[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]'s diary

867307  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-10-25
Written: (6555 days ago)
Next in thread: 867311

I gotta thank everyone who was there for me yesterday, who listened and helped me sort my head out. You guys know who you are and you were there when i needed you the most, you helped me not give in and be certain of the hard decisions i had to make. *hugs* you guys are the best and i hope i can repay you by doing the same for you in the future! A special mention to [Lady Neit] who said all the right things and [Atayemi] for doing the same! *huggles* love you guys.
A very special thanks to [Deleted!!!!!!!] who through a long arguement that ended quite strangely helped me realise i was strong enough as a person to speak my mind even if the result involved losing a friend.
Also [Beki in Wonderland] i'm sorry if anything i said hurt you but i needed to get some stuff off my chest and there's no point in a friendship if it only causes me to doubt all the time. Glad we made up again but i think it's fair to warn you i'm going to be more outspoken now, i didn't realise how much hiding what i really wanted to say was effecting and hurting me.

As a general note i may not be on ET as often as i'm going to be concentrating more on my school work and GCSEs. I'm also going to take time out to do some writing and sorting out of my life that i've been wanting to do for a while now. I may only be on a couple of hours next week as it's half-term and i'm going to be away and busy. I'll still try and answer my messages once a day. Everyone thats reading this coz you're on my friends list have a hug! *hugs* You all rock! =D

866177  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-10-22
Written: (6558 days ago)

I was at my friend Ruth's last night for her 16th birthday party. It was basically a sleepover and anime move night. Beki [Beki in Wonderland] was there and so was Dan for a bit. It was amazing, we stayed up quite late and an hour after we got to sleep Beki's mobile went off because Max or someone had decided to ring her ¬.¬. Beki was being lazy and wouldn't go and switch it off she just went back to sleep so me and Ruth had an arguement for a bit about how was going to get up in the end ruth did and hung up on whoever was calling. An hour later there was another call and two more after that.. so i'm shattered now.. and i'm going to kill Beki's phone next time i see her.
The best part was walking Dan to the school at 11:30pm coz he had to get picked up. We all decided we would go out in our pajama's coz it seemed like a good idea at the time, it was raining and me and Beki didn't think to take jackets. Then we spotted a skateboard and scooter and decided we'd ride them down to the school. I picked the skateboard because i knew i couldn't ride it at all! XD
Ruth eneded up pulling me along coz i was going to slow on my own.. mainly due to the fact i couldn't be bothered pushing the skateboard! Anyways we were almost at the school whenni realised that there was a curb. I yelled "curb" at Ruth to get her to stop but she didn't hear me, i decided i was too lazy to jump off and stayed on the skateboard. Got to the curb skateboard got stuck nad i went flying! I managed to hit my knee and side (i now have lovely bruises) but the best part was that i fell face first into a puddle! XD
It was amazing.. it's midnight and i'm soaking wet, in my pajama's, still riding the skateboard! \m/ my first ever wipeout on a skateboard. Then of course Beki and Ruth didn't want to be left out and both of them jumped in the puddle, then Beki lay down in it. XD AMAZING!!! 

863580  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-10-14
Written: (6566 days ago)

Okays went to chester today with my mates and we got bored.. we had no money and nothing else to do so we got a piece of paper and wrote "free hugs" on it like the guy on youtube. It was the best day ever we speant 3 hours standing asking for free hugs. I hugged a preacher (who made us cheerlead the words faith and gospel 3 times! xD), an electric guitarist, several kids, some old people (it's amazing how old people are actually willing to have hugs off young insane gothic-looking kids) over 50 people in total! It's an amazing thing to do just for fun, makes you feel really loved and it's always fun to make a prat of yourself. We got called insane and a kid called josh and his friend even gave us chinese finger traps because they thought we were so cool for being prats! ^_^ BEST DAY EVER! it's now my hobby.. I love it.. you'd be amazed at how many people will run up and hug you if you look at them pleadingly! ahh i can't rant about this enough! Plus i got a cheap KoRn album which rocks.. and a skull and crossbones scarf.. i'll put a pic up on my house to show ya what i looked like.. i mean if i can get hugs looking like that.. All ya need is confidence and little shame.. i feel proud being the first one to make a prat of myself.. no one else would do it until i'd made a fool of myself first.. ahh *SCREAMS* okays shutting up.. hehe we were photographed so many times we're famous! 

