[Aradon Templar]'s diary

722692  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-12-28
Written: (6855 days ago)
Next in thread: 722758

*cries* The pink plague is here for good, but not only that, there is a lurking threat of a more sinister blue plague. I hope those monitor repairs come in soon!

720914  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-24
Written: (6859 days ago)
Next in thread: 720991

Proof that the world believes things too easily, found at someone's house:

In reincarnation: yes
Aliens: yes
True Love: yes
Ghosts: yes
Satan: yes
Heaven: kinda
Hell: yes
Afterlife: yes
Love at First Sight: yes

So. This person believes in Hell, but is uncertain about Heaven, despite the fact that they go hand in hand. Further, they believe in reincarnation and afterlife. Question: So, when does a person go to Hell, if they're reincarnated? And what kind of afterlife is it, if you're reincarnated instead? You can't believe in both reincarnation and afterlife; they're mutually exclusive.

720774  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-24
Written: (6859 days ago)

A thought came to me. Like usual, it was after/during a movie, though this time it was rather unrelated to the movie itself. I don't know if I can adequately explain my thoughts here, but I'll still try, if for no other reason than to remind myself of my thoughts.

For some reason, I've connected the lifestyle I'd like to live to Japan. Much of my reading and especially the massive amounts of time I spend playing video games relate to Japan, and I've developed a taste for 'Japan'. I put it in quotes because it really happened the other way around. I developed a taste for a unique style of living that I associated to Japan. I connected what I wished for with things that could only come into being in Japan. For some inexplicable reason. I often think something along the lines of, "If I were in Japan, it would be like this," and have some spectacular scene unfold in my mind. But then I realized that what I was imagining barely even applied to Japan in any way. Even more, I realized that I didn't have to be in Japan for me to live in any way, or even to find spectacular scenery that all the Japanese movies (like The Last Samurai) portrayed. It could be found anywhere just as easily as in Japan.

So basically, I decided that I didn't have to move to Japan when I grew up, and stopped associated random things with Japan. Which is good, because I doubt I could ever really learn Japanese very well. And yes, this was all rather random.

720699  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-24
Written: (6860 days ago)

:/ The pink plague returned again. I hope the monitor repairs come soon.

720287  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-23
Written: (6860 days ago)

A thought for the masses:
If life doesn't seem to make sense, perhaps it's time to sit down and think about it.

Oh, and for some particular masses:
Being depressed sucks, and people who try and be depressed should just get over themselves, because, no matter what they may claim, there are certainly reasons to be happy.

717140  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-12-17
Written: (6866 days ago)
Next in thread: 717150, 717338

*now has a Writersco account*
Writersco has lots less weirdos than ET. I'm glad for that. Once it's less confusing for me, I'll learn how to write well and have uberfun there ^_^

714863  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-12-13
Written: (6870 days ago)

Today was fabulariffic. I found out that the demo version of Terragen 2 will be available in January. And then I found out that I did good in physics, and my classes'll be fine. And then I fixed my monitor. It's not pink anymore. I hope that lasts, though there are no guarantees. Not sure how I'll turn it off, since if I bump it, it'll turn pink again. Oh well. It's fixable ^^

712653  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-12-09
Written: (6874 days ago)

W00t. Finally got the Halloween pictures developed. There are a few good ones, so I think I'll put one up when I can get the silly scanner to start working again.

710623  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-12-05
Written: (6878 days ago)
Next in thread: 710972

Uhm. That was an odd sight. So I stumble across a member named [AnGeL69]. And I think, "Did I read that right?" Yes, I did. Isn't 69 an allusion to sex? So Angels have sex now, and advertise it on ET? Somehow I don't think that the two words go together very well. And then I check the age of this member. Pardon me, I don't know what the laws are in Canada, but in the US, 15 is a great age for statuary rape. And what of the angelic reputation? Angels don't have premarital sex. And I don't know a single 15 year old who is married (though I am aware that there are a few out there, as part of tradition). It's like trying to send two different signals: "Hey, I'm divine like an angel!" and "Hey, I'm such a slut I have 69 in my user". And this wouldn't bother me so much if this was the only instance, but ET is just full of people with lewd usernames, and it really doesn't help promote a moral soceity. Fifteen isn't a good age to start experimenting with sex, and thirteen certainly isn't the age to start advertising that you're 'hott', 'have big boobs' or 'have a fine *censored*'. Especially considering most females, in my opinion, don't start looking 'hot' until fifteen and up. Chances of a pre-teen having 'big boobs' is minimal to none, fools -.-

701960  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-21
Written: (6893 days ago)

