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The sun keeps fading away. (Working at a shop :])
Name: SheOpenedUpHerEyesAndThought'OhWhatAMorning'
So I could call you baby, I could call you dammit
It's a one in a million
Oh, it's the roll of her Spanish tongue
that made me want to stay
bangs first step.

chopped it all off next.
Elftown titles and orders
Street child | Adventurer | Fastfood worker |
Letting slip it through my fingers
Little ¤rings¤ float in your eyes
Try to forget who you are now
Stare into space&&Watch the sky
It's only fair if you be there with me and hold my hand
It's only fair that you be there with me and understand
It's only fair if you really dare to hold my hand
It's only fair that you be there with me Remember..?
[She Hurls Herself In An Ecstasy Of ½ Self-immolation ½ Self-mutation]
Xx||She'll Make You Weep&Moan&Cry
||Please suck me dry//Xx
For D
Life throws you many curves. Just get up and forgive. You may seem different that way. But its for the better. You gain respect, especially If you say sorry first. Your actions don't seem as drastic and the big things you've done get written off as little. Don't push things on other people. Tell how you feel, don't hide behind those feelings. Lose every once and a while. Sit on the ground and do NOTHING. Run through the rain. Relax and let things happen as they should. Give away free hugs, tell the people you care about that you love them. Talk to a friend in need don't blow them off. Avoiding problems makes them worse. Take control. Those situations do NOT define you, you define yourself. Take your life to the next step, Be honest. Everybody goes through changes, you can't be a good person without accepting those changes.

Nananannanananananananananananananana*forgot tune* ... batman!
Who's that crazy girl?
I am! sooper speshol prittitful miwakel ashwee person daft pants!
(that's, super special prettyful miracle Ashley daft pants)
*super hero music*
and I'm absolutely amazing every way.
as told by [MissionGenocide]
Don't believe him?... ya.. sometimes I don't either
Pish, okies SOOO ill start off with the hello blahblahblah thing...
And now that that's over, the name's Ashley.
My age and location are stated below, please don't ask me.
I have a wiki... Isn't that cool?
Go to it.. *hypnotic eyes*
A's notebook(a strega's lair)
its all crap *nods* yep yep yep
I like to tattoo people.
My dad even told me I should open a tattoo parlour.
I am NOT a stickler for correct grammar... but it is appreciated.
Type however you feel.. but if I can't understand you that's not my fault.

Leukemia Awareness
Iam... me.. yay for that one...not
I have... things...
And I love... someone... (M Y S T E R I O U S)
I get... mood swings.
'Cause I'm a messed up horrible person, thank you for asking.
I like... to make people happy.
Even if I'm not good at it.
I give out free hugs!
You want one, Ill give you one.
That would be the basics! Yep.
contemplative, thoughtful, and very intense.
Taking time to figure out the meaning of life is a priority.
Very introspective, and often react in ways that surprise people.
No one can really understand how I am... and that disturbs them
••¤**¤••So, here Erin, you are on my page.
I Love you mkay?even when you are all insecure
Stop smiling alreadyyour cheeks can't take it••¤**¤••

And this be ma pet turtles, they swanky ya?
|[††]|Its Easier For A Man To Destroy The Light In Himself|[††]|
|[††]|Then To Destroy The Darkness In Others|[††]|
A wraith with an angel’s body.
A demon with a smile of gold.
A killer with the perfect weapons,
crystal eyes and a heart of coal

I'm gonna cut you up!!!... maybe

Made for me by ma buddeh man [NexusGecko]*hugs*
Age: 20 | Year of birth: 1992 | Month of birth: 2 | Day of birth: 1 |
Gender: female

32°6.996'N 110°55.998'W
Place of living: USA-Arizona
Town: tucson
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: No
Favorite drawing objects
anime | demons | dragons |
elves | fairies | landscape |
magic | sex | strange |
vampires | warriors | weapons |
Computer interests
art | chat | email |
information seeking | music |
alternative | goth | heavy metal |
hip hop | progressive metal | punk |
rap | rock |
Other interests
art | books | chasing the preferred sex |
dancing | drinks | party |
poetry | singing | slacking |
shopping | theatre | wine |
writing |