857899  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-29
Written: (6581 days ago)
Next in thread: 857900

Refer to [Beki in Wonderland]'s diary for more details. All i'm going to say now is if you have trouble spelling (as i do) word process your RP posts, FOR THE LOVE OF MOOSES KEEP TO ONE TENSE!! DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PLOT WHORE, GOD-MODE, MARY-SUE OR ANYTHING ELSE ALONG THOSE LINES!! *breathes* okay thats slightly better, i know i sound like an old fart (In the RP world i guess am.. deal with it) but seriously common curtosy and obeying simple rules.. is it that hard?

857890  Link to this entry 
Written about Friday 2006-09-29
Written: (6581 days ago)

Star Wars shortened.. all the episodes in 10 minutes by 3 quite possibly insane men. I found it hilarious.. possibly the funniest thing i've ever seen. Especially the end where they did all the episodes in 60 seconds, there was alot of screaming and throwing around of fake body parts followed by a song! xDD meh you proberly had to have seen it to get it but still okays my favorite bit:
Leia (man with leia wig on): Luke i love you
Darth (man still wearing leia wig with darth vadar voice): LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!!!
OMFG!! I was like WTF? this guy went from leia to darth vadar in all of 5 seconds.. xDD

857206  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-27
Written: (6583 days ago)

Okay.. i died at lunch today.. me, Beki - [Beki in Wonderland], Danny -[imperfectionist] and naomi were all slighty hyper so we started doing the hokey kokey near a bench. Everything was going fine... well mostly fine we got alot of weird looks and stuff but meh.. when we did the whole body in verse. At the end of it like you do we all ran in crashed into each other and bounced off backwards unluckily for Beki she was right infront of the bench. She hit it and managed to get stuck ¬.¬ i just heard "ahh help i'm stuck" so i turned around saw her and fell over head first laughing like a maniac. Normally people would have just backed away but Ruth and Danny are used to our random behaviour so while Danny freed beki Ruth stood there kicking me in the side (which made me laugh more) and telling me the white coats were coming for me! xDD
Ahh the quad.. proberly the greatest place i know!

856932  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-09-26
Written: (6584 days ago)

I did the same IQ test as [Beki in Wonderland] and i got 135 thats top 3% of the population! yayness.. but my dad's is 162.. thats like 22 points above what you need to join MENSA!!! WTF??? ¬.¬ he's too clever YET he managed to fail his A levels.

852611  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-09-14
Written: (6596 days ago)

Hello all.
Just a little note to apologise if i'm short tempered with you. I feel like sh*t at the moment, i was okay through school but when i got home i just ached from PE. I hate the damn subject.. GRR!! my knee and ancle are both acting up and being painful, i have a headache, sore throat and ear ache. My mum is being an annoying b*tch and neither of my brothers will leave me alone. All in all i'm not in a particularly good mood. I'll try my best to not let it effect any of you guys but if i do i'm sorry.
Although i'm in a better mood than when my mum first walked in the door.. she annoys the hell out of me sometimes.. a note to all parents IF WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU WE ARE MORE THAN CAPABLE OF DOING SO!! She had a go at me coz i wouldn't tell her anything about school (it was boring as hell) and then yelled at me for telling her i didn't want to talk to her. ¬.¬
Gotta go apparently i need permission to leave the second floor of my house! AGHHH!

851558  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-11
Written: (6599 days ago)

Ahh [Beki in Wonderland] has finally got her pc back! She told me this morning and it started off one of the most random and hilarious days so far this term. Okay first things first i got off the bus and met juju and some other mates outside school and juju (aka Beki) tells me her computer's back. It's early in the morning so of course i think that her personified drawing of her computer (known as PC) has come to life.. while laughing she tried to explain it had been delivered his morning. well of course the first thing out of my mouth is: "PC gave birth??" ¬.¬ i don't do mornings.. which started a convo about how a guy could give birth and ended with PC having a rovolving door for an asshole and Dag having a load of fish eggs in a pouch. Then there was house council elections.. which i found quite amusing but you'd proberly have had to been there to get it.
Finally first lesson: welsh and our teacher told us that she knew we didn't want to be here and didn't care if we failed.. xD she's great! Then we had drama which involved acting out a song in mime.. so of course Beki had to accidently scream and cause me to run head first into a door because i doubled over laughing as i ran away!
Then at lunch me and Beki had a shoe fight which ended in us both sitting on the floor and singing songs from the lion king very loudly. AHHH!! I talked to dan the new boy for the first time today as well! Beki's already ranted about the flirting thing in her diary so i won't bother.. ahh fun day.. i'm getting lazy now so i can't be bothered explaining the rest!  

