[Yuriona]'s diary

1102992  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-12-08
Written: (5298 days ago)

Well I knew it was coming since [Artsieladie] is nothing but a mean spirited, vindictive woman (even moreso than myself, I am impressed) but I've been stripped of my privs and jobs at Elf12. Not really a big loss considering the site is dying thanks to her micro managing everything along with sticking her awful, tacky, eyesore graphics everywhere but ya know it still hurt. *shrugs* Whatever. Here's the long, heart felt message she sent me there which I just can't be bothered to read. Enjoy::

Letter number: 136200
From: [Artsieladie] (Elf12 is just beginning to stir from her slumber..)
To: [Yuriona] (Waiting for the inevitable backlash of retribution)
Sent 20:15:25 (109min ago)
Comment in 136201

I have tried my darndest to keep it from coming to this, but you have made it perfectly clear to me several times that you see me VERY unfavourably. You have this right to your opinion as I have mine. But.. I cannot feel comfortable working with you any longer. I need to know that my right hand person has some faith in me at least and you've made this clear that you do not with your statement among several others that you want nothing more to do with me 'anywhere' on the Internet and Elf12 is 'somewhere on the Internet'.

I am sorry it has come to this, but I do not want Elftown politics here and I know that the reason you wrote "arrogant prick" in your house was to try and get me agitated and as part of the ol' ET crap you wanted to bring here. I have yet to hear you explain your actions, but the fact that you haven't, but have chosen to skirt it or get on the defensive about it, tells me that you don't want to tell me the REAL reason behind your stunt.

You even used my Dreamer's Contest to rub salt in my wounds. You want to be like the others, so be it, it's your choice, but not here.

...And no, I will not be filling the Vice-Mog position anytime really soon, because if and when I do, the person will be someone that I KNOW I can trust and someone that I KNOW is with me, not against me.

I will be updating the pages accordingly. I have always thought you to be an above board person, but I guess I was wrong. In spite of everything, I do appreciate everything you have done here and I will not take your credit due away from you, just as I wouldn't from anyone.

The people that work here from now on are going to be people that really do want this site to excel, not as a place to carry over on, from Elftown.

When you feel inclined to stand up and be accountable for your actions, I'll be willing to listen.
..And just so you can't say that I'm doing anything behind your back.... This is just one more thing that got me to reaching that point of total discouragement, plus the fact that you accused me of conspiracy along with Easterling, Loth accusing me of playing games when I was just doing as Hedda wanted done, and countless other factors, including being made aware of that none of my art, poetry, or anything else was to ever be featured or recognised on Elftown again. Then because I had finally had enough, I was royally punished for this too ...FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG! Maybe this is no big deal along with everything else I'm being forced to put up with, but it is to me, because it is MY reputation that got tarnished FOR DOING NOTHING WRONG, and it's MY work that has been made to look insignificant and these bloody digs about me trying to be a martyr and that I'm just trying to glorify myself can go somewhere where the sun doesn't shine!

"arrogant prick" - Appropriate language on a children's site? ...Especially from the one second in charge and the one that is responsible for reprimanding other members for their inappropriate language? Especially from the one that I've 'thought to be' my right hand and reliable person? The artistic nude was also an issue, but we didn't have anything in place for 'specific' guidelines as far as 'artistic nudity' is concerned, but we do now. It's now to be placed on a password protected page for viewing, so those that do not wish to see it, do not have to look at it.

If anyone here feels this is appropriate language and/or word implication TO BE USED ON A SITE FOR CHILDREN geared for the ages 13 and under with their parents and guardians, please tell me, but please tell me why and how as well.


A report such as this should have never been necessary. It placed me in a very awkward and unnecessary position. This is not something a person second in charge should have done for several reasons. Being that she is supposed to be my right hand person, and supposedly was my friend, I was faced with having to do my job, but still try to give her the benefit of the doubt, and suspecting as well, that it was a deliberate behaviour carried over from Elftown politics. She implies this when she added "*giggles*", like she thought she was being clever or something and I wouldn't see through her intentions? When you do see through certain people's intentions and antics, this is when they get defensive and then try and make it look like you're seeing scenarios that aren't there. Right. People like this don't like it when you can see right through them and their underlying motives and agendas.


Here again I tried to do my job and still tried not to offend her, not to judge her action, and I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt. However, the cavalier attitude I received in her responses just show that she had/has no consideration for me, the site, or its members, and can care less about the wrong she had/has done and she has never once apologised for her behaviour. She has been asked why she did do it by at least two people I know of, and she becomes defensive and always manages to circumvent the issue. Is this a person that I should feel comfortable in working with, especially as the person that I'm supposed to be able to rely on, to work with me, my second in command? I don't think so.


Letter number: 136201
From: [Yuriona] (Waiting for the inevitable backlash of retribution)
To: [Artsieladie] (Elf12 is just beginning to stir from her slumber..)
Sent 22:00:47 (5min ago)
Comment to: 136200

I knew this was coming. Go ahead and take it out on me then like you have everyone else who tried to help you and ended up disagreeing with you. I don't care any more. No, it still hurts but you've drawn the lines for me in your refusal to be reasonable so go ahead. Enjoy your dying site with your tacky graphics and nauseating colours with your troupe of ass kissers to support you.

