[The sun keeps fading away.]'s diary

835545  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-07
Written: (6539 days ago)

In the words of Art aka. a.e.s

"Love, its what you clean up with a mop and bucket"

835389  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-07
Written: (6540 days ago)

part of a convo i had with a friend...

"he walked out on me, he walked out on our family, i mean why be mad at him...i just wish i hadnt wasted my time wishing i knew him..i went through 10 yrs of my life without him, he was never there and with nothin not even so much as a damn birthday card!! i went through my first day of school with out him..my first date first job..and u know what im gonna go through collage and the rest of life without him! im gonna make damn sure i never have to see him again.."

835035  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-06
Written: (6541 days ago)

*serious face* alcohol came out my nose *turns around and laffs*

834649  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6542 days ago)

"heres me 60 gray suit gray hair...heres you 21 black hair...heres vivian my wife and colleague..heres the eiffel tower see the lil tower..and heres a war,..and heres a disease...and heres an orgasm....and heres a hamburger"

834385  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-04
Written: (6543 days ago)

The best fucking shirt in exsistence my friend nick has and this is what it says:

This shirt has a lot of words on it
but it really doesn’t say much of anything.
You must feel really stupid by now
since your standing there wasting your time
and reading it.
Well, you’ve almost made it to the end so you mite as well go ahead and finish. Congratulations you’ve made it to the second of the last sentence.


isnt it fucking great>.< im gonna take it from him..

834335  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-04
Written: (6543 days ago)

best damn convo had in a while lol it was so funny

XDisturbedXAngelX says:
u awake?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
*yawn* veronica speaking...sorry ashleys not here rite now shes in a meeting can i take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
tell,her, to come back....
XDisturbedXAngelX just sent you a Nudge!
ashley says:
im sorry it is a very important meeting
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i dont care.*wink*
ashley says:
*barbie doll head*
ashley says:
well she cant come to the office right now
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
that sucks
ashley says:
can i put u on hold? have another call
ashley says:
*puts on hold*
ashley says:
*plays crappy on hold music*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
"dum di dum di dum, i hate dein on hold"
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
"do di do di do....."
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
u already asked me that...
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
are u a computer?
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
damn...i knew it. automated messageing
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ASH! ASH!ASH!..not veronica...ASH!
ashley says:
*male voice* please deposit 25 million dollars for the next five minutes
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
*male voice* p-p-please depo*voice breaking up and getting deeper*sitititit 25 millll *silence*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i wonder if ash is beatin the shit out of de computer
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ewllo mate
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
gi gi may i help um ma'am today?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh* head beeing beat in by ash with a chair... *ash speaking* damn fucking puter *hits it with chair*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ohh shit i killed the puter*sulkin face* how can i live
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
weeee what great smart ppl conversations we have lol
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
yes yes yes
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i had fun, talkin to veronica
ashley says:
good lol
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
stupid automated
XDisturbedXAngelX says:

833231  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6545 days ago)

Other fish
By M. Doughty 

A girl with a backpack on a cellular phone sighs;
Between the exhale and the first consonant
A van barrels through her, who knows
What the boy thinks, his line slipping from her voice,
Her words sucked backwards through the wire?
Two hours from now he’ll be drunk,
His slurred thoughts slobbering over motives,
Why she decided suddenly to leave him
And hung up mid-word.

The phone yelps angrily from under a bus,
And she lays splayed like an asterisk
In the dreary sentence of Fourteenth Street.

833229  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6545 days ago)

My momma says “be pretty girl”
My dad is on my case
Like. Am I a doll or a member
Of the freakin’ human race?
Everyday they come on like
I’m the family disgrace
Hey momma, hey daddy,
Just get out of my face

Me, I’m just me
Not some crazy kind of creature
But when I go to school
I get hassles from the teacher
She says that when there’s trouble
She knows I’m gonna feature
She’s “heaven knows, I try my best
But I just cannot ‘what I call’ reach her.”

Bad girl, bad girl
With a bad kind of fame
For being the baddest of the bad
Bad girl is my name

The boys all try to hit on me
“let’s go clubbin’ out tonight”
They tell me I’m a babe
I’m such a pretty sight
But when we hit high street
They find out too right
This baby ain’t for dancing
This baby wants to fight!

I’m a dawg, all you people
I’m danger on the prowl
On the street, in the heat
In the gutters mean and foul
Hear my bark, feel my bite
Hear my wolverine growl

Bad girl, bad girl
With a bad kind of fame
For being the baddest of the bad
Bad girl is my name

Bwahahhaahaa hehe I love it ….yay…

833154  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6545 days ago)

Everytime we look for Answers we find more Questions..