851295  Link to this entry 
Written about Sunday 2006-09-10
Written: (6600 days ago)

Ok this is random but i'd like you guys to send me a personal message with a rating between 1 and 10 (1 being the worst person you've ever met) and a reason as to why you gave me the rating. It's all in the name of science so be as honest as you can! ^_^
thanks! xx

849675  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-09-06
Written: (6604 days ago)

First things first: FIRST DAY BACK AT SCHOOL! o.O and it wasn't all that bad, i was extremely hyper all day got a uniform deficiancy note and a certificate for a good report. Shouted till i was hoarse, glomped my brother (he just started today! xD) was generally mental at break nad then slept through the 3 boring lessons i had! I could get used to school.. it feels as if i've only been away 2 days not 6 weeks but meh.. it's not so bad being back, the hyuper crew are once again together and now we're the oldest in the main school so we have freedom to terrorise! All i can say is

ROCK!! \m/

848978  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-09-04
Written: (6606 days ago)

The croc hunter died yesterday (RIP steve) but i only found out today and seeing how many people have something about it in their ET moods, diarys and MSN screen names makes you realise just how many people he touched. I was thinking in the car, after i found out, about his children and wife and wondering how they must feel. I was wondering if the fact Stveve had reached out to so many people made it worse or better for them. Whether they would feel other people were grieving him for being famous when they didn't really know him. Morbid thoughts i know but i was wondering if it would hurt more if someone died who only you knew, that you could grieve alone and truthfully or having someone die that millions knew. Would it feel that so many people who didn't know them grieving was stealing you of your right to be upset? Maybe this doesn't make sense to other people, maybe it's just me that was thinking these things. But i wanted to know if i had the right to grieve, sure i watched Steve Irwin on TV, learnt some things from him and he made me smile on occasion but i didn't know him. I didn't know his true personality or his inner thoughts, does just knowing of him give me the right to mourn him? *sigh* deep and morbid thoughts.. ones that proberly label me as a depressive weirdo but if it was me, i'd rather not be surrounded by people who said whoever had touched their lives who hadn't known him/her.
On another note it's gunna be strange with him gone. If i ever thought anyone was immortal it had to be him and his death just makes you realise that none of us are going to live forever. No matter how experianced we are death will claim us one way or another. When i die i want to die knowing i've done all i could and been the truest me it's possible to be. I want to go with no regrets and i'm not going to be afraid.
there is NO way to cheat death and anyone that tries is just trying to cheat the dead. 
Live life trying to be the truest to yourself that you can and die with a grin on your face and courage in your heart. thats my motto!

847040  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-31
Written: (6610 days ago)

[X] I have walked into a glass/screen door.
[X] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen on my face.
[X] I have choked on my own spit.
[] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it.
[] I type only with my pointer fingers.
[X] I have accidentally caught something on fire.
[X] I've told a cop to freak off and gotten screwed for it.
[X] I attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidentally went into my nose, rather than my mouth.
[X] Sometimes when I think of something funny, I laugh out loud and people look at me weird.
[X] I've caught myself drooling.
[] I've accidently caused an explosion.
[] If someone says the word "fart", I cant help but laugh.
[X] I've turned into a "Do Not Enter" one way road plenty of times.
[X] Sometimes I just stop thinking and zone out.
[X] It is POSSIBLE to lick your elbow.
[] I just tried to lick my elbow.
[X] People often shake their heads and walk away from me.
[X] People often tell me to use my "inside voice".
[X] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking.
[X] I've used my fingers to do simple math.
[X] I've jumped off a moving vehicle.
[X] I ate a bug for $5 or less.
[X] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more important.
[] I repost chain letters because I'm scared of what they threaten will happen if I dont.
[X] I've done some things really stupid while I was sober.
[X] I've ran around naked when I was sober.
[X] I've ran into a golf cart tire when I was sober
[X] I've searched all over the place for something, and then realized it was in my hand the whole time.
[X] I accidentally break a lot of things.
[X] My friends know not to use big words around me.
[X] My friends like me because I'm fun to laugh at.
[X] I move my head to the side when I'm confused.
[X] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm talking about.
[X] I've fallen out of my chair before.
[] When I'm lying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to find pictures and words in the texture.

This is for my bro mark.. he's 84% retarded.. and proud. This was proved when on the fallen off chair question he sat there looking stupid and then said "oh! i thought you meant fallen out like had a big argument with the chair"
me and beki - "you are sooo retarded."
mark - "i know" *grins*

846943  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-08-31
Written: (6610 days ago)
Next in thread: 846945

Stole this from holly..

