[Aradon Templar]'s diary

692329  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-03
Written: (6910 days ago)
Next in thread: 697553

o.O And chain letters suck. Mostly for the sender. Observe, as someone attempts to send me one. Note in particular, the mood, which occurred after our conversation.

My apologies for the foul language.

From: [seebers]
To: [Aradon Templar]
<insert annoying chain letter that had the typical 'scroll down', 'say this', 'think of that', 'you'll get your dreams', and of course the story examples of people doing it and people not- the typical chain letter>

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:28:23
Comment to: 49891893
Comment in 49892357

You forgot the story about the kid who sent 50 messages in Elftown and, rather than getting all he wanted, was BANNED. And you get reported. Add that to however many other messages you sent, and you get x number of reports. Moral: Don't send chain letters. They just bother people.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:29:21
Comment to: 49892287
Comment in 49892461

fuck you!!

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:30:47
Comment to: 49892357
Comment in 49892526

Great comeback. Real witty. I'm sure it took a genius to come up with that one. Oh, the originality is superb.But you did know that chain letters are banned on Elftown, didn't you?

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:31:36
Comment to: 49892461
Comment in 49892658

so what this fucking site sucks

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:33:06
Comment to: 49892526
Comment in 49893164

Well, I guess you won't miss it that much if you get banned, then. But why not put your energies towards making it better rather than worse by not filling it with chain messages and doing other things.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:39:22
Comment to: 49892658
Comment in 49893531

fuck off

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:43:51
Comment to: 49893164
Comment in 49893641

You're the one who messaged me in the first place. Any real reason for messaging me? Or was it just to spread that chain message that only bothers people?

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:45:19
Comment to: 49893531
Comment in 49893982

nope just to piss you off! bitch!!

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:50:21
Comment to: 49893641
Comment in 49894063

So you know me from somewhere, and wanted to annoy me?Now I'm interested. Where have you seen me? o.O

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:51:47
Comment to: 49893982
Comment in 49894150

what the fuck?are you stoned or something?

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:53:13
Comment to: 49894063
Comment in 49894205

Me, no. You said you sent me a message just to annoy me. You must have had some reason for wanting to annoy me in specific, so you must have known me from somewhere. I'm curious where. I've made lots of enemies already, so I'm curious to know where they're coming from.
From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:54:18
Comment to: 49894150
Comment in 49894291

shut the fuck up.damd you need help

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:55:23
Comment to: 49894205
Comment in 49894367

Me? What have I done to need help?And by the way, the only way this conversation will end is if you stop messaging me. Though as a side note, I actually have been genuinely curious with all my questions.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:56:36
Comment to: 49894291
Comment in 49894594

hows it going in georga?

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:59:58
Comment to: 49894367
Comment in 49894680

Same as always. Random weather, no snow ever, doesn't look like there's going to be much snow either. Not much else.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 22:01:29
Comment to: 49894594
Comment in 49894778

nothings changed then scence ive been there and bitch slaped your mama. bitch

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 22:03:02
Comment to: 49894680

And your point is? Just to be irritating?You know, people who only try to irritate other people really don't make that good impressions, and in general there can't be much said in their favor.

No reply yet, as he has logged off. I'll keep you updated :D
690167  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-31
Written: (6914 days ago)

That was interesting enough. Had a costume concert for Halloween on Saturday. My mom put together this great costume, and I made a cardboard sword for it. Only one or two people from the concert knew who I was, but I went to a party that my sister's friend held. They were a year or two younger than me, and mostly all anime-obsessed, so most of them recognized me dressed up as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children). A few interesting not-too-weird people there. I'll have a few pictures up when I get them developed, but my mom only used the non-digital camera, and it's a new roll of film, so we can expect to wait past Christams :/
But it was fun, and the costume's über ^^

685257  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-21
Written: (6923 days ago)

Bah. I dislike those 'dating service' sites and their ads, specifically True's. Because apparently "True love", "dating", and "happiness" equate to having sex. That's all they can seem to portray in their advertisements. Admittedly, their ads certainly catch the eye, and I'm sure lots of people can't help but to stare at their ads invariably featuring a scantily clad lady looking flirtatious.
But it bothers me that places are so shallow, and yet they are so effective in marketing to people these days.

684040  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6926 days ago)

*sigh* There's just something wrong with a 13-year old posing in a bikini for a camera, trying to look hot.