You are just another prime example of why I hate 98% of Americans like you: your overbearing sense of entitlement and your complete inability to accept accountability for anything negative. Enjoy what's left of your miserable existence you lonely, overbearing, self serving, self centered woman. Your mother would weep to see what you have become.

1102978  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-12-08
Written: (5298 days ago)

For fuck's sakes, if you wanted to know why I didn't change the wiki ownership name back to you, you should've just fucking had the balls to ask me outright instead of pulling this 'boo hoo hoo, everyone is against me its all a big conspiracy' bullshit.

And had you actually had the guts to ask, my response would have been I didn't change it because I consider it a non issue as to who 'owns' a wiki page that essentially is for council use so said 'owner' and/or 'creator' has no right to claim that page as their own. Oh and by the way, you're not a council member any more and therefore no longer have any claim to the god damn thing in my opinion. Especially when all of your 'work' on the page was a) pretty much copy and pasted from another page in the first place and b) had to be totally reworked by those of us who modded because 'your' version was such a fucking eyesore!!

Now get on your fucking high horse and ride out of here already. Go find a real cause to champion like starving kids or teenaged mothers or something.

1078681  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2009-05-12
Written: (5508 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1078624 In Paul Doyle's diary
Next in thread: 1078687

In response to <blog:1078624>

I know you and I don't see eye to eye on most things and I'll completely understand if you ignore this but I hope you at least read it first since I do mean what I'm about to say:


I can only hope and pray that she chooses to listen. I did try to be supportive and attempted to offer an objective opinion but sadly I was just lumped in as another betrayer. Of course I also admit I behaved poorly after that out of frustration and hurt when she shut me out and said things I probably shouldn't have but its done now and I have to live with the consequences of those actions. *shrugs*
In any case I really do hope she takes your words to heart. *crosses fingers* I'd give a ya gold star but I think my kids ran off with all my stickers. O_o

1052535  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2008-10-28
Written: (5704 days ago)
Next in thread: 1052543, 1052604

Thank God there is still justice left in the world. <img:stuff/curses%20aka%20shake%20fist2.png> Some of you may remember last summer (2007) when friends of my parents were brutally murdered in their farm house just outside of Mt. Carmel, Ontario, Canada. Their killer Jesse Imeson was caught and today was his sentencing:


If the link doesn't work, this is the story printed in the London Free Press on October 28, 2008::

"'Savage' killer
Tue, October 28, 2008


Jesse Imeson Sentenced to Life

GODERICH -- There was rage in his eyes.

Convicted mass murderer Jesse Imeson, sitting in the tiny prisoner's box with his wrists and legs shackled, was clearly agitated after he listened to eight emotionally wrenching accounts of what his actions did to his victims' loved ones.

By the time Kelli Rathwell, a granddaughter of Bill and Helene Regier, was finishing up the ninth statement, it was clear Imeson had had enough.

"Please know that you have done our family no favours on this day," Rathwell said tersely. "But always remember, although you did not listen to the plea of our beautiful grandparents for their life, their family have listened to yours."

It was a heart-stopping moment during an emotional day in the packed courtroom where Imeson pleaded guilty to three counts of second-degree murder in the deaths of Carlos Rivera, 25, of Windsor, and Bill and Helene Regier, 72 and 73, of Mount Carmel, in July 2007.

He was sentenced to life in prison with no chance for parole for 25 years for the killings the judge called "savage and senseless."

Imeson stood and motioned for his lawyer.

Imeson then whispered to defence lawyer Donald Crawford

Later, Crawford told Superior Court Justice Roland Haines that Imeson "did not go (to the Regier farm) with the intent to kill anybody."

But during the discussion of Rivera's death, Imeson often smirked.

It was no comfort to two broken families whose paths should never have crossed.

Yet there they were -- one with deep roots in Huron County, the other still getting rooted in Canada after fleeing Latin America for peace.

They held each other in tearful embraces upon first meeting after the killer was packed off to prison.

The guilty pleas were the result of months of plea bargaining between the Crown and the defence to bring the case to a quick conclusion.

Imeson had been charged with three counts of first-degree murder, but agreed to plead to three counts of second-degree murder, a lesser charge.

But the result is the same. For the Rivera killing, the sentence was life with no chance of parole for 15 years. For the Regier killings, he was sentenced to life with no chance of parole for 25 years -- the maximum sentence in Canadian law.

The sentences will run together.

"We spare the family a trial, there's closure, everything is over with and those things are worth a lot in the criminal justice system," said Huron County Crown attorney Robert Morris.

Imeson wouldn't plead guilty to first-degree murder, he surmised, "because he didn't want to face the reality that what he did was in effect first-degree murder."

Morris said the prosecution "had a very strong case."

Morris told Haines that Imeson would not be eligible for the faint hope clause -- a chance at early parole at 15 years -- because he was convicted of multiple murders.

