[The sun keeps fading away.]'s diary

847068  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-31
Written: (6513 days ago)

Through all the lies from your mouth your silence shocked us all..just speak your thoughts aloud but let them be true and not ruin the lives around you

844987  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-27
Written: (6518 days ago)

swanky-my new word^^

844944  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-27
Written: (6518 days ago)

its called a heart, look deep down and try to find one..

844899  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-26
Written: (6518 days ago)

i dont need a friend, i need to mend so far away..so come sit by the fire^^ and play for a while

844873  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-26
Written: (6518 days ago)

wait before you take that off can we have a meeting

you mean a meeting?^^

oh ewwwwww

ohh ahhhhh my mind, my mindddd ahhhhhhh


844866  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-26
Written: (6518 days ago)

ima good kid if anyone wants me im sure they can sign the papers and ill come and be a good addition to your family *cheesy smile*

844115  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-25
Written: (6520 days ago)
Next in thread: 844132

ekk she called me she called me *dances* how can i be this happy over a lil gurl?..becuz i wuv her she is like one of those ppl that if she smiles her lil gurl smile she makes u instantly happy...and bubba omgah bubba he is starting to talk and he actually didnt call me bob this time *laughs* he is a goof...(yes that is why i love the name bob..and use it alot cuz bob is a great word^^ 'specially if u get called that by a lil kid) ...*sigh* they sound so grown...i havent seen them in a couple months..oh well i have to go see them soon, ive been selfish and need to see them..

844019  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-24
Written: (6520 days ago)

ok awesomenesss news...ok for all those who know T.I (yes the rapper if u wanna stop reading now, then fuck off but otherwise continue) well my uncle david(the younger one not the older one he is like 21 and full italian [huggles him] i wuv him) well anyways he is a rapper and recently got signed to a label well T.I heard his songs so now they are gonna put a C.D out together, he is gonna move up to phoenix and work up there..itsnt it awesomeness^^ im so proud of him plus with his new baby boy he is gonna need the money..yay! for family

842162  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-22
Written: (6523 days ago)

Random things of my day (8-21(22 for some)-06)



1) today I got pelted by huge ass water drops and got soaking wet
2) and muddy --.--
3) Jana tried to snort my hair
4) I grabbed Jana’s ass
5) Gilberto picked me up like 2-3 times
6) some dude bit me…twice--.--( i dont even fucken know him)
7) he sniffed me--.--
8) he then asked me out (with the compliment “your very pretty”--.-- damn ppl…no respect)
9) (well this was last Friday) some creepy old lady sniffed me too
10) Jana sniffed me as well (today)
11) I got licked by someone…I don’t remember who *shrugs*
12) I kicked random ppls backpacks^^
13) I had chocolate pop tarts…yay!! Go pop tarts!!
….and some other things that at this moment and time I have tottaly forgotten hehe

839730  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-17
Written: (6528 days ago)

they told me to say i forgive you, but im not going to...i dunno what i think right now...except stop thinking of me like a drug.

837455  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-12
Written: (6533 days ago)

Violent times
And wondering eyes
  supported by thoughts
   my time

on your life
    no sane blood
   runs through your mind
 or mine
835798  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-08
Written: (6537 days ago)

a thing that happend down the street and dani was tellin me about it..

there was a shooting in the walgreens parking lot and there was a dispute, then i looked towards the cars and before any1 told me i saw a body bag. then later the copter lifted off, and a couple mins after that i overheard 2 cops talkin from aways and i heard " _______designated______ and the guy was shot in the head"(the blanks are words i cant remember)
before that i was on the pc, listening to music and i heard appx 5-8 gunshots from a handgun.

835545  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-07
Written: (6537 days ago)

In the words of Art aka. a.e.s

"Love, its what you clean up with a mop and bucket"

835389  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-08-07
Written: (6538 days ago)

part of a convo i had with a friend...

"he walked out on me, he walked out on our family, i mean why be mad at him...i just wish i hadnt wasted my time wishing i knew him..i went through 10 yrs of my life without him, he was never there and with nothin not even so much as a damn birthday card!! i went through my first day of school with out him..my first date first job..and u know what im gonna go through collage and the rest of life without him! im gonna make damn sure i never have to see him again.."