683744  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6926 days ago)

Bleah. Talk about getting addicted. If any of you think Elftown is bad, don't even think about playing on Imperian. I'm gonna have to cut back on that sort of thing now, and consequently a little more on ET. So yeah. Less of me on ET soon, though I'll still probably get on daily...

674825  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-02
Written: (6943 days ago)


"Ford!" he said, "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they've worked out."

672459  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-27
Written: (6947 days ago)

A note on Goths, provided courtesy of I hate Posers.

I hate posers has provided me with some enlightenment as to the true nature of goths. I was perusing their collection of links, and clicked one because it's url contained 'Religious Tolerance'. Hoping for a laugh, I read the article, and got my laugh. Among their numerous quotes, I found a great attempt at defining the goth subculture. It interested me greatly, because, while they all claimed they were horribly stereotyped and labeled, goths were invariably unable to define it for themselves. So the article went:

What is the Goth culture?

It is basically indefinable, because "Goth" means different things to each follower.

At this point, I laughed, and stopped reading. If that's the best they can do to define 'goth', it can't qualify as a culture. Heck, why not be the first goth-Catholic, and I'll define 'goth' as a follower of God, believing in all things pure and holy. Yeah, like I'll fit in to the Goth society. In truth, if I wished to do this, I could. I could manipulate their ideals and what they believe and fit right in. But the facts are, if they can't define 'goth', and anyone could fit right in by redefining it for themselves, they are not, in fact, a subculture, because they posess no unifying qualities that are the same across the board, by this definition. Nothing holds them together save for the title 'goth'. This brings me to conclude that joining this group 'goth' is meaningless, and merely a fad. Yes, a fad. It is not a culture, by the definition given. Those who wish to disagree, please, by all means, give me a better definition to work with.
672118  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-26
Written: (6948 days ago)
Next in thread: 684809

Is it just me, or is it really odd that I found someone whose house had a wiki advertisement section which, in one line advertised anti-racism, and the next line down advertised anti-nazis?
Is it just me, or is that a bit incongruent? Is it bad to discriminate based on race, but perfectly fine to discriminate based on beliefs?
I can see a difference there, but I don't think the difference is great enough to qualify -.-

666638  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-17
Written: (6958 days ago)

Self-notary, for an mIRC battle-bot.

<Aradon> 1. Broom Pendant (25K)
<Aradon> 2. Gold Stopwatch (10K)
<Aradon> 3. Mysterious Ankh, possibly (20K)
<Aradon> 4. Diamond Brooch (17500)
<Aradon> 5. Magnificent Hairpin (20K)
<Aradon> 6. Badge of Accessoryment (23K)
<Aradon> 7. An enchanted Kartoffel (10K)
<Aradon> 8. Bejeweled Crown (13K)
<Aradon> 9. Shiny Bracelet (14K)
<Aradon> 10. Emerald Earrings (15K)
<Aradon> 11. Silk Bag (22500) (slightly increases money gained? about 2% ish?)
<Aradon> 12. Mithril Scabbard (22K)
<Aradon> 13. Glowing Amulet (22K)
<Aradon> 14. Lorien Quivers (22K)
<Aradon> 15. Witchdoctor Trinket (22K)
<Aradon> The last four could possibly be enchanted to give you a weapon in your hand of the respective type, replacing whichever it would normally be placed in (scabbard - melee, amulet - magic, quivers - ranged, trinket - buff)
<Aradon> Prices might want to be upped, some, I kinda viewed 25K as a limit (note the only one that is 25K is my broom pendant :D)
<Aradon> If you don't like any, I'll think of some replacements. Some of those really were kinda lame
<Aradon> Like 6 and 7 (a kartoffel is a potatoe in German ;) )

665564  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-14
Written: (6960 days ago)
Next in thread: 672529

I think this merits diarying:

