighting force. But he wouldnt listen to my compliments. He ran around and around the lengthy course, which consisted mainly of stairways. Nobody was hurt by anything, however, even though we ran over the tips of the steps at frightening speeds, enough to make everything blur. As we ran, he began taunting me. I raced faster, trying to pass him enough to make him be quiet. Soon, the taunts became his scheme to get rid of me and the Principal of the school. He was going to frame me, and kill the Principal, leaving, written in chalk, "Killed by Legend Caleb". I began to realize what he was doing. I was following him, chasing him, and going wherever he wanted me to go. Like this, it wouldnt be hard to frame me. So I changed my course, and he began to follow me. His temper cooled down also. He nearly became pleasant.

At this point, the dream changed again. It had more of a gameboy type look. I remember walking into the small schoolroom, him following me. He asked, "How do you take notes?" I replied "I dont. These lessons are pretty basic for me. Usually, when I go in, I have questions. Once these are answered, I leave with the new knowledge." I continued walking, to the office across the room. I entered, and stoof facing the familiar face of the Principal of the school of Military Battle. At this point, I decided I liked the dream, and attempted to save. After several tries, I finally saved the game (I said it was a gameboy type thing... O.o). "Hello, Caleb!" he greeted me. "What brings you here, today? Another question to puzzle me?" "No, I'm afraid not... Just a few minutes ago, I met a treacherous young man. He threatened to kill you, and frame me for it." At this moment, Biggims walked into the room, still following me. "Yes, it was this man right here." I indicated Biggims. The Principal was furious. "CUT THIS MAN, OR I'LL HAVE HIS HEAD!!!!" he roared. And it was done. I must mention, here, that he reffered to cutting Biggims from the enrollment roster when he said 'Cut this man'. At this point, I woke myself from the dream, having reached its end.

Interesting, isnt it? Comment on it in my Guestbook ^_^

91124  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-29
Written: (7646 days ago)

oh my gosh! ive been sooo busy!i selpt over at a friends house last weekend, and when i got back, on the 16, i had no time to do stuff for school. now im pretty far behind on my SS project, not to mention my Wot Simulator wiki, and the war simulation i have going on, plus it needs to be changed a bit, and needs a lot of fix ups and work... and i have piano and viola practice for. i have November festival coming up, and i have a Kendall concert in three weeks.... WAY too much to do. And everything piled up over the weekend.

BUT! I got first chair Violist in both Symphonic orchestra and Kendall orchestra, which is excellent ^_^

And i need alot of sleep.... alot of lot of lot of sleep that i will never get, because of a severe case of insomnia and getting up at six in the morning....


87605  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-10-22
Written: (7653 days ago)

it is lame that my poll has been up for several weeks and only has four votes. Yu MUST go vote at my poll. Now. GO. Goodbye.

-.- ok, five people now... lets try, THE WHOLE POPULATION :P

83608  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-10-13
Written: (7663 days ago)

heeey... i need more people to vote on my new poll! all I have are two votes saying that they cant be bothered to look at my wiki... i wanna know if it is good... and what is wrong... please!

Wow... FF XI looks really really good...

82623  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-10-11
Written: (7665 days ago)

Well... Today was sorta odd... To say the least.
In every one of my classes I felt very lethargic and laid back, as if nothing really mattered in the world... It was sort of comforting, but at the same time, it had a sense of futility with it... All I did in my classes was create a To-Do list for the weekend. I think it will help a lot.

I finished catching up on the www.MegaTokyo.com Comics ^_^ Those were hilarious...

Man, on the bus ride home, I wanted to scream.... So much pent-up energy was building inside... My friend got on the bus to ride home with her sister. Unfortunately, her mere presence was enough to spark riots on the bus. There was a huge amount of shouting back and forth, involving some horrible language, which cause my bus driver to yell too... I felt like I was going to burst... Unfortunately, my stop was the last one... :/

Then I got home and drove 45 mins to the Allergy clinic for some Immunization shots... Only to find out they were closed on Friday...