  I've always maintained some degree of respect when it came to my parents, because they always seemed devout. Outwardly, also. I'm introverted when it comes to my faith, so I gave them credit for this, even though I doubted their faith, in honesty. But now, I'm dissappointed to find that their faith is skin deep, and doesn't go through to their hearts. I scheduled my SAT about a month and a half ago for Dec. 3. Rather important, I'd say. However, my church winter retreat is now scheduled for the same weekend.
  Naturally, I can't cancel the SAT (no refunds), and I'm involved with the church retreat, as well as I desperately want to go (these retreats are more than simple fun weekends for me). I can, however, change the date of the SAT I take to a later date for a $20 fee, something I offered to pay myself, since it was my mistake. But no. My dad is afraid I'll find something 'more important' to do on that date to, and insists I have to make that SAT no matter what. He said that the SAT was more important than the retreat. He told me that the SAT was more important than God, in essense. So much for his profound faith. And so much for my respect for him. No more of that. He is a fool that tries to portray an image he clearly is not.

I'm going to have to convince him before next weekend. I refuse to miss this event. For the past two years, I've become extremely depressed around this time of year and relied upon this winter retreat to turn things around. And it has worked well so far. Things aren't that bad this year, and I suppose it's a sign that teenagerism has done it's worst and things can only get better. But I am worried about later. Things can always gt worse, and if there is no bouy this year, they could be at their worst. I simply don't know. But this is a folly of my dad's I will have to convince him of.

701682  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-20
Written: (6893 days ago)
Next in thread: 701684

[Oh No I'm Catholic]. One would think that that would be a Christian's house. But no. It belongs to a Wiccan. I'm not saying a necessarily bad person, she looks friendly enough, but I have to question why she chose that house name. Certainly she doesn't believe in Christianity, and therefore not the Lady herself, so why did she choose that house name? Does she have any respect for Mother Mary, that she chose to honor her with her house? I find that unlikely. I hope it isn't to mock her, though I can't see any other reason...

698688  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-11-14
Written: (6899 days ago)

Tis an interseting curiousity. In June, I ordered a music book for my brother's birthday. It was backordered, though, so I had no idea how long it would take. It certainly missed my brother's birthday, despite being ordered a good two weeks in advance. I forgot about it for the most part, especially after buying my brother another present instead, when mine failed to show up. Yesterday, something reminded me of it, and I complained to a few friends about it. Coincidentally, today the package arrived without warning or notice. Most interesting. Of course, I'm quite pleased with the product, like usual. Now I have a Christmas present for my brother :P

693687  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-11-06
Written: (6907 days ago)

Bleh. The picture's all blurry. And huge. And amateurly edited to remove the blue. Does it look better than the one I've got up at my house right now?


692329  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-11-03
Written: (6910 days ago)
Next in thread: 697553

o.O And chain letters suck. Mostly for the sender. Observe, as someone attempts to send me one. Note in particular, the mood, which occurred after our conversation.

My apologies for the foul language.

From: [seebers]
To: [Aradon Templar]
<insert annoying chain letter that had the typical 'scroll down', 'say this', 'think of that', 'you'll get your dreams', and of course the story examples of people doing it and people not- the typical chain letter>

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:28:23
Comment to: 49891893
Comment in 49892357

You forgot the story about the kid who sent 50 messages in Elftown and, rather than getting all he wanted, was BANNED. And you get reported. Add that to however many other messages you sent, and you get x number of reports. Moral: Don't send chain letters. They just bother people.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:29:21
Comment to: 49892287
Comment in 49892461

fuck you!!

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:30:47
Comment to: 49892357
Comment in 49892526

Great comeback. Real witty. I'm sure it took a genius to come up with that one. Oh, the originality is superb.But you did know that chain letters are banned on Elftown, didn't you?

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:31:36
Comment to: 49892461
Comment in 49892658

so what this fucking site sucks

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:33:06
Comment to: 49892526
Comment in 49893164

Well, I guess you won't miss it that much if you get banned, then. But why not put your energies towards making it better rather than worse by not filling it with chain messages and doing other things.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:39:22
Comment to: 49892658
Comment in 49893531

fuck off

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:43:51
Comment to: 49893164
Comment in 49893641

You're the one who messaged me in the first place. Any real reason for messaging me? Or was it just to spread that chain message that only bothers people?

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:45:19
Comment to: 49893531
Comment in 49893982

nope just to piss you off! bitch!!

