[Yuriona]'s diary

932092  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-20
Written: (6371 days ago)
Next in thread: 932109, 932120, 932244

Oh yeah... one more minor thing...

For all of you accomplished artists with your own websites and regular commissions who whine about how your work is shit just to get compliments...

I HOPE YOUR DRAWING HAND OF CHOICE GETS HOPELESSLY CRIPPLED OR REMOVED FROM YOUR BODY SO YOU CAN'T EVER FUCKING DRAW AGAIN YOU GODDAMNED CRYBABIES!!! Maybe then you'll appreciate the fucking talent you have instead of boo hooing to get more attention than you deserve.

You know who you are... *glares*
932059  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-04-20
Written: (6371 days ago)
Next in thread: 932168, 932241, 943205

Those who know me know I am a fan of just about any art out there including the ever popular anime, manga and comic styles. But you know what?? I am getting really fucking sick and tired of seeing the ONLY artists getting any sort of positive attention being those who are either anime, manga or comic styles. Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not trying to bash your work because it is amazing. God knows what I wouldn't give to be able to draw with that skill or consistancy. I mean, I would LOVE to be able to sit down and just draw a character without having to fix and refix anatomy issues or composition issues. I would LOVE to be able to slap amazing costumes and backgrounds on the drawings too but I can't and its frustrating. <img:stuff/mood18-gif.gif>

Ok granted I've never taken an art course in my life and had to learn it all myself AND I'm a stay at home mom with two small kids, one being a preschooler and the other only going to school every other day so I just don't have the time a lot of these other artists have to just sit and draw. PLUS I also have a house to clean, dishes to do, laundry to wash, mouths to feed and a husband who is my best friend as well as my lover but who can drive me up the wall just as quick as my kids can so obviously any creative time to myself is pretty limited and when I have the time I'm just too damn tired or stressed to do anything even minutely artistic. More frustration... <img:img/mood/15695_1142976670.gif>

But then the time comes where I sit down and get inspired, work my ass off on a drawing for an hour or two a day whenever I can and end up with something I'm really proud of. So of course I post it here and on other art sites on proud display just like anybody else hoping for (of course) compliments, feed back and friendly critiques. What happens? Nothing. Absolutely fucking nothing. No one notices. No one says a god damned thing. Or worse, some smart mouthed, know it all, cookie cutter anime junkie tells me its crap or something equally mean and nasty. And of course you know that the assholes who make such disparaging remarks are the same idiots who can barely pick up a pencil to write their own name let alone any sort of drawing. You know the type:: omg! wtf iz dat shite?? <img:stuff/br2N-gif.gif> Bravo genius..

Hey I'm no Stan Lee or Michelangelo and I'll be the first to admit that but its times like these when once again, some anime, manga or comic style drawing with some curvy chick with her tits hanging out gets all the praise and glory while anything halfway original done in a completely unique style gets overlooked or trashed that I just want to take all my sketchbooks, pencils and other drawing paraphernalia, heap them into a huge pile then pour gasoline over the lot before lighting a match. I mean, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF EVEN TRYING WHEN NOTHING I FUCKING DO MATTERS??? WHY SHOULD I SHARE SOMETHING I'VE POURED MY HEART AND SOUL INTO IN THE HOPES OF FINDING SOMEONE ELSE WHO LIKES IT ONLY TO GET SLAMMED SIDEWAYS BY ALL THE MORONIC, DROOLING NARUTO FANS WHO ARE BUSY PAIRING -CHILDREN- INTO ALL SORTS OF ROMANTIC COUPLES IN EITHER THE USUAL FASHION OR THE INCREASINGLY POPULAR (and honestly disgusting in my opinion) YAOI FASHION? <img:stuff/k-gif.gif> (I prefer Nathie's hardcore gay smut to that lameass yaoi crap any day!)

Why? Maybe its because I'm masochistic (as well as sadistic heh heh heh), or maybe its because I'm too damn stubborn to give up or maybe because no matter how bad my art gets trashed or flamed or how bad it makes me feel, I'm still an artist striving to perfect my craft and the only way I can do that is to keep drawing and keep trying. So I find myself at the realization that you know what? Everyone who's ever told me my art should just be for me is right. If all I'm after is some sort of praise or acknowledgement from the brainless masses, I'm just going to be disappointed over and over again. Its time I actually put theory into practise and LIKE my art because its MY art and no one else's and not because it mimics the most popular style out there and attracts all the imbeciles blinded by popular media.

Will I still look and hope for approval? More than likely, all artists do. Am I going to get hurt and disappointed and frustrated? Fucking right but it happens to all of us. Am I going to give up? FUCK NO!! I'll just delete the less than positive remarks from my galleries like I always do and try again. And when the time comes again when I can't draw anything more than a crayon happy face for my daughters, then I'll just load them in the wagon and walk down to the Saugeen Conservation Managed Forest half a mile away and revel in the most beautiful gallery in the world created by the Original Artist and thank Him for what I DO have in my life rather than lament about what I DON'T have. So there.<img:stuff/hh-gif.gif> 

926748  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-04
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 926753

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Comfort <- this is the liquor in it. Its very yummy and that recipe tastes just like apple pie!


926708  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-04-04
Written: (6387 days ago)
Next in thread: 926709, 926734, 926746

Best apple pie I've ever made and easy as 1-2-3::

1 - 24oz bottle of Southern Comfort liquor
2 - cups of honey
3 - cans of unsweetened apple juice

Mix well over low heat and bottle. Enjoy hot or cold. XD

Recipe thanks to my aunt! YUMMY!! *hic*

922624  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2007-03-23
Written: (6400 days ago)

OMFG... I love Richard::



920025  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2007-03-15
Written: (6407 days ago)

Everybody's favourite necromancer has been brought to life::


Die butterflies, DIE! *giggles*

914016  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2007-02-25
Written: (6425 days ago)
Next in thread: 914363

And now for a little perspective on things...


The Humbling Universe

o...m...g... *mind pops*

910045  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2007-02-14
Written: (6436 days ago)



I SO WANT THIS GAME!!!! Too bad we have to buy a 360 in order to play it. ><

 The logged in version 

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