[Moat Boy]'s diary

688252  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-10-27
Written: (6793 days ago)

Life truly is about the journey.
Blessed be the Mystical Mullet, my mind is such to see.
If not for the travellingz upon lifes’ great sea,
how dreary it would sadly be......
.. Life ..
'Tis for the embracing, the active and brazen facing.
To cower from what life showerz would be to admit defeat.
Such would be the desire and want of the weak,
Save us all the pain, go throw yourself in Peat.

Hmmmm, bit harsher then I thought it was when it was internal, suppose thatz why externalizing thingz is sooooo much FuN..... ;-)



682351  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-10-15
Written: (6804 days ago)

Joy and I mean JOY......
Meow to the world for the Storm Queen caress us...(please!)

The Moat Boy very much doubtz that the drought has broken but it certainly is damp for a drought at the moment.

Drizzling mist thickened to dropletz bless the ground, flowerz and my dry old shiny stainless tank.

There ain't many better visionz then waking in the morning to a full covering of nice wet cloudz.

BLah Blah Blah............

I'm going out to dance in it and check the level of the Moat.


680024  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-10-11
Written: (6809 days ago)

Well, the Moat is still pretty bloody empty.

All the 'EvIl' fish I left in the moat to take their chance with their maker, after all, it is the dark lord I suspect to blame for NO RAIN.
Carp and Catfish frames litter the floor, it stinkz, but it's fun.

Took the 'good' fish out, they are currently swiming in a make-shift fish pond I have fabricated out of PantZ.
Yup, I have a room full of GIANT FISH PANTZ.... ;-)
I hope the PantZ tanks don't fall down, we'll have fish flapping all over the place, and one giant wet spot to deal with. (gigglez)

Remember people, it's a drought, don't even waste drool and lap up all the fluidz you can, it may be a long wait between drinkz..

BuRp COugh and Wheeze, Slurp Snog and Please!


673312  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-28
Written: (6821 days ago)

Gaping aching tender and raw..

The swirling twist of water aloft twirling nimbus..

Soul and tongue left yearning for more..

A streak of stratus to cure the parched harsh dust..

Having seen more of the bitz that lurk in between..

A gust of cirrus casually cajoling a comfortable cumulus..

The bitz I’d previously seen are equally supreme..

If for a particular period of precision precipitation..

The Moat, Ooohhhh, the Moat….

GO West Jung Man..!

672371  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-27
Written: (6822 days ago)

Moaty has found a truely wonderous thing indeed.
It's all there....Yumm.
Bit of shovel work and a moat or two could be fashioned easily, somewhere for the Goats to swim.
Plenty land to get teeth into and all.
Must ensure to visit again, ohh and again and however I can get there again.
Must ensure Empress is suitably honoured for her kindness of opening realm to Moaty.
*twirls off, dance like Pansie*

664710  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-09-13
Written: (6836 days ago)

The dayz are melting into one, one great big dry day void of sustenance.
No rain for dayz, the Mullet are miffed, Barra parched and no squid gigglez.

Got ambitious for a spell, thought the drought had broke even stopped digging.
Alas, the few spots of rain that fell were certainly swell, Oh well, the future….
Best keep digging that well…………..

Moaty ponderz, could it be lunar this impressive effect upon the non-darkened clouds,
The pull of a heavenly body, its ability to exert upon those under its view and control.
The swelling of energies, ebb of the tide causing a stirring on the meat in which we reside.
Truly a force to be admired, through out time I suspect its been longingly desired.

O well, it will rain, it will rain if we all hose the garden, hang-out the washing and wear
White tee-shirts out and about………… BRING IT ON……..

660977  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-09-07
Written: (6843 days ago)

Bugger, No rain at all not even a drop, Sad.

Good Weather is a thing to be grateful for I'm sure but we are fast approaching a Dry Moat Tragedy.
Even the Barra and Mullet have started digging, their cute little pectoral fins are raw and wore down to the delicate little bitz, so sad. :(
O Well, it might be time for Moaty to start some rather foolish dancing (Moaty apparently can do no other) and see if the rain Godz will bless us.

I fear the Stress of this mess is getting to me!
It would seem that I'm so stressed that in my sleep my hand takes to dialing people in te middle of the night and hanging up on them.

This is soooo un-Moaty, if I 'm going to ring somebody in the middle of the night then I'm going to wanna hear their dulcet tones, that’s why fones have speakers in them?
Mind you it may not of been ear based the issue surrounding just why my right hand went wondering, maybe my hand was just looking for something yummy to fondle.??

Crazy sub-conscious, must contemplate professional help as I suspect all this self-medication may 'not' be working alllll that well..... :-) On second thoughtz, maybe I just lay off the Moat Juice as it is a solid green in color with a purple hue to it at the moment.

Either way, sorry for waking……, can I still get that spanking…. :P

O well, that’s it for now, positive I need more hair color, feeling bland amidst other thingz.

Free HugZ at the Moat, just bring SPAM.

Moaty signing off.

p.s. Getting excited about going to the middle of no-where, 18 miles from nowhere, gonna be FUN.
Pixie Dance Starting……..

659938  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2005-09-05
Written: (6844 days ago)

Today Moaty awoke to the joyfull soundz of RAIN, RAIN I tell ya.

The gutters flowed, the Moat Swelled, dam it, the Mullet even Moshed and the Barrmundi Boogied.
2 hours later, Blue Skys and back to dreaming of a blanket of Stormy clouds to embrace us all, some rain wouldn't be bad either ;P .

Then out of the blue, a quick down pour later today.

Still not enuf to stop digging the emergency well, good damn there is some rock here.