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:50:21
Comment to: 49893641
Comment in 49894063

So you know me from somewhere, and wanted to annoy me?Now I'm interested. Where have you seen me? o.O

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:51:47
Comment to: 49893982
Comment in 49894150

what the fuck?are you stoned or something?

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:53:13
Comment to: 49894063
Comment in 49894205

Me, no. You said you sent me a message just to annoy me. You must have had some reason for wanting to annoy me in specific, so you must have known me from somewhere. I'm curious where. I've made lots of enemies already, so I'm curious to know where they're coming from.
From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:54:18
Comment to: 49894150
Comment in 49894291

shut the fuck up.damd you need help

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:55:23
Comment to: 49894205
Comment in 49894367

Me? What have I done to need help?And by the way, the only way this conversation will end is if you stop messaging me. Though as a side note, I actually have been genuinely curious with all my questions.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:56:36
Comment to: 49894291
Comment in 49894594

hows it going in georga?

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 21:59:58
Comment to: 49894367
Comment in 49894680

Same as always. Random weather, no snow ever, doesn't look like there's going to be much snow either. Not much else.

From: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
To: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 22:01:29
Comment to: 49894594
Comment in 49894778

nothings changed then scence ive been there and bitch slaped your mama. bitch

From: [Aradon Templar] (Life was created for people to like only.)
To: [seebers] (ban me what the fuck do i care)
Sent mail 2005-11-03 22:03:02
Comment to: 49894680

And your point is? Just to be irritating?You know, people who only try to irritate other people really don't make that good impressions, and in general there can't be much said in their favor.

No reply yet, as he has logged off. I'll keep you updated :D
690167  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-10-31
Written: (6914 days ago)

That was interesting enough. Had a costume concert for Halloween on Saturday. My mom put together this great costume, and I made a cardboard sword for it. Only one or two people from the concert knew who I was, but I went to a party that my sister's friend held. They were a year or two younger than me, and mostly all anime-obsessed, so most of them recognized me dressed up as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children). A few interesting not-too-weird people there. I'll have a few pictures up when I get them developed, but my mom only used the non-digital camera, and it's a new roll of film, so we can expect to wait past Christams :/
But it was fun, and the costume's über ^^

685257  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-10-21
Written: (6923 days ago)

Bah. I dislike those 'dating service' sites and their ads, specifically True's. Because apparently "True love", "dating", and "happiness" equate to having sex. That's all they can seem to portray in their advertisements. Admittedly, their ads certainly catch the eye, and I'm sure lots of people can't help but to stare at their ads invariably featuring a scantily clad lady looking flirtatious.
But it bothers me that places are so shallow, and yet they are so effective in marketing to people these days.

684040  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6926 days ago)

*sigh* There's just something wrong with a 13-year old posing in a bikini for a camera, trying to look hot.

683744  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-18
Written: (6926 days ago)

Bleah. Talk about getting addicted. If any of you think Elftown is bad, don't even think about playing on Imperian. I'm gonna have to cut back on that sort of thing now, and consequently a little more on ET. So yeah. Less of me on ET soon, though I'll still probably get on daily...

674825  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2005-10-02
Written: (6943 days ago)


"Ford!" he said, "there's an infinite number of monkeys outside who want to talk to us about this script for Hamlet they've worked out."

672459  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-27
Written: (6947 days ago)

A note on Goths, provided courtesy of I hate Posers.

I hate posers has provided me with some enlightenment as to the true nature of goths. I was perusing their collection of links, and clicked one because it's url contained 'Religious Tolerance'. Hoping for a laugh, I read the article, and got my laugh. Among their numerous quotes, I found a great attempt at defining the goth subculture. It interested me greatly, because, while they all claimed they were horribly stereotyped and labeled, goths were invariably unable to define it for themselves. So the article went:

What is the Goth culture?

It is basically indefinable, because "Goth" means different things to each follower.

At this point, I laughed, and stopped reading. If that's the best they can do to define 'goth', it can't qualify as a culture. Heck, why not be the first goth-Catholic, and I'll define 'goth' as a follower of God, believing in all things pure and holy. Yeah, like I'll fit in to the Goth society. In truth, if I wished to do this, I could. I could manipulate their ideals and what they believe and fit right in. But the facts are, if they can't define 'goth', and anyone could fit right in by redefining it for themselves, they are not, in fact, a subculture, because they posess no unifying qualities that are the same across the board, by this definition. Nothing holds them together save for the title 'goth'. This brings me to conclude that joining this group 'goth' is meaningless, and merely a fad. Yes, a fad. It is not a culture, by the definition given. Those who wish to disagree, please, by all means, give me a better definition to work with.
 The logged in version 

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