[Yuriona]'s diary

926708  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-04
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 926709, 926734, 926746

Best apple pie I've ever made and easy as 1-2-3::

1 - 24oz bottle of Southern Comfort liquor
2 - cups of honey
3 - cans of unsweetened apple juice

Mix well over low heat and bottle. Enjoy hot or cold. XD

Recipe thanks to my aunt! YUMMY!! *hic*

922624  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6400 days ago)

OMFG... I love Richard::



920025  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6407 days ago)

Everybody's favourite necromancer has been brought to life::


Die butterflies, DIE! *giggles*

914016  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6425 days ago)
Next in thread: 914363

And now for a little perspective on things...


The Humbling Universe

o...m...g... *mind pops*

910045  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-14
Written: (6436 days ago)



I SO WANT THIS GAME!!!! Too bad we have to buy a 360 in order to play it. ><

889679  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-12-21
Written: (6491 days ago)

More proof that hockey is still our game! ;)


Just in case the link doesn't work::

Canadian company 'sticks' it to our troops

Hannah Boudreau, Brian Liu, globalnational.com
Published: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 Article tools

MARTINTOWN, Ontario -- For Canadian troops serving overseas, even a small taste of home is deeply cherished.

For some troops serving in Afghanistan, the ability to play a game of pickup hockey is a simple way to pass the time between armed patrols and hunting Taliban insurgents.

But the ability to play has come under jeopardy as Canadian troops found the plastic blades on their hockey sticks could not keep up with the growing interest in this Canadian pastime -- they had a limited number of sticks, and the blades were snapping off.

So Cpl. Allan Billings, a technician who works with the Canadian Forces' Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle unit, decided to take matters into his own hands. In a letter to his mother Shannon, Billings put in a special request for his next care package: Two good quality hockey sticks.

"He said: 'the sticks we have are kind of crappy'," said Shannon.

As luck would have it, Billing's father works for Flarrow Hockey -- a Canadian company that manufactures hockey sticks -- and when his boss found out about the special request, two hockey sticks bound for Kandahar, Afghanistan, became 50.

And these weren't just any sticks. Flarrow decided to manufacture a special "Support Our Troops" model: a flame-red hardwood shaft reinforced with fiberglass, graphite and Kevlar to ensure that the blade could stand the abuse.

"I thought it would be kind of neat if we did a special stick," said Denis Flarrow, owner of Flarrow Hockey. "It would mean more to the troops."

Flarrow then decided to take it one step further, producing 10,000 of the special "S.O.T. 2000" hockey sticks, emblazoned with the words "Support Our Troops" near the blade of the stick.

The special edition sticks are for sale at select stores across Canada -- with a portion of proceeds going to the Canadian Forces' Military Family Resource Centre, which offers support services to families of soldiers fighting overseas.

Meanwhile back in Kandahar, the 50 S.O.T. 2000's have given the troops a morale boost -- and a competitive advantage in the 13-team Kandahar-based Canadian and U.S. ball hockey league.

"We're one and one with the new sticks (and) it looks like we're in the playoffs," said Billings. "So we'll see what happens from there."

Here in Canada, the 10,000 special edition sticks are expected to sell out fast -- leaving no doubt that Canadians are rooting for our team overseas.

885873  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-12-12
Written: (6500 days ago)

You know, I get really, REALLY upset when pampered children and uneducated adults slam the military both at home here in Canada and abroad. I hate the whining and simpering about how we should bring them home because they're suffering. Or in the words of a close minded young lady, because they are only paid to kill and killing is wrong. This is my response to that::

'You really don't understand do you? There is much more to being a soldier than just going around killing people because your government told you to. Causing the death of another human being is wrong, I'm not arguing that but what about the good soldiers also do? Like maintaining a tenuous peace between two factions, supplying medical aid to those who otherwise wouldn't ever see a doctor, rebuilding infrastructure to a devestated nation or removing landmines and other explosive devices so no more innocents are harmed?

Did it ever occur to you that soldiers exist only because they are needed to exist? And yes sadly, sactioned violence is a part of our global culture but I don't see you doing anything more about it than bitching. At least those who are soldiers go into battle with the belief that they are doing good for the betterment of the global society. Whether they are or not is really irrelevant. They do not do so because they enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on other people. They do it because it is their duty and they believe that their sacrifice will somehow mean a better future. Does that count for nothing?

I wonder now if you even recognize Remembrance Day. I can only imagine the bitter words you have to say about the veterans and long dead soldiers who gave everything to give us what we have today. How do you remember those in Flanders Fields? As heroes or as mindless pawns who were there only for the money or to kill people?

Give your head a shake girl and remember that there is little in this world that is so black or white as kill or not to kill or even good or evil. Do I believe in killing? NO. Do I believe in fighting for freedom and human rights? Yes. Would I fight if it came to that? YES. I look into the faces of my children and realise just how good we have it, paid for in the blood of soldiers and I remember them. And I think of those in other countries who suffer because there is no one to fight for them against those who bring them harm. So before you open your mouth and insult those who fight for what they believe in, think about how good you have it and just what the price was for your lifestyle.'

That goes for all of you who think that fighting is for nothing better than slaking the gullet of a greedy government. Some battles shouldn't be fought, some countries should not be invaded but there are times WE MUST FIGHT simply because NO ONE ELSE WILL. When you sit down tonight to a decent meal with a roof over your head and clothes on your back you remember WHY you have those things. It was because soldiers paid for your freedom in mud and blood and will continue to do so until they are no longer needed to do so. SO quit your damn whining and open your eyes to reality before you open your mouth to bitch. WE've got it good. Not everyone on this planet is so fucking lucky.

 The logged in version 

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