Now I'm feeling dead tired and even more lethargic than before, but at least I know I have accomplished a lot today...

Today was very exerting.... *Sigh*


77155  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-29
Written: (7676 days ago)

Cool. my teacher didnt count off cause it wasnt my fault :)
And the new Terry Brooks book is on hold for me ^_^ lol.
AND I am still waiting for someone to say that the Wheel of Time is so confusing on my poll, lol :P

76301  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-27
Written: (7679 days ago)

!! I missed the Festival cause my ride didnt show up!!!? why?? aaarg... now i have a bad performance grade...

76275  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2003-09-27
Written: (7679 days ago)

I have my Fall Festival Parade to march in... I dont think its gonna be fun... A mile of walking while playing an instrument, playing a piece from memory, while keeping yurself in line with the rest of the orchestra is gonna be pretty trying... Oh well... Its a test grade, so I gotta do it.
OOH, some jerk messed up The True Source for no reason! He just went in and deleted all that stuff! Luckily, the page was recovered, and I dont think there are any errors there... stupid jerk...

Yay! I'm gonna be Dedicated soon! no more stupid soldir tests!! lol... now im gonna have to go get a real sword and practice 5 hours a day j/k. i dunno whats next... I hope [darkest halo] takes my idea and uses it! then ill have a little sword icon ^_^ lol. Later!

73234  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-09-21
Written: (7685 days ago)

yay. more exact, if not completely accurate, results on my poll... not that it really matters. but apparently, three fifths of you like Robert Jordan, 2.5 fifths have never heard of it, and .5 fifths think it was boring. hehe, I can understand that last perfectly, though I happen to fall into the excellent category....

71470  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2003-09-17
Written: (7688 days ago)

HAHA! My team won German Jepordy in German I class.
We were behind by 1900 points halfways through the game, but the other team got cocky, and messed up several big questions. For Numbers for 300 euros, they had to spell zwanzig in German, which is pretty easy except for them, hehe. So we stole that one. Later, I got Numbers for 500 euros, and I had to spell zwolf, which was hard to remember, but I got it. They now complain saying "But seriously, Zwolf for 500?" hehe hilarious.

70690  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2003-09-16
Written: (7689 days ago)

You will now go to my house and look at my bio at the top, and view my cute Kirby Dance! and btw, i didnt make it up! Thanx whoever it was that i saw that from! ^_^

70177  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2003-09-15
Written: (7690 days ago)
Next in thread: 159801

Erm, im just really bored right now, so im gonna list all my FF mp3's... and again, if yu see one that yu would like, i can e-mail them to yu if yu give my your e-amil address...

1. To Zanarkand
2. FF VII Prelude
3. Phantom Forest (piano version, this one is soooo good. and it is titled Mystic Forest, but its phantom...)
4. Forever Rachel (piano version)
5. Balamb Garden - Ami (orchestrated)
6. Zodiac Brave Theme
7. Balamb Garden
8. Terra
9. Bran Bal
10. Crossing Those Hills
11. Aeris' Theme
12. Tifa's Theme
13. Yuffie's Theme
14. Under the Stars
15. FF Female Grand Remix (this ones huge, and pretty good ^_^)
16. Find Your Way
17. Freya's Theme
18. Hunter Chance
19. Treno
20. Tantalus
21. Gulug Volcano (orchestrated, I dont really like this one...)
22. Steiner's Theme
23. One Winged Angel
24. Vincent's Theme
25. Hero's Theme (FF Tactics)
26. The Extreme
27. Youre Not Alone
28. Liberi Fatale
29. Decisive Battle (FF Tactics)

Total Time: 1:58:17


Oooh. Update. My list now has EVERY track on the FF VII OST. Its 6:30 now. Come and get it if yu want one!

69666  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2003-09-14
Written: (7691 days ago)

Ok... new poll... If what i have right now is an accurate projection, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE PEOPLE ON ELFTOWN LOVE THE WHEEL OF TIME SERIES!!!

i know this isnt right, so go there and vote, lol

 The logged in version 

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