[Aradon Templar]'s diary

301925  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-07-28
Written: (7374 days ago)
Next in thread: 306593

Mood: Content & relaxed
Music: None, about to go to bed...

Whew... Been a while since I've been here with some real entries... I'm glad to say most everything is looking up. I've renovated my house (ET house :D), and its much prettier now. Much thanks to the Elftown Graphics! Wonderful idea, Calico! I must admit, I didn't like it at first, but once entries got started, the entire thing just took off, and I'm amazed at the quantity & quality both. My Utopia account is looking pretty good. Finally using all my resources. I used to have excess money, stealth, and mana, but now my mages are exhausted, money is gone (gave some newbie in my kingdom 1 million gold, upon request @.@), stealth is nothing... Food holding out alright, should improve... I'm worried somewhat about money, but it should be alright... Started a similar game, called Aegis. Has a little potential, but it just left beta-testing phase, so it has quite a few problems still... My school work is getting close to finished... Just need to watch movies (^__^). Heh, My pokèmon game is going alright, too...
As for now, I'm gonna go to bed! G'night!


290248  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-07-17
Written: (7384 days ago)

My secret wiki's wiki headquarter:
Templar's excessivly bored page (For excessively bored people)


287478  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-07-15
Written: (7386 days ago)
Next in thread: 289893

Mood: A bit anxious, but satisfied
Music: Wandering Flame (slow, peaceful music)
My apologies for all who I have ended my relations with. We simply don't talk enough, or interact enough to be called friends... If you want, we could start again...

275598  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-07-05
Written: (7397 days ago)

Mood: Generally Happy
Music: Slow FF 8-ish stuff, currently. Like it a bunch.

Hello. I'm doing quite well now. Not sad at all... In fact, I'm feeling very nice. Comfy, a bit hot, but oh well. I can live with that :)
I think I'd be perfect right now if I could be writing poetry... I wish I had a topic to write about... I'm an inspirational-author only type of writer... Without inspiration, I'm useless :P
My brother got his FF 8 OST. I've restrained from burning it so he can burn me a copy for me for my birthday, lol. But there's nothing stopping me from getting a few songs onto my playlist now, is there? The music, naturally, is very good. Unfortunately, I am worrying about later. In a few months, I wonder if I will even hear it when it comes on, because I've heard it just as much as my other pieces... That kind of thing happens, and I just stop appreciating the great music. Oh well, I can deal with that, too, I guess.
I finished my final book for summer reading, just gotta write the report, then I can start on the movies. Could take a while, for that report. I'm feeling rather lazy these days, I'm afraid :P

Feeling very relieved that a small report is the biggest of my concerns,

262536  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-06-21
Written: (7411 days ago)
Next in thread: 263097

My Utopia stuff, for anyone who's interested (Mainly for my own tracking...):
Pshh... I ended my Utopian account. No time

249151  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-06-09
Written: (7423 days ago)

A Simple Man's Wish
My poetry place, gotta add more later... Along with my Seraphim poem...

239781  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-05-30
Written: (7432 days ago)

Note to self:
Great quote- 1 Corinthions 12:3b-7

195896  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-15
Written: (7477 days ago)

It depresses me to see all the goths, homosexuals, and supporters of homosexuals around ET... Kinda ruins it for me, knowing that half the people I may see could be a bad influence of some sort, or someone I shouldn't be chatting with... But I'm glad to be who I am, in my religion... Its safe there... Wiccans and homosexuals tend to stay away from religion, and its now a safe-haven...


195879  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-15
Written: (7477 days ago)

This one just is adorable!!

184841  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2004-04-03
Written: (7489 days ago)

Who am I, really?

Knowledge in my head,
Power in my wrists.
So graceful I am.
So easily I twist.

Fast as lightining,
A dangerous fighter could I be.
But I think I'd rather
You find a friend in me.

An old poem I wrote that was supposed to describe me.
183303  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2004-04-01
Written: (7491 days ago)

Augh... Having a great day, until my sister got started with her 'April Fool's-ing ' .... She has the worst ideas... I didn't pull any today, cause I think its mean... But she has the worst ideas...

"Oh, Caleb! I had a great April fool's idea for you! I was gonna switch your Final Fantasy playlist with my Sailor Moon one!"

As if thats funny... Or even playful... Its hard to get all those 350+ files together... And she would've destroyed it...

Or, how about this one:
"Oh yeah! Then, I was thinking about unplugging the PS2."

She doesn't even know how. She just thinks its funny to annoy me. Probably because I'm too gentle to stop her... She amuses herself with ways to ruin my things... And what do you know? Just yesterday, she was asking me to help her with math... As if I were something she could get help from, then treat like a piece of junk...


Whatever... I wouldn't say that... Just feel like cursing...

Stupid sister...

180802  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-29
Written: (7494 days ago)

And, my playlist stretches now to a whopping 13:39 total.
It contains all the tracks from FF VII, FF IX, and FF X.
If you would like any tracks from those games, just ask. I could either e-mail them to you, or give them to you by AIM.
If you want a few but don't know whats good, or have never heard of the games but are interested, just tell me, give me an idea of your preference/mood, and I could pick out a few good ones ^_^

Okay, maybe more like 30 good ones, but, you know! ^_^

~Later! Caleb

180783  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-29
Written: (7494 days ago)

For Who Else Knows the Earth?