[X] I have walked into a glass/screen door.
[X] I have tripped on my shoelace and fallen on my face.
[X] I have choked on my own spit.
[] I've seen the Matrix a bunch of times and still don't get it.
[] I type only with my pointer fingers.
[X] I have accidentally caught something on fire.
[] I've told a cop to freak off and gotten screwed for it.
[X] I attempted to sip out of a straw but it accidentally went into my nose, rather than my mouth.
[X] Sometimes when I think of something funny, I laugh out loud and people look at me weird.
[] I've caught myself drooling.
[X] I've accidently caused an explosion.
[X] If someone says the word "fart", I cant help but laugh.
[] I've turned into a "Do Not Enter" one way road plenty of times.
[X] Sometimes I just stop thinking and zone out.
[X] It is POSSIBLE to lick your elbow.
[X] I just tried to lick my elbow.
[X] People often shake their heads and walk away from me.
[] People often tell me to use my "inside voice".
[X] Gum has fallen out of my mouth while talking.
[X] I've used my fingers to do simple math.
[X] I've jumped off a moving vehicle.
[X] I ate a bug for $5 or less.
[X] I'm taking this test when I should be doing something more important.
[] I repost chain letters because I'm scared of what they threaten will happen if I dont.
[X] I've done some things really stupid while I was drunk. (I've done something really stupid while sober too)
[] I've ran around naked when I was drunk.
[] I've ran into a golf cart tire when I was drunk
[X] I've searched all over the place for something, and then realized it was in my hand the whole time.
[X] I accidentally break a lot of things.
[] My friends know not to use big words around me.
[X] My friends like me because I'm fun to laugh at.
[X] I move my head to the side when I'm confused.
[X] Sometimes I start telling a story and suddenly forget what I'm talking about.
[X] I've fallen out of my chair before.
[X] When I'm lying in bed, I sometimes stare at the ceiling and try to find pictures and words in the texture.

I'm 75% retarded.. thats 3% more than Beki aka [Beki in Wonderland] *YAYNESS!!*

yup.. i'd agree totally..

846611  Link to this entry 
Written about Wednesday 2006-08-30
Written: (6611 days ago)

Me and Beki's convo about 2 mins ago:

Beki: You're Gay!
Me: *hmph* I'm NOT sexually inclined towards guys..
Beki and Me: *laughing our heads off*
Beki: I can't believe you just said that!
Me: *giggles* Well to be fair i thought i was a guy when i said it [(O.o)]
Beki: Well i guess thats alright then.

*LMFAO* ¬.¬ sometimes i'm so thick i wonder how i'm even still breathing.. xD

823937  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-07-13
Written: (6659 days ago)
Next in thread: 823969

It's not difficult to figure out why i'm so weird when you look at my parents:
1) my dad - took A levels a year early.. hobby: long-distance running (and i mean long distance.. he runs 26 miles as training.. insane person.. his idea of a good run is 100K UK championships..) acheivements: welsh long distance champion and about 6th best in the world at 12 hour races.. (he speant 12 hours running in circles.. i think he's lost it..)
2) my mum - tonight i found her talking to the mites in our flour cupboard she was telling them how much she hated them and that they had no right being in her cupboard.. XD you have to laugh.. lol they're not really insane.. just alot more childish than most parents.. i guess you could call the eccentric.. if we were richer! =P 

822640  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-07-11
Written: (6661 days ago)

It's always nice to know your parents have their priorities sorted..
today my mum was faced with a choice:
1) buy food so we have something to eat
2) clean every part of the kitchen that doesn't really need to be clean (e.g floor)
well you can guess which she went for.. no dinner tonight but HAY! the floor and windows are clean.. ¬.¬

822088  Link to this entry 
Written about Monday 2006-07-10
Written: (6662 days ago)

Well everyone else seems to be talking aboout their work experiance.. even if it is because they write in their diarys alot more than i do.. anyways yesh work experiance! It's great.. the only guy who knew i was coming was out all morning so i got there saw a bit of lab stuff and watched a guy having a pre-work medical and then i swivelled on a chair for an hour! (I love it! i really do!!) After that i had a long conversation with the physio then just chatted with all the lab staff and occasionally did some work that someone found somewhere.. ahh it's so much fun! lol i am very easily pleased and it's alot easier than school!
ahh and on top of that everyone kept asking me what university i went to and what course i was taking! lol i was like.. i haven't even done my GCSEs yet! XDD aww man i couldn't help laughing! Anyways yesh i'm meant to be doing coursework.. or at least thinking about doing it which i kinda am.. 