832927  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6546 days ago)

thats deep..damn what a concept.

832924  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6546 days ago)

oh yes i am about to laugh myself into a seizure

832912  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6546 days ago)

we beat em, we dised em, we kicked they butt good..but that was kinda stupid yall we in they neighboorhood...RUN!!!

832360  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-31
Written: (6547 days ago)

The fact that you
You think you can
Speak to me
The way you do
It bleeds me to believe that you
Have never stepped out of the skin you lived within

The fact that you
You think you can
Speak to me
The way you do
It bleeds me to believe that you
Have never stepped out of the skin you lived within
And then, and if
This day occurs
Your tongue, the taste
Will imitate a battery
The anti-equilibrium
Your stomach becomes the floor

The look on your face was priceless!
The look on your face was priceless!
Yes, the look on your face was priceless!
That look, it was...

A light goes on upstairs,
The attic is ablaze!
This island isn't big enough
For both of us so who will swim
In eel infested oceans?

Kiss the sand good-bye
because the tide is coming up and in
Yeah, water, water, water everywhere!
And every chance to sink!

The look on your face was priceless!
The look on your face was priceless!
Yes, the look on your face was priceless!
That look, it was so priceless

It's an amalgamation
Of the things you aren't
The ways you wish you were
A split second
Perceiving of the way you really look to everyone of them

I wish that you could see because
I wish that you could see

The look on your face was priceless!
The look on your face was priceless!
Yes, the look on your face was priceless!
That look, it was so priceless

831506  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-28
Written: (6549 days ago)

alone- Edgar Allen Poe

    From childhood's hour I have not been
    As others were; I have not seen
    As others saw; I could not bring
    My passions from a common spring.
    From the same source I have not taken
    My sorrow; I could not awaken
    My heart to joy at the same tone;
    And all I loved, I loved alone.
    Then- in my childhood, in the dawn
    Of a most stormy life- was drawn
    From every depth of good and ill
    The mystery which binds me still:
    From the torrent, or the fountain,
    From the red cliff of the mountain,
    From the sun that round me rolled
    In its autumn tint of gold,
    From the lightning in the sky
    As it passed me flying by,
    From the thunder and the storm,
    And the cloud that took the form
    (When the rest of Heaven was blue)
    Of a demon in my view.

827939  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-07-21
Written: (6556 days ago)

--.-- a friend just told me this

-there was this man, and him and his buds stuck a light bulb up his butt, they couldnt get it out so they went to the hospital to get it removed...

i said "his ass was afraid of the dark"

see isnt it just stupid...

826416  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-19
Written: (6559 days ago)

It is the tiger that is the mightiest, but the chameleon will endure.

823290  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-07-12
Written: (6565 days ago)

this is so funny in a sad type of way...ok the first part was the funniest but o well the way she told it was so dramatic lol
 -my lil sis had a dream and when she woke up she had to  tell me it has to do with snakes and she and my mom both are  completely terrified by snakes
  it starts like this(this is in my lil sisters own words:
    the show was called Mango Safari and mangos were becoming endangered, so a group set out to kill the animals that ate the mangos...while looking they thought they saw a rat but it turned out to be a huge anaconda, the anaconda went for someone and a guy with a shotgun came and shot the snake, a blood thirsty shrill came out of the snake. they put the snake in a giant cage and took it to the house (mainly my house) they put the cage in her room, but it got out and while my sister was sleeping it came up and bit her hand (I was all at this part "u sure he wasn’t eating u" and she glared at me) I ran in with a huge blade (yes I know very heroic lol) and I grabbed the snakes head and pried it off her hand (a detail is here that I don’t wanna say) I threw it into the living room and there I started to fight the snake....then she woke up

822952  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6566 days ago)

some say you can see the passage of time when you look in the morror, but if you take the time and look out into the world you can see the timelapse everywhere...

822940  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6566 days ago)

all evil needs to succeed is for the good man to sit back and do nothing...

822844  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6566 days ago)

 I flee to Decemberunderground. As u exhale, I breathe in the water underground and I’ll grow pale without you

821666  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-07-09
Written: (6568 days ago)
Next in thread: 821710

At the moment my uncle ben(19 yrs old) is here playing the piano, it is very 'Dracula', dark and suave, elegant and scary...the sounds that come out of an old manor on a dark night, the kind that draw you to it in the exquisite way...

 The logged in version 

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