* lady has joined #elftown
<Aradon> ooohhh
<Aradon> a lady
<Aradon> :D
<Aradon> :P hello
<isilando> :P
* lady is now known as Guest44216
<Guest44216> hi
<Guest44216> lady stitches here in the flesh
<Guest44216> is silence periodical here?
<Aradon> yes
<Guest44216> well at least there's you, so what are you into?
<Aradon> technically, silence is even perpetual, considering the lack of sound on the mIRC chat rooms
<Aradon> I'm into school
<Aradon> >:D
<Guest44216> indeed
<Guest44216> so besides #2 pencils you like?
<Aradon> Prentice Hall schoolbooks :D
<Aradon> they're the roxxors
<Guest44216> fascinating, so what's ur tragedy as of late? (anything sucky interfering w/ your life?
<Aradon> Yeah, I got a 90 on a test :(
<Guest44216> so you're a straight A student?
<Aradon> ideally
<Guest44216> what'd you get a 90 in?
<Aradon> Math.
<Aradon> Precalculus, even
<Guest44216> indeed
* Guest44216 has quit IRC (Quit: Azzurra IRC Network http://www.azzurra.org)

663892  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-12
Written: (6963 days ago)

An idea that would be uber for a story, less so for an RP, but something I'd like to continue writing perhaps.

Concept being that the 'heavens', or sky, is actually a flat plane above the world where Angels live, in large numbers, much like the humans. Technology is advanced, to the point of teleportation over small distances is bringing the two worlds into disastrous contact. Small contacts have been made in the form of Angels visiting Earth on a few occasions, usually low profile, but now there is contact and conflict rising in some parts. While it has been known on both sides of each others' existance, few wanted much to do with the other. Now, transportation has been made to carry people from the ground to the sky.

Probably gonna write an intro to this story at Templar's Notepad. About time there's some decent stuff in there, rather than some of the lesser quality weirdness I've stuffed in there.

661038  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-07
Written: (6967 days ago)
Next in thread: 661039

I seem to write a lot of interesting, or possibly lesser interesting things in here. Too bad I can't live five or six more times, with different childhood influences, so as to write these all over again, but about different topics.

Then again, maybe there are lots of people who write interesting things like me in their diaries, and I don't have to write them myself. *wonders which house numbers they are* :P

659413  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-09-04
Written: (6970 days ago)

One will have to wonder if one day the world will come to its senses concerning abortion, and actually react. Would it have the same stigma, people looking at abortion clinics like they do concentration camps? The concept is the same: buildings/areas where countless die. They die in concentration camps because Hitler didn't like them for their views. They die in abortion clinics because their mothers would be inconvenienced by their existence.

There is a striking similarity that many people would want to overlook. They rationalize in this by claiming that they aren't sentient beings yet. But in effect, they still prevent life by killing that growth into life.

In another, someone odder comparison, that's like saying that destroying a $10 investment that would definately mature into a $1,000,000 is perfectly fine, because it is only $10. Think, people, and stop rationalizing.

656327  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-30
Written: (6976 days ago)

Every time I remove that notice about no 'hi' messages, I am quickly reminded why I should have left it up >.<
Random people say 'hey', and expect me to start a conversation! It's like, they expect me to actually be social o.O
*is busy being very antisocial in terms of conversations*'

So, yeh. People messaging me, unless you can find one of the rare topics I'm interested in (no, I'm not going to tell you them), expect interactions with me to be brief. I'm always glad to answer questions, but casual conversation isn't my thing.


Not that anyone who simply writes 'hi' messages reads diary entries either, so my apologies for preaching to the choir here. View it more as a rant :P


654930  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-08-28
Written: (6978 days ago)
Next in thread: 655036

My goodness ally writes a lot of diaries... hehe. *was just browsing randomly through them*

654359  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-27
Written: (6979 days ago)

And a turn around from last post. In Utopia, we have a change of plans, and we're going to wave 6:45, and then see if we can handle 1:41. 6:45's a piece of cake; I got their CB's entirely with only one failed spell attempt.

The forums are just odd. More like a singular forum, despite the separate topics. It's supposed to be linear, with the topic only to hint at a change of discussion. See, once that was clear to me, the forums made lots more sense. They still stink compared to other forum systems, but I can deal with them now...

653040  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-08-25
Written: (6981 days ago)

I honestly hate the forums with all my heart. They are the evilest part of Elftown. I just finished reading the lengthiest thread on there by thread (some 130 posts), and since I read them by thread it didn't count them as read. Honestly! What is wrong with a simple thread-arrangement forum?

On the other hand, my Utopia KD looks to be shaping up, or will be shaped up after the next war. Until then, I get a wizard pump.

651013  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-08-22
Written: (6984 days ago)

*ish now on the RPG Realm Council and GM, which would be good except now he has to deal with forums -.-*

 The logged in version 

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