809785  Link to this entry 
Written about Saturday 2006-06-17
Written: (6685 days ago)

Things that have amused me recently:
Gemma was trying to tickle me or something similar my reaction was:
"Gemma get my hands off you or i'm going to hurt you" o_O it even took me a while to realise what i'd said.

We were sitting at dinner and my mum was complaining that i ate to much when i got in and didn't eat dinner. My reply:
"well i'm tired when i get in and i want something inside me thats full of energy" that sound wrong to anyone else... ??

Beki: "I think i thought..."
Alex: "wow really? It must have been strange since your not sure about it."

well for now thats it i may add to it later when i can remember what i'm meant to be typing. 

808929  Link to this entry 
Written about Thursday 2006-06-15
Written: (6687 days ago)

Ok i'm fucking pissed off and i don't care who knows it. You don't like it well then disappear off somewhere else. I'm going to rant anyway, so shoot me if i don't care what other people think about me. Call me an attention seeker, wannabe, emo.. whatever coz guess what.. I DON'T CARE!! I've been called worse and *gasp* i didn't go kill myself over it.
Ok so i decided to go into town with my best friend because she couldn't get home and her parents thought she needed picking up at 5:30. So sue me, it's not even like my mum had to come out and pick me up i got a lift home. Got in, wasn't hungry so i said i'll eat later and went and sat on the sofa. My brother goes out after doing fuck all to help clear up and my mum asks me to help with the chores as usual. Fair enough. I said i'll come in a minute and then asked why if i could manage to stack the dishwasher before i went out to duke of ed that he couldn't do the same.
From then on it was like hell on earth. Anyone would have thought i shot my own rabbit instead of not jumping up, dropping my book and then cleaning the whole house. In the end i had the biggest arguement i've ever had with my mum. 5 minutes later she comes into the study and says, "talk to me tell me what the matter is" sure.. like fuck i wanna talk to you right now. So i tell her i'm not in the mood i'll talk later and she says "you never tell me what's going on in your life, you never tell me how you feel" Well fuck me if i don't want to pour my heart out to the world, fuck me if i don't NEED other people, fuck me if i'm quite happy being self-dependant. Yes i like to talk to people and know there are people there for me but it doesn't mean i'm going to tell you everything that goes on in my head.
Oh yeah and about a month ago i found out that a couple of times she'd considered walking out on us because she was so stressed with me and my brothers. well i feel fucking fantastic now don't i??
Well maybe i should make it easy for her and move out, so fuck the law if i'm not old enough and fuck the fact i got no where to go. At least everyone else will be happy because in the end thats all my life is, an attempt to make other people happy coz if i say what i feel, what i think, what i really want then i'm obviously going through a rough patch. I don't really mean it, it's just normal teenage behaviour. FUCK YOU!! I'll just shut up and carry on.. to be honest i would be quite happy to live on my own, i'm old enough that i don't need my parents.
I don't need to prove myself.
I don't need to tell anyone anything.
I am more than aware of how much i need to eat and i'm not becoming anorexic or whatever it is my parents think.
I am old enough to be my own person and do whatever i want. Fuck the law and everything else. If i was born in the past i would be married by now and proberly have kids. Deal with it, just because we live in a different age doesn't mean that we as women haven't lost our inner strength that helped us become adults when we were young.

Ok rant over you can all stop staring now.   

793276  Link to this entry 
Written about Tuesday 2006-05-16
Written: (6717 days ago)
Next in thread: 793294

The Greenbean Episode!! *scary music and lightning flashes*
Ok well the story behind this is my mum decided to serve up greenbeans with dinner.. which are the vegitable i despise most in the whole entire world. So as you do i ate everything else and left them but i wasn't alloud to leave the table until i had eaten at least five.. so now i had to think up inventive ways to hide them!
1) I flicked them onto my brothers plate.. only my mum saw and told me off so i had to take the beans back =(
2) I hid them under my plate when mum wasn't looking.. she didn't noticed the fact my plate was floating and said i could go.. only when i lifted up my plate the greenbeans fell off the bottom and i was made to stay =(
3) I sat on my chair with my foot resting on my knee, picked up a couple of greenbeans and put them in my sock that went well until my mum asked to see me actually eat three. =(
4) What could i do?? i put them in my mouth refusing to swallow decpite my brother's attempts.. ( he stopped me from being able to breath ahd then started to pinch me!) so in the end my mum let me go but said she'd ground me if i spat them out (wtf??) so i offered to feed the rabbit and guinea pig and buried them in the garden which TECHNICALLY wasn't spitting them out.. i put the ones from my sock in there too!! ^^ hehe I WON!!

 The logged in version 

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