835035  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-08-06
Written: (6539 days ago)

*serious face* alcohol came out my nose *turns around and laffs*

834649  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-08-05
Written: (6540 days ago)

"heres me 60 gray suit gray hair...heres you 21 black hair...heres vivian my wife and colleague..heres the eiffel tower see the lil tower..and heres a war,..and heres a disease...and heres an orgasm....and heres a hamburger"

834385  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-04
Written: (6541 days ago)

The best fucking shirt in exsistence my friend nick has and this is what it says:

This shirt has a lot of words on it
but it really doesn’t say much of anything.
You must feel really stupid by now
since your standing there wasting your time
and reading it.
Well, you’ve almost made it to the end so you mite as well go ahead and finish. Congratulations you’ve made it to the second of the last sentence.


isnt it fucking great>.< im gonna take it from him..

834335  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-08-04
Written: (6541 days ago)

best damn convo had in a while lol it was so funny

XDisturbedXAngelX says:
u awake?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
*yawn* veronica speaking...sorry ashleys not here rite now shes in a meeting can i take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
tell,her, to come back....
XDisturbedXAngelX just sent you a Nudge!
ashley says:
im sorry it is a very important meeting
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i dont care.*wink*
ashley says:
*barbie doll head*
ashley says:
well she cant come to the office right now
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
that sucks
ashley says:
can i put u on hold? have another call
ashley says:
*puts on hold*
ashley says:
*plays crappy on hold music*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
"dum di dum di dum, i hate dein on hold"
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
"do di do di do....."
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
u already asked me that...
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
are u a computer?
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
damn...i knew it. automated messageing
ashley says:
veronica speaking can i please take a message?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ASH! ASH!ASH!..not veronica...ASH!
ashley says:
*male voice* please deposit 25 million dollars for the next five minutes
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
*male voice* p-p-please depo*voice breaking up and getting deeper*sitititit 25 millll *silence*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i wonder if ash is beatin the shit out of de computer
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ewllo mate
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
gi gi may i help um ma'am today?
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ahhhhhhhhhhhh* head beeing beat in by ash with a chair... *ash speaking* damn fucking puter *hits it with chair*
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
ohh shit i killed the puter*sulkin face* how can i live
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
weeee what great smart ppl conversations we have lol
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
yes yes yes
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
ashley says:
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
i had fun, talkin to veronica
ashley says:
good lol
XDisturbedXAngelX says:
stupid automated
XDisturbedXAngelX says:

833231  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6543 days ago)

Other fish
By M. Doughty 

A girl with a backpack on a cellular phone sighs;
Between the exhale and the first consonant
A van barrels through her, who knows
What the boy thinks, his line slipping from her voice,
Her words sucked backwards through the wire?
Two hours from now he’ll be drunk,
His slurred thoughts slobbering over motives,
Why she decided suddenly to leave him
And hung up mid-word.

The phone yelps angrily from under a bus,
And she lays splayed like an asterisk
In the dreary sentence of Fourteenth Street.

833229  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6543 days ago)

My momma says “be pretty girl”
My dad is on my case
Like. Am I a doll or a member
Of the freakin’ human race?
Everyday they come on like
I’m the family disgrace
Hey momma, hey daddy,
Just get out of my face

Me, I’m just me
Not some crazy kind of creature
But when I go to school
I get hassles from the teacher
She says that when there’s trouble
She knows I’m gonna feature
She’s “heaven knows, I try my best
But I just cannot ‘what I call’ reach her.”

Bad girl, bad girl
With a bad kind of fame
For being the baddest of the bad
Bad girl is my name

The boys all try to hit on me
“let’s go clubbin’ out tonight”
They tell me I’m a babe
I’m such a pretty sight
But when we hit high street
They find out too right
This baby ain’t for dancing
This baby wants to fight!

I’m a dawg, all you people
I’m danger on the prowl
On the street, in the heat
In the gutters mean and foul
Hear my bark, feel my bite
Hear my wolverine growl

Bad girl, bad girl
With a bad kind of fame
For being the baddest of the bad
Bad girl is my name

Bwahahhaahaa hehe I love it ….yay…

833154  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-08-01
Written: (6543 days ago)

Everytime we look for Answers we find more Questions..

 The logged in version 

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