Dedicated to the Earth, my Guardian Angel Seraphim,
and all my friends on Elftown and in real life

I am the most loved man in the World,
For who else can claim they know the Earth?
And yet, I speak with her daily,
And take comfort that she loves me.

I am the least defenseless man in the World,
For who else can say they have an angel guarding them?
And yet, I know mine personally,
And take refuge in her protection.

I am the happiest man in the World,
For who else can show they have many trustworthy friends?
And yet, I trust each with my life,
And would give mine willingly for them.

Yes, I am the most comforted man in the World,
For who else can give such an entourage of trust and love?
And yet, I am proud of my friends,
And love them all with all my heart.

Comment on it, if you have anything to say about it... And yes, it is the truth in my life...
166333  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2004-03-12
Written: (7511 days ago)

Oooh... I was accepted as a Templar of the Monastary of Light! That place looks awesome! click the link!

162548  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-03-08
Written: (7515 days ago)

Been a while, since I last posted. Quite a bit's happened, at least.

1. Spring Retreat- Yeah! It was pretty good! The Fall Retreat was better, cause I was getting to know all of the people there, and this time it was more crowded, but it wasn't half bad! I learned how to give even more help to people, so I got in a pretty good mood.
2. My FF X OST came in, already copied all the music to my comp. Good game, awesome music. A lot of filler music, but even that sounds good ^.^ Especially "Wandering Flame", the Farplane music. Love that track. My friend is borrowing by my FF VII and X ost's to burn, and I'm making her disc covers for her birthday present. I think they turned out pretty nice. She certainly is happy. I'm glad to help her...
3. Went to Spring Festival with my orchestra, where we performed for judges. We were alright... Before our performance, we got to listen to several other orchestras, including Meadowcreek. Oh, what I wouldn't do for their tone! It was awesome! So much better than ours... Anyways, it turns out that a friend of mine played viola. I knew that, but I was surprised to see her that day. As an added bonus, she was first chair! Go her! As it turns out, though, she had asked several people she knew well to come watch her perform, but none of them could make it. She said I really made her day by showing up. I'm really glad I was there- splendid performance, and cheered up my friend, too. Great day.

Yup, you can see I'm having a good time ^_^

152386  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-02-25
Written: (7527 days ago)
Next in thread: 152390

Update: I no longer want to become a lawyer for my job. I would like to become a "video game music composer". I hope thats a real job ^_^

149922  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-22
Written: (7530 days ago)

I want to thank Squaresoft for adding whole volumes to my life, making me a much better person, one who has feelings. It is really important. Thank you.

149779  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2004-02-22
Written: (7530 days ago)

Ah, today is a good day! Been awhile since I wrote in here. But, I've changed a bunch again. A bunch of things brought this change about. Last night, I was thinking about my life. Before, when I had all sorts of projects looming about me, I felt overwhelmed, and thus discontent. Now, I have almost no problems whatsoever. Still, I felt discontent. When I examined my life, I decided I was too picky. I always found something to bring my spirits down. As usual, I decided I needed more input on my life. I sat down in my room (which still had my brother's things in it, because I moved into his room while he is away at college) and looked around. I found a small book in the corner called "Taste-Berries for Teens". I began to read. I read from 11:30 PM to 2:00 AM straight. I learned what it meant to have a friend and to be a friend, and the true power and impact I have on people based on my attitude. My attitude, before I read that book, was, "I want to help people in any way I can. I want to make them as happy as I can.", while I gave the display, "I'm so patheticly miserable and unloved. I'm so depressed." Which, of course, didn't help make anyone around me happy in any way, just more miserable. So, I decided, I am going to be a good friend. This means I am dependable, honest, respecting, and always there. I plan to do that. Also, I am going to show a positive attitude. I hope it helps cheer everyone else up.

Finally, I have beaten Final Fantasy X. The ending was wonderful. The music was excellent, but the ending was extraordinary. I especially remember Yuna's final words when addressing the crowd after defeating Sin.

Yuna: "Just, one more thing... The people and the friends that we have lost, or the dreams that have faded..."

*Scenes from the game flash quickly then fade*

Yuna: "Never forget them."

What an ending. I'm never going to forget that line. It certainly will apply to me. It gives me hope, also. I feel depressed alot, but this gives me a hope that good feelings will come back, that I have friends I can honor, and respect, and please. It gives me hope that I can live an honerable life. It gives me hope that I can be a happy person. It gives me hope that I can make everyone, including you, happy too.

Thank you for reading this. If you want to message me, I'm always up for a talk. Especially if you need support. I'm always there for you. Thanks.

~A new, happier Caleb.
131604  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2004-01-26
Written: (7558 days ago)

K. Another dream. Not much to describe, really. The main focus of it was a sword, so I'll describe that. It was a sword, to start. Lightweight, felt like plastic, but cut and swung like metal. It looked like stained glass, too. Tan, gold, some silver, and some clear glass pieces set in the swordwork. It has a sheath similar to the sword. It was long, like a katana, but a bit thicker. The name was Wakizashi. (Yeah, I know. I've played too much FF X ^_^)

129537  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2004-01-21
Written: (7562 days ago)

Whee!!! not depressed anymore! Its even the same day since my last message!
Its nice not to be depressed! ^_^
~Later! Caleb

 The logged in version 

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