Aside, big truck tried to kill Moaty today, lucky Moaty Used to such, been target since 1257, ever since that whole contracting debacle with The Teutonic Knights while building the Schloss Castle of Kônigsberg (Kaliningrad, Russia).
I quoted for the Moat contract and they under bid and......well, it all got messy. :D

Otherwise, Life is good.
For hugz are not illegal YET.

658724  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-09-03
Written: (6847 days ago)


Glee has rained upon the Moat yet one more, if feeble, time this week.
Barely enuf to be wet the surface of sun-dried Mullet Roe but rain all that same.

Various Vodka issues dealt with extremely well.
Wonder if placing Ice or a Mixer in the bottle would make a difference, Bah, why waste ice & soft drink on Moaty.

Life on the Moat is good, still a tad malodorous, but dandy indeed, nuthing wrong with natural smellz.... Hmmmm.

Free Hugz for all. Dial 1800 HUG ME PLZ for free home delivery NOW...

Hail the Empress....

658051  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6848 days ago)

Moat Log \on/

My life is clawed, dragged from the past.
This is flawed it has no sense am I being dealt
bucket loads of recompense?
It makes no sense and I cannot ponder the path
to dig to get from asunder.
Should I dig or should I flee? Should I succumb to greed
Or for logic and sense I maybe plead?

Bugger it. A bottle of Vodka and a couch for me.
Should I tear I no longer fear, it’s good for the complexion
and duct condition. I need a rocking couch, NOT.

658011  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2005-09-02
Written: (6848 days ago)

Moat Log ON=
Friday, (Dances like Pixie)

Sure, some may argue that Friday is just closer to Monday and thus not worthy of Joy, but hey, it's all relative.

I've been forced to taste prawns from the 4th level of hell today, truely a job frought with extremes is mine.

Moat tending duties are my main joy, after stinky prawns I went and gave Barry (the 5.4 kilo pet Barramundi) a pat, he luvs a pat on the head.... Sometimes. He also has issues with the level of the Moat.

aside, I sit in the Moat control room here with 1 kilo of freshly ground weapons grade coffee, Yummm. Think I've discovered a new pot-purri aroma...... FORZA...... ;P

Todays technical chore:
Contemplate/ascertain the 'typical' volume of a bath tub, calculate the fluid displacement of one non-typical' Empress(this I feel will be fUn to qualify).
Then deduce the approximate literage of Cow-Juice required to Float said Empress. Must remember to have plenty of Milo on hand, so I can make I great big Empress flavoured chocolate milk drink after (hehehehehe).

I peer at the sky, it is spangled with clouds, mmmmmm, Cloudz, I ponder the hugging of Cloudz, ;P.

On the Cloud idea with regardz to assisting the Moat I wonder about capturing a Cloud, restraining (with soft ropes of velvet ofcourse) and extracting as much Cloud juice as possible, to assist the Moat of course.... :-)
But I may have blend a few dis-jointed ideaz there (gigglez)

Either way, Friday Eve sees me entertaining and training my apprentice. *Hugz* are *hugz*. . . . . .

Enuf brain leakage.......

Moat Log OFF /NULL\

657632  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2005-09-01
Written: (6849 days ago)

Glee, again the day hasn't been a complete waste.
Sure, I removed waste, ikky sticky stinky gooey WASTE..

I think I drunk some water from the Moat,
I fear it so low and thick with blue-green,
I'm sure it's toxic, know full well it's a trippy brew.

I got to the point of imagining I was a strange furry Dragon with special cleaning Steam-Breath that was able to remove starchy products that had been exuded from Custor' (Evil Client from the dik-head realm) that had come to mess up all my shit. *MeoW*

I really should lay off the Moat-Juice... :D

I have been tasked, a joy to be sure
I'll serve as I can, till my back no longer bends.
I better find me some cowz

The weather weren't perfect but no need for a frown.
By the end of the day a slight smidgen of Cloud was found.
;P sMiLe ....

I'm going to start offering free boat trips around the Moat for all that bring a bucket of water with them.

Now where's my glass of Moat-Juice.....

Dear D-Thing, http://www.mulletsinturtlenecks.com/ Must purchase.

disclaimer, I run a moat, not a spelling BEE  :D

657405  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-31
Written: (6849 days ago)

Alas, still no rain for the Moat, If it don't rain soon there's going to be nought more then Sarcasm, Drool and Spittle in this hole.

Wonder if Mullet can grow legz??

WOnder if Mullet like HugZ. If they had arms I could figure so. With just fins it's hard to say.

DO fish care if you give them a wet-fish handshake?


Vote One, Vote Moat

657041  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2005-08-31
Written: (6850 days ago)

Today was Bland, short and finished with Glee.

I pretended to be a large piece of machinery
and trudged all day.
I procured my apprentice, threw some treez around
then traveled to MY ground.
My Empress can still see the Boy this Man can Be.
And then I had my head in a Cloud....

Or maybe it was the 2417 15 gallon bucketz I carried to the Moat?


656808  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2005-08-30
Written: (6850 days ago)
Next in thread: 656867

After yesterdayz sweet rain Moaty got excited, thinking a downpour would top-up the Moat.
The level is down, the mud is odourous and the Mystical Mullet
keep getting stuck, crazed fish that they are.

Alas, I must start carting buckets of water from the neighbouring well, 57km away.

I trust this will please my Empress..... S)


He wasn't good enough for her

654360  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2005-08-27
Written: (6854 days ago)

What an interesting little town in deed, I think I shall enjoy 
staggering around here, until the Plod and various Inspectors tell me to leave...

 The logged in version 

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