Outside court, Crawford didn't agree. "He and I have had this disagreement from day one. The important thing is that it is going to take somebody to interpret that on an application some 15 years from now.

"It still gives him (Imeson) a faint hope."

A pale-looking Imeson was let out of a police van in the driving rain in front of the Huron County courthouse about 9:30 a.m. Wearing a black dress shirt, jeans and black Nike running shoes, he stared straight ahead as police led him past a throng of media.

Two agreed statements of facts were read to Haines, who, when sentencing Imeson, described the killings as "savage and senseless."

Morris and Windsor assistant Crown attorney Jennifer Holmes described a crime spree that started with a night of partying in Windsor and led to three brutal killings before ending in a Quebec bush lot.

Both Crowns described the horrific circumstances surrounding the deaths -- Rivera dying with a belt wrapped around his neck twice after an apparent tryst with Imeson, and the Regiers dying of gunshot wounds after being bound with cords in the basement at their longtime South Huron homestead, victims of a terrifying home invasion.

During the recitation of the facts, family members sobbed. Their tears flowed again during the victim impact statements.

Imeson had nothing to say when asked before sentencing, but Crawford read a prepared statement, offering an apology.

"I am truly sorry, please forgive me," Imeson said through his lawyer.

One member of the Rivera family said they're prepared to consider Imeson's request.

"Carlos was a forgiving person and he would have forgiven Jesse Imeson. So we have to forgive him too," youngest brother Alvero Rivera said hours after the sentencing.

The Regiers and the Riveras said they're prepared to make sure Imeson never gets a chance to walk free.

"Our work is not done here today," Carol Denomy, the Regiers' daughter, said while reading a prepared statement, surrounded by family.

"We will remain vigilant to ensure that in 25 years, Jesse Imeson remains behind bars for the rest of his life."


Jesse Imeson, 23, was sentenced to life with no chance of parole for 25 years.

It is the maximum sentence for second-degree murder -- the equivalent to a sentence for first-degree murder and the maximum sentence available in Canadian law.

His first chance to apply to the federal parole board will be July 21, 2032 -- 25 years from the day of his arrest.

The judge recommended he serve his sentence in a prison outside of Ontario."

Damn I hope he's made into some big black guy named Bubba's bitch and gets gang raped on a daily basis. >D

1050782  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2008-10-18
Written: (5714 days ago)

Are you more man, or woman?

1.[X] You love hoodies
2.[ ] Dogs are better than cats
3.[X] It's hilarious when people get hurt
4.[X] You've played with/against boys on a team
5.[X] Shopping is torture
6.[X] Sad movies suck
7.[ ] You own an xbox 360
8.[X] You wanted/played with Hotwheel cars as a kid
9.[X] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter
10.[X] You own a DS, PS2 or Sega
11.[ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers
12.[X] You watch sports on TV
13.[X] Gory movies are cool
14.[ ] You only go to your dad for advice
15.[ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps
16.[ ] You like going to football games
17.[ ] You used to/do collect football cards
18.[X] It's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
19.[X] Green, black, red, blue or silver are one of your favorite colors
20.[X] You love to go crazy and not care what people think
21.[ ] Sports are fun too
22.[X] Have talked with food in your mouth
23.[ ] Wear Boxers to bed
24.[ ] Or your socks on at night

total: 14
Multiply the total by 7
Score: 98


1.[ ] You wear lip gloss
2.[X] You wear eyeliner
3.[ ] You have some of the same shirts in different colors
4.[ ] You wear the color pink/ have worn the color pink
5.[ ] Go to a female for advice
6.[ ] You KNOW cheerleadings a sport and you argue about it
7.[ ] You hate wearing the color black
8.[ ] You like shopping (depends what im shopping for)
9.[X] You like wearing jewelry
10.[X] Skirts are a part of your wardrobe
11.[ ] You don't like the movie Star Wars
12.[ ] It takes you around 1 hour (or more) to shower get dressed and put on make-up and accessories
13.[ ] You smile alot more than you should
14.[ ]You have more than 10 pairs of shoes/sneakers
15.[X] You care about what you look like
16.[X] You like wearing dresses when you can
17.[ ] You love, LOVE movies
18.[X] Used to play with dolls as a little kid
19.[ ] Like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it
20.[X] Like taking pictures when you're bored

total: 7
multiply by 7
score: 49

ROFLMFAO! Not surprised at all here. ^__^

1046201  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2008-09-19
Written: (5743 days ago)
Previous in thread: 1046194 In Ariandra's diary
Next in thread: 1046205

Thanks [Ariandra] XD
http://stupidstuff.org/cgi-bin/piratemaker.cgi I'm EVIL EMMA!

Your super powers include throwing Tupperware® parties and parallel parking, but you can't time travel and you swear a lot. You look good in Spandex, and you cloud men's minds to have your way with them (and sometimes women, too). Your super speed is a bit of a problem in the bedroom, by the way. You use your X-Ray vision to ogle men's naked bodies in the grocery store. Your super-boobs are a sight to behold, and you hope people don't find out that you starred in bondage films before landing this Superhero gig.

Eerily fitting strangely enough. LMAO!!

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